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Throwing my hat into the TESC ring
Well instacert classmates, I've thrown my hat into the TESC ring for better or for worse. They have my $75.00 and soon they'll have my transcripts too. My reasoning behind the TESC choice:

They're in-state for me (NJ Resident).

The major I want (History) is easily cleppable save for 6 credits.

They take CLEP english comp, thus saving me the horror of another grammer multiple guess test followed by a timed essay on a PC topic.

They'll take my USCG credits as free electives AND as the major for my AAS in Mechanics and Maintenance.

I'll keep ya'll posted on how everything goes down.
BA, History, TESC '10
AAS, Mechanics and Maintenance, TESC '10
CLEP Social Sciences & History - 70/50
CLEP American Government - 65/50
CLEP English Composition General - 68/50
CLEP A & I Literature 70/50
CLEP Sociology 73/50
CLEP College Math 74/50
CLEP Intro Psychology 72/50
CLEP College Algebra 65/50
CLEP Macroeconomics 73/50
CLEP Microeconomics 70/50
CLEP Western Civ. I 79/50
CLEP Western Civ. II 70/50
CLEP US History I 79/50
CLEP US History II 78/50
DSST Technical Writing 63/46
DSST Intro to Computing 463/400
DSST Substance Abuse 463/400
DSST Fundamentals of Algebra 433/400
DSST World Religions 467/400
DSST The Civil War and Reconstruction 68/47
DSST A History of the Vietnam War 78/44
DSST An Introduction to the Modern Middle East 80/47
DSST Western Europe since 1945 71/47
DSST Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 70/45


A B.E. or an MBA
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli
sia santificato il tuo nome
venga il tuo regno
sia fatta la tua volontà
come in cielo così in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione
Ma liberaci dal male.
94steve Wrote:Well instacert classmates, I've thrown my hat into the TESC ring for better or for worse. They have my $75.00 and soon they'll have my transcripts too. My reasoning behind the TESC choice:

They're in-state for me (NJ Resident).

The major I want (History) is easily cleppable save for 6 credits.

They take CLEP english comp, thus saving me the horror of another grammer multiple guess test followed by a timed essay on a PC topic.

They'll take my USCG credits as free electives AND as the major for my AAS in Mechanics and Maintenance.

I'll keep ya'll posted on how everything goes down.

All right then!! Keep us posted, and good luck to you!
@ gary - lol

excellent move steve. the BA advisors at tesc might not always give you that warm fuzzy feelin but the + side ...a state college, in state tuition and lots of test out options make it a good choice.
TESC has a store! You can buy t-shirts and other cool stuff with their logo on it. I know it's silly, but I really want a 'college' tote bag.

[SIZE="2"][B][B]"By endurance, we conquer"[/B][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"] [SIZE="1"] ~ Sir Ernest Shackleton[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]College credits from my previous life:
Western Civ. I, Intro to Psych, Drawing,
U.S. Hist. I, Amer. Gov't, and Composition
for a total of 18

CLEP done through 2010:
U.S. History II (66)
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit (70)
Introduction to Sociology (71)
Social Sciences & History (70)
College Mathematics (57) :o

Hoped for end result before arthritis sets in:
BA in Art, Liberal Studies, or Humanities[/SIZE]
Gary WHAT did you say? I don't know french...
me = Cool
cr: 63
Shows what I know, thought it was Latin.

Well for better or worse, I too have sent in my $75.00 and transcripts to TESC. I graduated from a high school in NJ. I've got quite a few FEMAS to use as electives and don't want to waste them or the money to have them transcribed. I'm on my last few courses at local cc to get A.S. general transfer this semester, but have been testing out of a few dssts during the break between summer and fall semesters. I'm taking criminal justice tomorrow. I am also taking a 300 course through LSU that is almost complete. Should only need five more upper electives to get that BSLA. I'll keep you'll posted. T-shirts and hats, wouldn't that be something. I don't know my blood will always run "Big Orange" -- Go Vols. (UTK).
A.S. General Transfer Chattanooga State 2009
B.S.L.A. Thomas Edison State College June 7, 2013
frankiebleyes Wrote:Shows what I know, thought it was Latin.

Well for better or worse, I too have sent in my $75.00 and transcripts to TESC. I graduated from a high school in NJ. I've got quite a few FEMAS to use as electives and don't want to waste them or the money to have them transcribed. I'm on my last few courses at local cc to get A.S. general transfer this semester, but have been testing out of a few dssts during the break between summer and fall semesters. I'm taking criminal justice tomorrow. I am also taking a 300 course through LSU that is almost complete. Should only need five more upper electives to get that BSLA. I'll keep you'll posted. T-shirts and hats, wouldn't that be something. I don't know my blood will always run "Big Orange" -- Go Vols. (UTK).

I went to the store, TESC has football t-shirts...hummm....anyway, for hwat it's worth, FEMA is free to transcript at TESC!
Gary Wrote:Padre nostro che sei nei cieli
sia santificato il tuo nome
venga il tuo regno
sia fatta la tua volontà
come in cielo così in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione
Ma liberaci dal male.

The Lord's Prayer maybe?

Julie S.
I thought TESC only excepted english comp w/ essay. I'm i wrong?

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