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TECEP exam proctoring
Has anyone run into trouble finding a proctor locally for a TECEP exam? If you have been able to obtain one, shoot some suggestions my way. I approached my local public library and they said they don't proctor exams. I'm apprehensive about approaching the local community college, since I'm not a student there. :confused: Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I would imagine you should try your CLEP test center... or if that doesn't work, a Prometric testing center may be more open to the idea.
anar579 Wrote:Has anyone run into trouble finding a proctor locally for a TECEP exam? If you have been able to obtain one, shoot some suggestions my way. I approached my local public library and they said they don't proctor exams. I'm apprehensive about approaching the local community college, since I'm not a student there. :confused: Any suggestions would be appreciated!

I would absolutely approach my local colleges. Some proctor any exam for anyone, student or not, -- as long as they receive payment! That's how I found my testing center. You may find it worth the few phone calls.
Well, go for it, but don't expect them to bend over backwards for you. I've called probably 10-15 different schools trying to find one closer that will proctor the Dantes exams I needed. I ended up having to drive three hours to an Army base Monday to take two at once since no one would proctor them nearer. :-P I think the reason they were reluctant to proctor them is that Dantes must charge the school a fee to become certified or something. Most of them were really nice about it, but wouldn't do it.

Anyway, I do wish you the best. Hope you can find a good location!
Thanks sirjake. At least with the DANTES there is a list of possible test sites. With TECEP you're on your own, they have no list. The test taker is fully responsible for finding a proctor for the exam. The only suggestion the site gives is your local library, and they said no. Sad
Yeah, but the truth is that the list on is fairly useless. Not completely so, but fairly. Out of the 7 within three hours driving distance only 2 offered the tests. Some of them had never heard of the tests, much less offered it. One had offered it previously but doesn't anymore and one was interested in offering it, but it would have been way after I'm done with my degree before they could be ready.

I forgot to mention before... I remember now reading yesterday in a college degree by distance learning book that often if you don't have anywhere else to take a test, they'll let a pastor or minister or "some other trustworthy person" administer the test. I'm not sure if that was a TECEP, though. I'd check with TESC, of course.

Anyway, I hope you get something worked out!
I hope this helps it the National College Testing Association. It helps you find a participating proctor site in your state or city that you live.
anar579 Wrote:Thanks sirjake. At least with the DANTES there is a list of possible test sites. With TECEP you're on your own, they have no list. The test taker is fully responsible for finding a proctor for the exam. The only suggestion the site gives is your local library, and they said no. Sad

Anar, what is TECEP? I'm not familar with it.
TECEP is to Thomas Edison State College what ECE is to Excelsior. I am pursuing a BS in General Business, and two core requirements I need to take, Business Policy & Strategy and Production/Operations Management, are only offered by examination by TECEP. Excelsior previously had ECE's covering these courses, but they discontinued them both last year. So I either have to take the course or these exams.

BTW, I find out that the local community college does proctor exams for a fee. These two exams are both 3 hours long, and at $25 for first hour and $15 per additional hour per exam, it's going to cost me $115 just for proctoring. Each exam already costs $420. <Sigh> At least it's cheaper and faster than taking the course!
anar579 Wrote:TECEP is to Thomas Edison State College what ECE is to Excelsior. I am pursuing a BS in General Business, and two core requirements I need to take, Business Policy & Strategy and Production/Operations Management, are only offered by examination by TECEP. Excelsior previously had ECE's covering these courses, but they discontinued them both last year. So I either have to take the course or these exams.

BTW, I find out that the local community college does proctor exams for a fee. These two exams are both 3 hours long, and at $25 for first hour and $15 per additional hour per exam, it's going to cost me $115 just for proctoring. Each exam already costs $420. <Sigh> At least it's cheaper and faster than taking the course!

That makes tons of sense, I guess I just hadn't seen the acronym before. Thanks for the clarification! Those core requirements are a pain, I have to take a couple for Excelsior as well (hence the Gerontology exam).

Proctoring is expensive! But as you said, the upside is it's local and still cheaper than a class - not to mention faster! Good luck!! Smile

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