What I like most about this degree is that it is by far the easiest (sorry for the use of the E word) to obtain. Fema could knock out a good portion of the free-electives or area of study. Also, you don't need 21 credits in one area to meet the area of study requirement. Believe me my credits were all over the place!
Taken from the TESC website.
The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Administrative Studies
I. General Education Requirements 21
A. English Composition 6
B. Humanities 3
C. Social Sciences 3
D. College Mathematics 3
E. General Education Electives 6
II. Area of Study 21
III.Free Electives 18
Taken from the TESC website.
The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Administrative Studies
I. General Education Requirements 21
A. English Composition 6
B. Humanities 3
C. Social Sciences 3
D. College Mathematics 3
E. General Education Electives 6
II. Area of Study 21
III.Free Electives 18