06-30-2009, 07:29 PM
Hi Everyone- I am conducting a research study as part of my senior capstone to ::finally:: graduate! If you please fill out this QUICK survey (like it's less than 5 minutes long) I would really appreciate it. This survey is completely confidential. I do need responses back within the next 24 hours, so time is of the essence. I will keep accepting responses for the next week, but it's critical that I get some responses by tomorrow!
The more people I get to participate the better, so you can FORWARD this to everyone you know. Just have people forward their responses to kingriley@gmail. You have my heartfelt thanks
croll down to fill out the survey, or you can just download it, fill it out and email it back to me:::
Consent Form
I, __________________(participantâs name), understand that I am being asked to participate in a survey/questionnaire activity that forms part of Lisa Rileyâs required coursework in a Psychology course. It is my understanding that this survey/questionnaire has been designed to gather information about the following subjects or topics:
· Flirtation
· Relationships
I understand that the survey/questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes of my time to complete.
I understand that my participation in this project is completely voluntary and that I am free to decline to participate, without consequence, at any time prior to or at any point during the activity. I understand that any information I provide will be kept confidential, used only for the purposes of completing this assignment, and will not be used in any way that can identify me. All survey/questionnaire responses, notes, and records will be kept in a secured environment.
I also understand that there are no risks involved in participating in this activity, beyond those risks experienced in everyday life. The benefits of this research include a greater understanding of communication in relationships.
I have read the information above. By signing below and returning this form, I am consenting to participate in this survey/questionnaire.
Participant name (please print): _______________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records. If you have other questions concerning your participation in this project, please contact me at:
Student name: Lisa Michelle Riley
Email address: RileyChica
Thank you for agreeing to participate in my project.
Age: 18-24_____ 25-31_____ 32-38_____ 39-45_____ 46-50_____ 51+____
Sex: Male_____ Female_____
Relationship Status:
Married_____ Engaged/Cohabitating _____ Dating_____ Single_____
If you are in a relationship, how long have you been with your partner?
Years_____ Months_____
How often do you flirt?
Seldom_____ 2-3 times a week_____ 4-5 times per week_____
At least once a day_____ More than 2-3 times per day_____
Who do you flirt with? (check all that apply)
Strangers______ My Romantic Partner_____ Peers_____
Potential Romantic Partners_____
On a Scale of 1 to 10 how satisfied are you with your current relationship? 1 Being Not At All Satisfied --- 10 Being Extremely Satisfied ______
The more people I get to participate the better, so you can FORWARD this to everyone you know. Just have people forward their responses to kingriley@gmail. You have my heartfelt thanks

Consent Form
I, __________________(participantâs name), understand that I am being asked to participate in a survey/questionnaire activity that forms part of Lisa Rileyâs required coursework in a Psychology course. It is my understanding that this survey/questionnaire has been designed to gather information about the following subjects or topics:
· Flirtation
· Relationships
I understand that the survey/questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes of my time to complete.
I understand that my participation in this project is completely voluntary and that I am free to decline to participate, without consequence, at any time prior to or at any point during the activity. I understand that any information I provide will be kept confidential, used only for the purposes of completing this assignment, and will not be used in any way that can identify me. All survey/questionnaire responses, notes, and records will be kept in a secured environment.
I also understand that there are no risks involved in participating in this activity, beyond those risks experienced in everyday life. The benefits of this research include a greater understanding of communication in relationships.
I have read the information above. By signing below and returning this form, I am consenting to participate in this survey/questionnaire.
Participant name (please print): _______________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records. If you have other questions concerning your participation in this project, please contact me at:
Student name: Lisa Michelle Riley
Email address: RileyChica
Thank you for agreeing to participate in my project.
Age: 18-24_____ 25-31_____ 32-38_____ 39-45_____ 46-50_____ 51+____
Sex: Male_____ Female_____
Relationship Status:
Married_____ Engaged/Cohabitating _____ Dating_____ Single_____
If you are in a relationship, how long have you been with your partner?
Years_____ Months_____
How often do you flirt?
Seldom_____ 2-3 times a week_____ 4-5 times per week_____
At least once a day_____ More than 2-3 times per day_____
Who do you flirt with? (check all that apply)
Strangers______ My Romantic Partner_____ Peers_____
Potential Romantic Partners_____
On a Scale of 1 to 10 how satisfied are you with your current relationship? 1 Being Not At All Satisfied --- 10 Being Extremely Satisfied ______
Passed So Far
A& I Literature (74) US History II (71) American Lit (68) English Lit (63) Intro to Business Law (57) Into to World Religions (451) Ethics in America (423) Information Systems CLEP (66) Social Sciences & History (71) Principles of Management (68) General Anthropology (59) Here's To Your Health (476)

A& I Literature (74) US History II (71) American Lit (68) English Lit (63) Intro to Business Law (57) Into to World Religions (451) Ethics in America (423) Information Systems CLEP (66) Social Sciences & History (71) Principles of Management (68) General Anthropology (59) Here's To Your Health (476)