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TESC BSHS Class Questions
Well, I've asked TESC some questions about class requirements, but they are living up to their "slow as molasses about anything" reputation.Rolleyes

Does anyone know anything about the following:

1. Will the DSST "Organizational Behavior" or "Human Resource Management" fulfill the requirement of "4. Social Planning covering areas such as social policy, planning, administration" for a BSHS in Emergency Disaster Services?

2. Will the DSST "Substance Abuse" fulfill the requirement for "1. Dynamics of Social Setting (Upper level subjects in Sociology, Urban Politics, Social History and the like)" for a BSHS in Emergency Disaster Services?

3. Is there any CLEP or DSST that has been accepted for "Intercultural Communications or Race and Ethnic Relations?"

Any info from you geniuses would be awesome! Thanks! Big Grin

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
I applied for the BSHS with TESC and am in the process of getting my credits evaluated. I have those same questions but won't get an answer until my evaluation is completed. As soon as I hear something I will let you know.
I just got my evaluation. I'll be making an appointment with an adviser to hopefully get some answers.

Eric, what degree focus are you going for?

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
Emergency disaster services, how about yourself?
Same! Big Grin

Have you taken any disaster courses other than through FEMA? I'm needing some more credits for my major.

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
I just got off with an advisor at TESC and actually got some questions answered! (I spoke to Dawna, what a *nice* gal)

1. Yes, Organizational Behavior will fulfill "Social Planning covering areas such as social policy, planning, administration" for a BSHS in Emergency Disaster Services.

2. No, Substance Abuse will not fulfill "Dynamics of Social Setting (Upper level subjects in Sociology, Urban Politics, Social History and the like)"
Dawna recommended Intro to Social Psychology TECEP, Crime Victimology, Marriage and Family, SOS110 Dynamics of Social Setting.

3. I forgot to ask about "Intercultural Communications or Race and Ethnic Relations?" I'm pretty resigned to taking the ECE for this one.

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
I have taken a bunch of FEMA's and I also have some Fire Dept Academy ACE evaluated credits. See my post (I don't know if this link will work) but I originally inquired about Social Science bachelors or the Liberal Studies then decided on the BSHS in emergency disaster services for obvious reasons. I am still waiting on TESC; it has been about six long weeks now.
The wait can be rough. Finally, in the last 2 days I've gotten my eval and a bunch of questions answered. I just got a list of the accepted classes for the core requirements. I also got a list of the accepted FEMAs and how they label them (applied, theory, introduction, free elective)

If you would like my degree plan and the lists they have sent me PM me your email address. I would be glad to share!

I'm just so delighted to finally have some answers and to really feel like the ball is rolling! Big Grin

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
I would like to see your degree plan if you don't mind. My email is, thank you.

Just sent it to you. Big Grin

Also, TESC answered another one of my questions. The General Anthropology DSST will fulfill Dynamics of Social Setting.

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin

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