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Panama Canal Transcripts
I attended this school in the Panama Canal Zone in 80-81. A year's worth of college. Totally accredited, but when the Canal Zone disappeared in 1999, the college, which became part of the Department of Defense or (DOD), their records, were sent to Fort Benning. I since appllied to TESC to get evaluated, however, apparantly, Fort Benning doesn't seem to have my transcripts, or having trouble finding them. TESC has not received them. I got an email from a lady that stated that they were looking for my transcripts and that I should hear something next week. Well, that was sent September 20th. I since resubmitted my request for transcripts, and so far, two unanswered emails. So that is why I haven't pitched much here lately, was really waiting for my complete transcripts and then possibly begin to take courses but I must know exactly where I stand. Here is the email I received from the Fort Benning group.......

Mr. 29palms

We are currently searching our records for your transcripts. You should hear something next week.

Brenda Gregorich

Records Mangers

From DDESS Transcripts
Subject: Panama Canal Transcripts

Well, I'm still waiting.
Curious. How did a college become part of the DOD? Good luck with the records. I've been round and round with my...AARTS so many times regarding credits I should have that I've just given up.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Hey, I finally got an email saying they received my transcripts and that the official evaluation would take about a month. Finally. When I get my transcripts, I'll check and see about posting them here, for some insight, some help on where to begin. College became part of DOD because there once was the CANAL ZONE in the REPUBLIC OF PANAMA that was pretty much U.S. soverniety. When the Panama Canal Zone was given back to the Panamanians in a treaty signed by then President Carter, in 1979, to be turned over fully by the year 1999, the then "Canal Zone College" became "Panama Canal College" in 1980, and therefore, administered under the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE instead of its predicessor PANAMA CANAL COMMISSION. It's a breath full and a long story. Had to been there to know about it.

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