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StraighterLine courses not transferred into my degree plan.
Yikes! Hopefully you'll hear back some time this week. I have decided to go ahead with the SL Sociology course. Please do give us an update whenever you learn more, and best of luck with this. That's a lot of credit not to be given!
At 12:00 noon today I received an email from academic advising letting me know that they added the courses to my evaluation.

At 2:00 pm I received an email from the registrar letting me know the courses had already been added but they (the registrar) did change MAN-311 to PSY-361.

I don't care who got it straightened out, but my evaluation is now showing 117 credits all in the right spots. However, my advice is to send disputes directly to the registrar and not academic advising.
BA Liberal Studies from Thomas Edison State University
I'm having a similar issue, but with COSC. My advising worksheet came back last week and it's missing the last 4 courses I took at SL.

I was still taking those courses when I applied at COSC. I was going to wait and apply after I completed all the courses, but the admissions counselor told me to apply anyways, in order to meet the registration deadline for the Spring semester. So I had SL send a transcript with the courses I had completed (44 cr)... and about a week or so later, I had SL send the transcript for the last 4 courses (13 cr). They were both sent to COSC in December (before I enrolled). At the time, I also sent an e-mail to the person who was listed as my academic advisor explaining the situation, but she never replied.

Earlier this week I sent an email to, since I still don't know who my academic advisor is (I got an automated email last week saying they would "eventually" send the contact information over... still waiting). Needless to say, I never heard back from anyone. I sent another e-mail this morning, this time to Let's see if they'll at least reply this time.

Can't say I'm too happy with COSC right now... is it that hard to reply to an e-mail?

UPDATE: I got an e-mail from the registrar's office saying they never received that transcript. I'm not sure if I buy it.. but I'll have SL send another transcript over to them.

UPDATE #2: I just wanted to add this without creating a new thread... I'm taking Cornerstone at COSC and one of the discussion board assignments is about academic advising. Many of my classmates are complaining about the lack of communication from COSC and more specifically about not being assigned an academic advisor. The overall feeling is that the students are 'on their own' after registration. I hope they improve the communication with students - it is seriously lacking right now. I was on the fence about whether or not I was going to continue at COSC after getting my A.S., but I just ruled that out... I'll be looking elsewhere to get my B.S..
COSC A.S. :coolgleam:

COSC (3 cr): Cornerstone (In progress)

SL (57 cr): English Comp. I & II - Intro to Communications - Business Ethics - U.S. History I & II - Western Civ. I & II - Cultural Anthropology - Sociology - Biology w/Lab - Chemistry w/Lab - College Algebra - Microbiology w/ Lab - Intro to Business - Macroeconomics - Intro to Religion - American Gov.

Penn Foster (3 cr): Art Appreciation
Hi There,

I am posting on this thread because someone mentioned that they took the US History I Straighterline course. I notice that it says the final is now closed book for this. Was it closed book when you took it? If so, how difficult/easy was it? You passed, so I'm guessing all went well, but am just wondering.

Many thanks.
I took US History I in May 2013. The final exam was open-book. According to SL's Exam List, US History I is now closed-book. I think SL is changing most (if not all) the final exams to closed-book format... so if you are planning on taking any other courses... you should get started ASAP.

I didn't find the final exam to be hard... but I was using the book... so it's hard to really tell. My suggestion would be to ace the non-proctored graded exams and the midterm, since you can use the book. This way, even if you don't do well on the final exam, you can still pass the course with a good grade.

Good luck!
COSC A.S. :coolgleam:

COSC (3 cr): Cornerstone (In progress)

SL (57 cr): English Comp. I & II - Intro to Communications - Business Ethics - U.S. History I & II - Western Civ. I & II - Cultural Anthropology - Sociology - Biology w/Lab - Chemistry w/Lab - College Algebra - Microbiology w/ Lab - Intro to Business - Macroeconomics - Intro to Religion - American Gov.

Penn Foster (3 cr): Art Appreciation
You can always check on the ACE website,, to see who received your transcript at the school. It will list their name and the time they opened it.

J_T Wrote:I'm having a similar issue, but with COSC. My advising worksheet came back last week and it's missing the last 4 courses I took at SL.

I was still taking those courses when I applied at COSC. I was going to wait and apply after I completed all the courses, but the admissions counselor told me to apply anyways, in order to meet the registration deadline for the Spring semester. So I had SL send a transcript with the courses I had completed (44 cr)... and about a week or so later, I had SL send the transcript for the last 4 courses (13 cr). They were both sent to COSC in December (before I enrolled). At the time, I also sent an e-mail to the person who was listed as my academic advisor explaining the situation, but she never replied.

Earlier this week I sent an email to, since I still don't know who my academic advisor is (I got an automated email last week saying they would "eventually" send the contact information over... still waiting). Needless to say, I never heard back from anyone. I sent another e-mail this morning, this time to Let's see if they'll at least reply this time.

Can't say I'm too happy with COSC right now... is it that hard to reply to an e-mail?

UPDATE: I got an e-mail from the registrar's office saying they never received that transcript. I'm not sure if I buy it.. but I'll have SL send another transcript over to them.

UPDATE #2: I just wanted to add this without creating a new thread... I'm taking Cornerstone at COSC and one of the discussion board assignments is about academic advising. Many of my classmates are complaining about the lack of communication from COSC and more specifically about not being assigned an academic advisor. The overall feeling is that the students are 'on their own' after registration. I hope they improve the communication with students - it is seriously lacking right now. I was on the fence about whether or not I was going to continue at COSC after getting my A.S., but I just ruled that out... I'll be looking elsewhere to get my B.S..
Use promo code STUDENTAMB395 on your next straighterline course! #SLambassador

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”

― Benjamin Disraeli
Lemurian_Spirit Wrote:Hi There,

I am posting on this thread because someone mentioned that they took the US History I Straighterline course. I notice that it says the final is now closed book for this. Was it closed book when you took it? If so, how difficult/easy was it? You passed, so I'm guessing all went well, but am just wondering.

Many thanks.

All of the exams I did at StraighterLine (about 10 of them) were open book. They just recently started moving to closed book. If the exams are the same exams as they are for the open book version then I think they would be pretty hard. A lot of the questions were about trivia and not about the reasons behind why something occurred. For example, How many people lost their lives in the Battle of Yorktown? A) <10,000 B) 10,000-15,000 C) 15,001-25,000 D) >25,000 Yeah, good luck with that.
BA Liberal Studies from Thomas Edison State University
Hey askmo24,

I have an ACE account with all my credits, but I didn't send the transcripts to COSC through ACE... I had SL send them directly to COSC using the 'Partner College' form. I didn't know whether or not COSC would transcribe the courses for letter grades if I sent them through ACE, so I thought it would be better to have them sent directly from SL.

Thanks for the tip tho... I didn't know you could see who receives your transcript when you send them through ACE. It's good to know.
COSC A.S. :coolgleam:

COSC (3 cr): Cornerstone (In progress)

SL (57 cr): English Comp. I & II - Intro to Communications - Business Ethics - U.S. History I & II - Western Civ. I & II - Cultural Anthropology - Sociology - Biology w/Lab - Chemistry w/Lab - College Algebra - Microbiology w/ Lab - Intro to Business - Macroeconomics - Intro to Religion - American Gov.

Penn Foster (3 cr): Art Appreciation
Cool. My school was not a partner school, thus I had to use ACE. The transfer process did not take long so I was happy.
Use promo code STUDENTAMB395 on your next straighterline course! #SLambassador

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”

― Benjamin Disraeli
I have pretty much decided to just take my remaining electives as Straighterline courses that have open book finals. I know it might look a bit weird to have US History II only, but I also have half of the Social Sciences and History CLEP in my electives, and I think that could count as US History I since that is the lion's share of the history on that exam.

I just finished Organizational Behavior (which I started yesterday) and barely got a B-. I'm quite pleased with that considering the amount of effort I put in. I am wondering if getting lower grades on closed book finals would have a significant impact on my GPA. I'm guessing not since of the courses I'm considering, only two currently have closed-book finals, and I would only actually take one of them. However, I might just go the safe route and make sure all my remaining courses have open book finals. Also, all of these courses will be complete by a week from this Monday (January 20th) because I don't want any of them to go closed-book on me while I'm getting them done. Just FYI.

I was going to do FEMAs for my electives, but the thought of that bored me to tears--and also the difficulties others were having with having to redo the course finals two and three times. If I was going to go that route I'd never make it in time because I'd have 19 of them to get done by the end of this month (so I can hopefully start my Capstone next month). I don't have time to redo anything. It's do or die if you know what I mean.

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