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TESC Academic Evaluation - BA in English
Hello, I received my academic evaluation for TESC for a BA in English. Can someone please help me fill in what courses will satisfy the requirements I still need?

Thanks in advance!

Semester Hours Required: 120
Semester Hours Applied: 99
Semester Hours Remaining: 21 (As I understand it I will need to complete 24 semester hours to meet the residency requirements.)

BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 55.00
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: Intellectual Skills (Completed)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellectual and
> Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I, 3SH with grade of C or better
> *English Composition II (Writing Intensive), 3SH with grade
> of C or better
> *Math, 3SH
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives, 6SH
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ENG101 English Composition I.... 3.00 B ENC-101 *CC *TE
ENC-102 (Writing Intensive) (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ENG102 English Composition II... 3.00 A ENC-102 *CC *TE
Math (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT117 An Intro to Math Ideas... 3.00 A MAT-102 *CC *TE
Intellectual and Practical Skills (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT119 Algebra.................. 3.00 B+ MAT-115 *CC *TE
2.. CIS100 Intro to Computing App... 3.00 A CIS-107 *CC *TE

B: Responsibility (In Progress)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy, 3SH
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership, 3SH
> *Elective, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
Diversity or Global Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. SOC101 Principles of Sociology.. 3.00 A SOC-101 *CC *TE
Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes

C: Human Cultures (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Humanities, 3SH
> *Social Sciences, 3SH
> *Natural Sciences, 3SH
> Choose electives from Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary course, 9SH
Semester Hours Completed: 19.00

Humanities (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. COM101 Mass Communications...... 3.00 A COM-120 *CC *TE
Social Sciences (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ECO202 Prin of Economics II..... 3.00 A ECO-112 *CC *TE
Natural Sciences (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. BIO101 Intro to Biology......... 4.00 A BIO-113 *CC *TE
Interdisciplinary (Completed)

Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. GOV201 American Govt & Pol...... 3.00 A POS-110 *CC *TE
2.. ENG207 American Literature I.... 3.00 B LIT-205 *CC *TE
2.. HIS102 Intro to Western Civ II.. 3.00 B+ HIS-102 *CC *TE

D: General Ed Electives (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in General Education
> Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. HIS101 Intro to Western Civ I... 3.00 B HIS-101 *CC *TE
2.. ECO201 Prin of Economics I...... 3.00 A ECO-111 *CC *TE
2.. PSY101 General Psychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
2.. PSY206 Adolescent Psychology.... 3.00 A PSY-234 *CC *TE
2.. ENG129 Public Speaking.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE
2.. HRS103 Honors Sem in Cross Cult. 3.00 B+ PSY-299 *CC *TE
Area of Study (15SH must be at the 300/400 level)
Semester Hours Completed: 21.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.286 / 2.000
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: Survey of Literature (Completed)
> Complete 6 credits of Survey of Literature.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENG2206 British Lit II........... 3.00 B LIT-209 *TE
2.. ENG208 Amer Literature II....... 3.00 C LIT-206 *CC *TE

B: Anal & Int Lit (Not Started)
> Complete 3 credits of Analysis and Interpretation
> of Literature.
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

C: Non Western Lit (Completed)
> Complete one Non-Western Literature course (non-British;
> non-American).
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ENG209 World Literature I....... 3.00 A LIT-217 *CC *TE

D: English Electives (In Progress)
> Complete 18 semester hours of English/Literature/Advanced
> Writing courses as electives.
> **At least 15 of the 30 credits required within the entire
> Area of Study must be at the 300/400 level.**
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Group 1 (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00 Required: 12 Remaining: 3

Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENG2101 Struc & Origin of the Eng 3.00 A ENG-401 *TE
1.. ENG2000 Writing about Literature. 3.00 B ENG-314 *TE
1.. ENG2215 Shakespeare Survey....... 3.00 A- LIT-320 *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 2 (In Progress)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENG3517 Biography................ 3.00 B+ ENG-211 *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH).
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed

BA Free Electives (27 SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
!! Exception
Excess credit in NAS(1 SH)
26 SH required

Semester Hours Completed: 23.00 Required: 26 Remaining: 3
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. GOV202 American Natl Gov........ 3.00 A POS-213 *CC *TE
1.. EDUC3000 Curriculum Eval-Learner.. 3.00 A PSY-230 *TE
1.. EMSE2801 Intro Fld Exp Sub Area K1 3.00 A COP-299 *TE
1.. EDUC3401 Rdg K 12 Sub J Area Tchg. 3.00 B+ EDU-399 *TE
2.. PSY102 Psy of Personality....... 3.00 B PSY-236 *CC *TE
1.. EMSE3210 English Education K 12... 3.00 B- EDU-399 *TE
1.. ENG3345 20th Century British Lit. 3.00 D ENG-399 *TE
1.. EMSE3801 Fld Exp Instr Sub Areas K 2.00 CR COP-399 *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
I'm not an expert eval reader yet, but as a fellow English major at TESC (and I just got my eval back today too!) here's what I've done:

Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_Ethics in America DSST______________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Not Started)
_Human/Cultural Geography DSST______________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Complete 3 credits of Analysis and Interpretation of Literature.
_Analyzing & Interpreting Literature CLEP________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3 semester hours (SH).
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _Liberal Arts Capstone course from TESC is required____ ______________________ 1 course needed

To finish off your Free Electives, you have a lot of options available. You could do an easy CLEP or do the free TEEX cybersecurity courses. Other forum members will probably have some other great suggestions and info!

Good luck!
Also note that your CLEP for A&I Lit (mentioned by happydayruth) will give six credits and actually give you LIT291 and LIT292. 291 will be your requirement and 292 will be the end of your free electives. Since TESC offers LIT291 as a course they only ask for three credits for the requirement.

happydayruth Wrote:I'm not an expert eval reader yet, but as a fellow English major at TESC (and I just got my eval back today too!) here's what I've done:

Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_Ethics in America DSST______________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Not Started)
_Human/Cultural Geography DSST______________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Complete 3 credits of Analysis and Interpretation of Literature.
_Analyzing & Interpreting Literature CLEP________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3 semester hours (SH).
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _Liberal Arts Capstone course from TESC is required____ ______________________ 1 course needed

To finish off your Free Electives, you have a lot of options available. You could do an easy CLEP or do the free TEEX cybersecurity courses. Other forum members will probably have some other great suggestions and info!

Good luck!
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Are you trying to meet the residency requirement or pay the enrollment fee and be done.

All the DSST/CLEP that you still need are all easy so you could be done very quickly.
FEMA: 20 credit hours, B&M: 33 credit hours, AARTS: 14 credit hours, certifications
ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra
CLEP: Analyzing & Interpret. Literature CLEP - 66, English Composition Modular CLEP - 58, American Government CLEP - 58, Social Sciences & History CLEP - 63
DSST: Intro to Computing DSST - 452
Straighterline: Business Ethics (88%), Criminal Justice (94%), World Religions (93%), Cultural Anthropology (92%), Intro to Sociology (94%)
Sophia: Biology, US History I English Comp II, Presentations for the Workplace
Thank you all for responding!

@defscarlett Could you please explain the difference between meeting the residency requirement vs. paying the enrollment fee? This all new to me, so I'm not sure. I've been plugging away (on & off) at finishing my BA for years, so if there's a way to finish it off quickly I'm all ears.
bsquared8 Wrote:Thank you all for responding!

@defscarlett Could you please explain the difference between meeting the residency requirement vs. paying the enrollment fee? This all new to me, so I'm not sure. I've been plugging away (on & off) at finishing my BA for years, so if there's a way to finish it off quickly I'm all ears.

Not to speak for defscarlett but the point they were getting at was whether you planned to be an enrolled options or per credit student at TESC. If you go the enrolled options route then you can just take the capstone course and transfer in the rest of the credits using the guidance given or other credit sources. If you choose the per credit option then you'd have to complete 24 credits at the school through their programs (including courses or TECEP exams). The difference is the cost where an out-of-state student pays over $3000 for enrolled options up front (along with tuition for the capstone) or you pay as you go at a larger cost per credit.

Tuition plans are given here: Thomas Edison State College: Selecting the Right Tuition Plan

Since you need 15 credits and should be able to transfer in what is needed outside of the capstone you're best off with enrolled options but need to be aware of the upfront costs.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Thank you so much cooperalex2004! This is making sense now!

So I could do the following plan:

Pay the annual enrollment fee.

Then test out of the following:
Responsible Ethical Leadership = DSST Ethics in America
Personal & Social Responsibility Elective = DSST Human/Cultural Geography
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature = CLEP
^ And this CLEP could also count towards one of my two English Electives

Then I would have to take:

- one English Elective
- one Free Elective
(^ Does anyone have suggestions for a way to test out of one or both of these? Big Grin)

and LIB-495 Capstone
I'm not sure about that plan. I think you need upper level credits (need 18 SH including the capstone). It looks like the two generic openings both need to be upper level. That CLEP A&I lit will fit in the A&I category and the free electives leaving you needing upper level English credits.

As for the fee, it will be their fee, the technology fee, and of course you'll have to pay a graduation fee at the end too. Once you pay the enrollment fee you can schedule a time to have an advisor plan in the remaining credits and ensure you have everything.

bsquared8 Wrote:Thank you so much cooperalex2004! This is making sense now!

So I could do the following plan:

Pay the annual enrollment fee.

Then test out of the following:
Responsible Ethical Leadership = DSST Ethics in America
Personal & Social Responsibility Elective = DSST Human/Cultural Geography
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature = CLEP
^ And this CLEP could also count towards one of my two English Electives

Then I would have to take:

- one English Elective
- one Free Elective
(^ Does anyone have suggestions for a way to test out of one or both of these? Big Grin)

and LIB-495 Capstone
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Thanks for the info!!! Smile
One option is to complete PLAs using Saylor courses. You could complete the 6 UL credits.
English Literature « Saylor Academy

You can skip having to pay for TESC's PLA courses by completing the free, non-credit versions on Saylor's website. Or, you can take Kaplan's ACE-approved PLA course. TESC will accept external PLA courses.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc

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