08-31-2015, 02:29 PM
[quote=sanantone]If those courses at SHSU were called Accounting I and Accounting II, then they aren't the equivalent of intermediate accounting anywhere. They are the equivalent of financial and managerial accounting at TESC. SL'S Accounting I and II are the equivalent of Financial and Managerial Accounting at TESC. SL Financial Accounting is Intermediate Accounting I, and SL Managerial Accounting is Cost Accounting. I know those are strange equivalencies for the financial and managerial courses, but that's what TESC has decided. The managerial accounting course cannot count as managerial accounting.
Sanantone: how were you able to confirm that SL Financial Accounting counted towards Intermediate Act 1 and SL managerial counted towards cost acct?
Sanantone: how were you able to confirm that SL Financial Accounting counted towards Intermediate Act 1 and SL managerial counted towards cost acct?