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Taking Chem II from NMJC
I am registered for Summer 2017. I think this is the right category for this post. SL Chem I + Lab does fulfill the pre-requisite for this class, so that was good. I am starting this thread so others know what to expect, so this thread won't be finished until I finish, but here is what I can tell you so far:

You can use a 3 part payment plan. The first payment is larger, because there is a $25 fee for the service. The plan is 1/3rd payment per month, from your bank account or card.

The required book is super expensive, because its a super new edition. Bookstore cost is $399. I found an older version for "free" (wink wink), until I can talk to the professor and figure something out.

The 6 labs are from an online service called latenitelabs. I think it costs 60 bucks. Its supposedly virtual. There are 4 exams for 2 chapters each, for 9.5% of your grade per exam. Only the final exam is proctored. 38% of the course is homework, which is actually pretty nice.

The course is about 360ish, which includes internet and other fees. So while it is a little more expensive than SL Chem I, I think the structure is pretty streamlined for taking parts at a time to complete it, and its less expensive than most options.
Try an international edition via eBay for that book.

The three payment option is because the summer session is only 8 weeks.....regular fall/spring semesters you can break the money down over 5 or 6 payments depending on when you register.

Nice review!
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

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