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TESU BA in Computer Science, help with planning and advice
Your Location: Spain
Your Age: 28
What kind of degree do you want?: TESU BA in Computer Science
Current Regional Accredited Credits: N/A
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: N/A
Budget: I estimate a cost of $6-7k in my initial planning, so I'd stick to that amount, but budget can be increased if required.
Commitments: Working full time, but no family duties.
Dedicated time to study: 3-5h of studying per day is doable, and total availability on weekends.
Timeline: I don't have any timeline stablished; I'd like to finish the degree as soon as humanly possible. 
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: N/A

Hello everyone, thanks for reading my post! First of all, I'd like to clarify that I'm totally new to this whole US degrees, credits and courses universe. I've spent a few days researching and reading the forum, trying to understand as much as I could, but I still have the feeling I don't fully get the picture of how things work exactly. Not at least compared to other users here, which are absolutely pros! Because of that, I've decided to make this post, even if I still haven't studied a single course, because I am afraid I'd end up studying unnecessary courses and making a mess. Temptation to just jump into and start studying is huge, but I'm trying to do things right.

Below, I am providing a link to a Excel spreadsheet with what I've planned to obtain a BA in Computer Science. It likely contains some errors, because many times I was not sure at all if a course could be replaced by another one, if X electives could be taken from Y categories, if a course had a Sophia/Study equivalence or not, doubts about general education courses, etc. I followed the information in this TESU page, as well as this other one, to distribute the General Education credits (as mentioned before, many times I did not know how strict I had to be with this distribution). Furthermore, I've also used as a guide both wiki pages, "Sample TESU BA Computer Science Plan" and "Sample TESU BA Computer Science BSBA CIS Double Degree Plan".

I chose TESU after checking all the other options available. This university seems to be a perfect match. I was also exploring SNHU using their Spanish degree offerings, but unfortunately, after a long email exchange with them, they told me that in the Spanish version of SNHU they don't transfer the credits in the same way than the regular SNHU, and they would not transfer any Sophia or Study credits. Sounds strange to me, but I prefer to avoid the risk.

Link to the Excel spreadsheet:

It would be really appreciated if anyone with experience could let me know if this plan looks somehow okay. I thank you all in advance, not only for checking this out, but also for all the valuable info in the forum.

As questions, I'll probably have more, but for now: 

  1. Is there any way I could optimize the RA credits to reduce the amount of TECEPs? I've read about Metropolia, but I don't see any clear information about how many RA credits could be potentially transferred to TESU. That uncertainty is why I haven't included that option. 
  2. I marked this in yellow color in the Excel, but I ask again here: is it alright to take Spanish courses being a native speaker? Sounds like 'free credits without studying' to me, but maybe someone could think I should be ashamed of such trick Smile
  3. I struggled a bit to choose so many electives (30 credits) in the last section of the Excel. I just went to and and chose a few courses that sound interesting and look like they'll transfer, but I am honestly open to suggestions about that, because it was a bit of a random choice. 
  4. I assume the steps would be to, first, grind all the courses I can, and only when they're done, apply to the university? I've also read something about 'locking the catalogue' but not sure at which stage I'd have to do that
Have an excellent day, and Happy July 4th!
Welcome to the board, great initial post with the addendum and template, along with the questions plus spreadsheet! Do you have a spreadsheet for the double degree? I don't see an extra tab for the second spreadsheet if you have one already... Anyways, here are the answers to your questions...

1) No, use the TECEPs, take all lower level credits for cheaper, easier, faster unless you want to take something from the community colleges to learn about the subject more. It really depends on you and how you want to play things to get the RA credits.
2) Take Spanish, you're not cheating or anything, you're just already fluent in the language and can blast through that on your way to getting credits. It's not a trick, some people do the ACTFL, is cheaper but may take a tad longer.
3) I suggest you do the BACS/CIS, you get an extra degree for the same price practically, you just need more and classes, you do not need more RA or residency credits. If you can splurge, I would do a 15 credit residency requirement, then do the two capstones together.
4) That's correct, enrollment allows you to keep the catalog, since there haven't been many changes, I doubt it would change this summer... I would skip the enrollment for now though. Do all your first before taking anything from TESU (you can use my code in my bio or signature). Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
(07-04-2024, 03:42 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Welcome to the board, great initial post with the addendum and template, along with the questions plus spreadsheet!  Do you have a spreadsheet for the double degree? I don't see an extra tab for the second spreadsheet if you have one already...  Anyways, here are the answers to your questions...

1) No, use the TECEPs, take all lower level credits for cheaper, easier, faster unless you want to take something from the community colleges to learn about the subject more. It really depends on you and how you want to play things to get the RA credits.
2) Take Spanish, you're not cheating or anything, you're just already fluent in the language and can blast through that on your way to getting credits.  It's not a trick, some people do the ACTFL, is cheaper but may take a tad longer.
3) I suggest you do the BACS/CIS, you get an extra degree for the same price practically, you just need more and classes, you do not need more RA or residency credits.  If you can splurge, I would do a 15 credit residency requirement, then do the two capstones together.
4) That's correct, enrollment allows you to keep the catalog, since there haven't been many changes, I doubt it would change this summer... I would skip the enrollment for now though.  Do all your first before taking anything from TESU (you can use my code in my bio or signature).

Hi @bjcheung77, thank you very much for your answer! I definitely feel more confident towards the beginning of the study. 

I do not have a spreadsheet for the double degree, because I was not considering the option to go for the double. I already had a bit of trouble to understand and plan a single CS degree. Still, towards planning the CS degree I checked in the wiki for the BACS/CIS, but that's merely because it had other subjects to pick in there.

Now after your message I am wondering if I perhaps should do the little extra effort and go for a double degree. On the one hand, at the beginning of the wiki, it says "you would only need 4 additional courses + capstone for the extra degree". But on the other hand, I keep reading the wiki and below it talks about "BS CIS Professional Biz Requirements, 6 UL" and also "BS CIS AOS" with 12 UL and max 3 overlapping... so, I confess I am really confused about how it would work. Nevertheless, correct me if I am wrong, but BS CIS sounds (despite of the courses) a rather technical degree, in the same line than the BA Computer Science. Do you think it'd maybe be more valuable to do something business related? I can see there's the option to go for a BSBA, how would that work? Would I need to do only certain UL additional credits + capstone? Can both be done (BA CS + BS BA) at the same time?
TESU recently made a minor change to their BSBA and BS offerings under their "Business School", it's still a Business degree, the naming convention changed for a few of the Areas of Study (Minors), it's still a business degree regardless of what you're reading. That's the confusing part, people on the board are following what TESU says, but when you review the classes, nothing has changed from the previous requirements from when those BS were BSBA, again, it's just a name change, classes are the same - thus, it remains a business degree from their business school and should also retain their ACBSP designation. Do the BACS/CIS combo, it's what you're looking for... Note: In the event you really want the BSBA designation, find an AOS you're interested in other than CIS, it won't matter, same requirements but 6 different classes comprise of the various AOS offered for the BSBA/BS degree. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Thanks bjcheung77, if that's the case then I think I'll give it a try and go for the double degree! I for sure will have questions about how the 2 degrees should be handled on the TESU side, meaning, how to approach the advisor, the two capstones, how to 'request' both diplomas once all courses are done... but those are questions for the future, now it's time to just go ahead and start getting those courses done Smile I will be updating the thread if/when anything new comes up

I appreciate very much the advice and help you've provided!
(07-04-2024, 11:12 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: TESU recently made a minor change to their BSBA and BS offerings under their "Business School", it's still a Business degree, the naming convention changed for a few of the Areas of Study (Minors), it's still a business degree regardless of what you're reading.  That's the confusing part, people on the board are following what TESU says, but when you review the classes, nothing has changed from the previous requirements from when those BS were BSBA, again, it's just a name change, classes are the same - thus, it remains a business degree from their business school and should also retain their ACBSP designation.  Do the BACS/CIS combo, it's what you're looking for... Note: In the event you really want the BSBA designation, find an AOS you're interested in other than CIS, it won't matter, same requirements but 6 different classes comprise of the various AOS offered for the BSBA/BS degree.

Hi bjcheung77, I hope you're doing well!

Wanted to drop a message with a few questions about going for the Business degree, together with the CS one. If I understand it correctly, in order to proceed with that 2 degrees plan, I'd have to modify the electives that I chose in my initial Computer Science plan (link in the OP message), and exchange them with, for example, these subjects that the Wiki is showing, so I cover the necessary business courses? 

[Image: BA-CS-Electives.png]

If I do so, does the business capstone count as taking another elective course? In the answer is yes, I guess I'd be able to do one less TECEP, as the Business capstone is another 3 RA I'd get?

Thanks in advance! As a little update from my side, I've been going all-in and so far I've managed to complete 10 Sophia courses, although English Composition is slowing me down considerably, and I already fear English Composition 2.
(07-15-2024, 01:55 PM)Whiskazo Wrote:
(07-04-2024, 11:12 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: TESU recently made a minor change to their BSBA and BS offerings under their "Business School", it's still a Business degree, the naming convention changed for a few of the Areas of Study (Minors), it's still a business degree regardless of what you're reading.  That's the confusing part, people on the board are following what TESU says, but when you review the classes, nothing has changed from the previous requirements from when those BS were BSBA, again, it's just a name change, classes are the same - thus, it remains a business degree from their business school and should also retain their ACBSP designation.  Do the BACS/CIS combo, it's what you're looking for... Note: In the event you really want the BSBA designation, find an AOS you're interested in other than CIS, it won't matter, same requirements but 6 different classes comprise of the various AOS offered for the BSBA/BS degree.

Hi bjcheung77, I hope you're doing well!

Wanted to drop a message with a few questions about going for the Business degree, together with the CS one. If I understand it correctly, in order to proceed with that 2 degrees plan, I'd have to modify the electives that I chose in my initial Computer Science plan (link in the OP message), and exchange them with, for example, these subjects that the Wiki is showing, so I cover the necessary business courses? 

[Image: BA-CS-Electives.png]

If I do so, does the business capstone count as taking another elective course? In the answer is yes, I guess I'd be able to do one less TECEP, as the Business capstone is another 3 RA I'd get?

Thanks in advance! As a little update from my side, I've been going all-in and so far I've managed to complete 10 Sophia courses, although English Composition is slowing me down considerably, and I already fear English Composition 2.

The Business Capstone becomes an elective course for your BACS degree, and the Liberal Arts Capstone becomes an elective for your BS degree.

You need a total of 30 RA credits for each degree. You can use the same 30 RA credits for each degree, but they aren't counted twice.

For example, you can't take a total of 15 RA credits and count them twice to add up to 30 RA credits.

Modifying electives can make things more efficient, but if you end up taking extra classes beyond what is needed for your degrees, they will still go on your transcript. In the end, all courses on your transcript are grouped together, and you won't be able to tell which courses applied to each degree, even though the separate degrees are listed on your transcript and you receive separate diplomas.

Hope that all makes sense. 

One thing I suggest is making a Google spreadsheet and then having someone review it to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
Hi @LevelUP, thank you for the answer!

It almost sounds like it's better to have a few more courses than strictly needed in hand. I was just worried specially about overdoing RA credits, since most of them I'll have to get them via TECEP. I think for now I'll better stop worrying so much about how it's going to work in the end, and I 'll just continue getting the Sophia courses I initially planned in my Google spreadsheet for CS. Once done, I'll add the extra courses for Business
You can always enroll at TESU and send in your credits. Then you will end up with an official academic evaluation that shows exactly how your credits are being applied to each degree. I generally advise at least applying to TESU sooner rather than later so you lock in the catalog and to protect yourself from policy changes.

Since the new catalog just came out July 1, it's not so urgent from that point of view, but policy changes can happen at any time, and students who are already enrolled can sometimes get their transfer credits in before they take effect. In your case, having the academic eval will help you track what you need.

Applying costs $50 and gets you two transcripts evaluated. Becoming enrolled allows you to send in unlimited transcripts, and can be as cheap as another $50 to register for the 1cr Medical Terminology TECEP, which you shouldn't actually take so you have the option of registering for it again if your enrollment is about to expire (after 1 year). If you know you're going to take some TECEPs for your degree, you could also go ahead and register for and take one of those.

The whole process, including completing the eval, can take a month, so doing it sooner rather than later is useful from that perspective as well.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?

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