10-16-2012, 09:42 PM
I realize I have a little time before I need to truly worry about this, but it's only a *little* time and I'm already starting to get a bit nervous. Once I sign up for the LIB-495 capstone course, I'll only have 3 months to finish it. As it's a big assignment, and I want to do something creative, I'm afraid of clamming up once that clock starts ticking! My curiousity question is this: Has anyone ever written a short novel for the project? Or a volume of short stories? Can I go strictly creative, or do I have to incorporate other courses (such as history or psychology) into the project? And if anyone has actually written a creative piece of work, how did you present that work on PowerPoint or video? I wish there was more information about TESC's capstone, specific to English majors, online but there have been some slim pickings! Thanks in advance!