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TECEP Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Hello, everyone~
I just came from taking the TECEP Security Analysis.
It's 100 multiple choice - like CLEP, and a passing grade is a 60.
It's still taken with the old fill-in-the-dot form.

I studied The Basics of Investing by Benton Gup. It was an interesting book. If I had to do it over, though, I think I would have gotten the most recent book available due to the new technology available... although, the new technology wasn't on the test. I also used the practice test provided by Thomas Edison. Some of the questions were on the test!

I marked the problems I wasn't sure about, and came up with 45 uncertain out of the 100. Some of the areas I didn't know about were:
Standard and Poor's - what kind of company are they??
How is the S&P calculated?
What are EE and HH bonds?

So, right now I'm holding my breath and waiting to see how my results come out. I'll keep you posted... hopefully, this will help any of you who are studying for this TECEP test from Thomas Edison.

Hello, everyone~

I just got my results back from my TECEP. It took 15 days to get the results... and I didn't pass. Sad It's only the second test I've taken that I didn't pass, and I'm a little nervous about taking it again. I only get one more chance. I think part of the problem was that I only studied one of the books that they listed to study (by Benton Gup), and the only edition was older. It didn't have all the information I needed. I'm going to study the book Investments by Frank Reilly and Edgar Norton this time. Also, I'm going to purchase the access code to take the quizzes for the Investment book by Mayo for extra review.

Another note, you should know how to calculate the value of bonds by the coupon rate and the current market rate. I had two problems on that.

I sure wish InstantCert would at least add these TECEP tests that Thomas Edison doesn't offer by courses. I'm spoiled! I have to take these TECEPS to get my degree, and this is the only way to take the finance courses.

I hope this information helps any of you who are going to take it.
I got my score on this test... and I got a 59! Oohhh, I was sore. Just one more point, and I would have passed.

I plan to study the Investments book and retake the test in October. I'll update this again when I retake it.

I hope this helps any of you who plan to take this TECEP. It sure would be great if InstantCert would add it to their list. I know TECEP cost is prohibitive, but I'm taking the Comprehensive Tuition with Thomas Edison, and it's included.


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