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Shawn Ambrose's passing
I know some of you visit the other DL board and saw this announcement, but I wanted to share it here too. Shawn Ambrose (Shawn A) was a member here since 2009 and a wealth of information. He and I met on this forum, but I had the pleasure of becoming friends with him outside of this forum.
Shawn was more active on the other forum, but he shared often of his journey to earn his PhD, and provided a lot of wisdom and encouragement to the people who read his posts.
Only 2 weeks ago, Shawn wrote a beautiful post on my blog, encouraging others to inject college credit into their homeschool as he had done with his children. If you'd like to read his post and see his family

On Saturday, Shawn posted on Facebook about the 100-mile bicycle race he was in, and gave regular updates - but no finish line pics. On Sunday his son posted that he passed away during the race. Rest in Peace young friend.
Thanks for sharing her Jennifer. Feel for his family and wish for them to have peace in their hearts in time.
PhD, Leadership, University of the Cumberlands - What Have I Done!!?!!
MBA, Healthcare Management, Western Governors University - in progress
MS, Management and Leadership, Western Governors University - 2017
BS, Business Administration, Thomas Edison State University - 2016

RANSOMSOUL: Exchange Good For Great

The Ultimate Route to Earning a Bachelor's Degree in Business: A StraighterLine Success Story
I'm sorry you lost a friend, and the community lost someone supportive.

I remember him well. I am so sorry for the grief that his family must be feeling. Thank you for letting us know.
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.
Shawn was such a nice person. Very active, smart and positive. Such sad news that he passed away. My heart breaks for his wife and seven children that are now missing their guiding light. May he always remain with them in spirit, still guiding them from heaven.
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
Oh my! How sad. Thank you for sharing though. I try to check out the other forum once in a while but this one feels more like home. Since it inspired me to get my degree - finally, I feel like I need to give back for those who are still in the process. I'll have to check out his other posts on the other forum.
MTS             Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS     Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
This is shocking. Dr. Ambrose gave me one of my first online teaching gigs, when he worked for the community college in Wisconsin. Very sad to hear this.
Ed.D. (Capella University)
Vice Provost for Distance & Extended Education, Online Adjunct, & Instructional Design Consultant

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