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TESC BA History Plan. Please review and recommend classes to fill in the gaps?
Hi all! Been working on this degree for a few years now, and I'm getting close! I'd like to post my TESC History degree plan. If you could, leave a comment with any advice you have about finishing up.

BA in History

Required: 120
Applied: 87


A. Intellectual/Practical Skils - 15 Required/15 Completed
-CLEP English Comp. - 6cr
-ALEKS College Algebra - 3cr
-CLEP Info. Sys. and Comp. App. - 3cr
-ALEKS Principles of Statistics - 3cr

B. Personal/Social Responsibility - 9 Required/9 Completed
-CLEP Intro to Sociology - 3cr
-DSST Ethics in America - 3cr
-DSST Intro to World Religions - 3cr

C. Human Cultures and the Physical World - 18 Required/18 Completed
-DSST Technical Writing - 3cr
-CLEP Intro to Psychology - 3cr
-CLEP Biology - 6cr
-CLEP A&P Literature - 6cr

D. General Education Electives - 18 Required/6 Completed
-CLEP Human Growth & Development - 3cr
-DSST Substance Abuse - 3cr
________________________ - 3cr (Possibly filling in with DSST Organizational Behavior?)
________________________ - 3cr (Possibly filling in with CLEP Intro. to Educational Psychology?)
________________________ - 3cr (Possibly filling in these 6cr with CLEP Social Sciences and History?)
________________________ - 3cr (SEE ABOVE)


A. Western Civilization (Completed)
-CLEP Western Civ I - 3cr
-CLEP Western Civ II - 3cr

B. American History (Completed)
-CLEP American History I - 3cr
-CLEP American History II - 3cr

C. Non-Western History (Completed)
-DSST Intro. to the Modern Middle East - 3cr

D. History Electives - 15 Required/9 Completed
- DSST Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 3cr
- DSST History of the Vietnam War - 3cr
________________________ - 3cr (Possibly filling in with BYU Italian Renaissance?) ADVICE NEEDED
________________________ - 3cr (Possibly filling in with ECE World Conflicts Since 1900?)
- DSST Civil War and Reconstruction - 3cr

(Both of the remaining 6cr above need to be in the 300/400 level.)

-Almost done, excited!

Free Electives - 27 Required/15 Completed
-DSST Here's to Your Health - 3cr
-DSST Personal Finance - 3cr
-DSST Intro to Business - 3cr
-DSST Principles of Supervision - 3cr
-CLEP Principles of Management - 3cr
________________________ - 3cr (Filler?)
________________________ - 3cr (Filler?)
________________________ - 3cr (Filler?)
________________________ - 3cr (Filler?)


A BIG question I have:

I started this degree with CollegePlus, then ditched them halfway through but kept the degree plan they laid out for me. The plan I'm on right now has me filling in a remaining history elective with the BYU course Italian Renaissance. I haven't seen anyone else need to take this though. Is it not necessary? And if not, what should I replace it with? Thank you SOOO much in advance!!!!

Also, to let you know, I've failed DSST Law Enforcement and DSST Computing in the last 6 months, so I can't take them.

Once again, none of this would have been possible without this amazing community, so I just want to say thank you!!!

Messages In This Thread
TESC BA History Plan. Please review and recommend classes to fill in the gaps? - by battlefrof72 - 12-12-2014, 01:47 PM

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