01-10-2010, 11:32 PM
Okay so I double checked and they do take the banked credits as long as its from an accredited college..I was looking around and people are talking about Fredericks College, Clackamas College, Excelsior College, and Thomas Edison State College. They are saying that they have to get transcripts for FEMAs through Fredericks and then transfer them to Exclsior, I'm assuming this is for a good reason but why wouldn't they just take them straight from FEMA, it seems like a waste of time and money...Should I get transcripts with Fredericks or TESC? Will I get the military discount being a dependant? I'm going to call them in the morning for some more info but I figured I might as well ask someone out here while I'm wide awake and see what I can dig up...Thanks for helping me out everyone, I really appreicate it.