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Seeking Degree Advice - CS or Cybersecurity?
Location: Texas, USA
Age: 21
Degree I am Seeking: Cybersecurity - Completely Online
Current Credits: 30-34

San Jacinto College:
Composition I (ENGL 1301) / TBD / A
Composition II (ENGL 1302) / TBD / A
British Literature I (ENGL 2322) / TBD / A
General Psychology (PSYC 2301) / TBD / A
Music Appreciation (MUSI 1306) / TBD / A
Business Computer Apps (BCIS 1305) / TBD / A
Intro To The Humanities I (TBD) / TBD / A
Federal Government (TBD) / TBD / A
United States History I (TBD) / TBD / A

Please note that the above information is not complete (TBD - To be determined) and will be updated ASAP. There will be a few more classes that will be listed and credits/names will be updated.

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:

Google IT Fundamentals Professional Certificate

Budget: I have very little money to work with. I am a single mother. Right now, I am working with a FAFSA and possible PTK scholarship/scholarships
Commitments: I have my daughter, pets, and family.
Dedicated time to study: I can study as much as possible early in the morning and later in the evening.
Timeline: I am trying to complete my degree as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Tuition Assistance/Reimbursement: I do not have any reimbursement opportunities, but I will be receiving assistance with the FAFSA.



I am fairly new to college. My parents did not attend, and my older sister has been pursuing her degree for about a year. In high school, I took dual credit classes (about 30-34 credits), so I do have some college experience. Initially, I planned to go to college within a year of graduating (2022). I had my eyes set on pursuing a degree in the medical field (albeit I never knew which route). However, my plans changed when I had my daughter. Now, I'm ready to go back to school and pursue a degree. I am trying to secure a degree that may offer remote positions so I can be around my daughter more. Right now, I am in line to pursue an associate of applied science in Cybersecurity in April in hopes of transferring to WGU afterward. My degree plan is entirely online. I have chosen to pursue the AS because I will have extra money leftover from the FAFSA, and I will qualify for the WGU PTK scholarship, which will hopefully leave me debt-free if I can graduate with a bachelor's from there.

Here's my issue: I lack confidence in my decision. I'm going into this degree almost blind. I've taken and completed the Coursera IT Fundamentals course, and I am in the process of completing a Cybersecurity fundamentals course. However, I may not receive the certificate for the Cybersecurity Fundamentals because of financial issues. Right now, I have audited the course's information. Alongside this, I have found freecodecamp, which I have dabbled in getting the free certificates that the website offers. Are there other free resources that I may be overlooking?

As a result of my lack of confidence, I keep backpedaling to a business degree route instead. I have experience in customer service, and I find that it may be more natural (therefore easier) to complete. Still, I want to pursue Cybersecurity, I just don't know how to go about it. I've got the motivation to put in the work, but I have my worries, and reasonably so.

Note: I have read a lot about people recommending CS instead, but I don't believe I have the mathematical ability to do well in that route. I struggle with statistics and a little in algebra. My strong suits are mostly writing, history, and sciences. Regarding the Cybersecurity route, I have noticed that some people recommend entering the field with a specific niche in mind. Is this correct? I know the field is very broad, and I still do not know the different professions well.

Thank y'all in advance.
Good first post, it seems like you have a good start so far. For folks to provide better advice, it would be good to complete the template and the addendum, as shown in this link:
Completed: HAU MBA | BA Economics (US) | Finland Open Studies @ XAMK/Metropolia/Helsinki/Laurea
Certs Completed: Scrum CSPO/CSM | Google PM/Data Analytics/Marketing
We recently had a thread talking about how people regret their major choice

Almost 1/2 of people regret their major

I wouldn't let this scare you as I talked about in a thread I made how your college choice generally comes down to 3 paths: STEM, Liberal Arts or Business.

It looks like your path is Technology, the T in STEM and Business.

Your options are:
  • Do a technology degree likely IT/Cybersecurity or Computer Science

  • Do business likely finance/marketing (marketing has some work-at-home jobs)

  • Do both a technology and a business degree

  • Do one or the other first, then come back to college at a latter date and do the other degree only if needed
The only associate degree we recommend is Pierpont BOG because it's nearly free and quick to do. You can do a concentration in IT for that degree.

BLS is good source to find information on jobs.  You want to look for things such as starting salary, number of jobs, job growth outlook and if the job is entry level or not.

You don't have to decide right away what path you want to take. You can start doing general education courses and work your way up to more specialized courses later to see what you might be interested in.
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
(02-17-2024, 01:30 AM)jg_nuy Wrote: Hi!
Good first post, it seems like you have a good start so far. For folks to provide better advice, it would be good to complete the template and the addendum, as shown in this link:

Thank you very much, I did not know that there was a template.

(02-17-2024, 01:45 AM)LevelUP Wrote: We recently had a thread talking about how people regret their major choice

Almost 1/2 of people regret their major

I wouldn't let this scare you as I talked about in a thread I made how your college choice generally comes down to 3 paths: STEM, Liberal Arts or Business.

It looks like your path is Technology, the T in STEM and Business.

Your options are:
  • Do a technology degree likely IT/Cybersecurity or Computer Science

  • Do business likely finance/marketing (marketing has some work-at-home jobs)

  • Do both a technology and a business degree

  • Do one or the other first, then come back to college at a latter date and do the other degree only if needed
The only associate degree we recommend is Pierpont BOG because it's nearly free and quick to do. You can do a concentration in IT for that degree.

BLS is good source to find information on jobs.  You want to look for things such as starting salary, number of jobs, job growth outlook and if the job is entry level or not.

You don't have to decide right away what path you want to take. You can start doing general education courses and work your way up to more specialized courses later to see what you might be interested in.
Thank you for the resources that you listed! Your thread about regretting a major has given me some hope. I think I have an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to college, when in reality, you can always change your major. On the other hand, I’ve been trying to find some websites that give accurate depiction of jobs within my state, so thank you.

Regarding the Pierpont BOG, I do understand the advantages of taking that route rather than a more traditional associate degree. However, I do not have the financial ability to afford the upfront cost, even if it is cheaper in the long run. Right now, I am pursuing an associate’s purely for the financial opportunity that it will give me - leftover FAFSA (roughly 5k-5.5k per year not counting possible fees) to put towards bachelor’s + eligibility for a PTK scholarship ($2,500/$625 a term) at WGU.
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(02-17-2024, 01:59 AM)yak_jac Wrote:
(02-17-2024, 01:45 AM)LevelUP Wrote: We recently had a thread talking about how people regret their major choice

Almost 1/2 of people regret their major

I wouldn't let this scare you as I talked about in a thread I made how your college choice generally comes down to 3 paths: STEM, Liberal Arts or Business.

It looks like your path is Technology, the T in STEM and Business.

Your options are:
  • Do a technology degree likely IT/Cybersecurity or Computer Science

  • Do business likely finance/marketing (marketing has some work-at-home jobs)

  • Do both a technology and a business degree

  • Do one or the other first, then come back to college at a latter date and do the other degree only if needed
The only associate degree we recommend is Pierpont BOG because it's nearly free and quick to do. You can do a concentration in IT for that degree.

BLS is good source to find information on jobs.  You want to look for things such as starting salary, number of jobs, job growth outlook and if the job is entry level or not.

You don't have to decide right away what path you want to take. You can start doing general education courses and work your way up to more specialized courses later to see what you might be interested in.
Thank you for the resources that you listed! Your thread about regretting a major has given me some hope. I think I have an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to college, when in reality, you can always change your major. On the other hand, I’ve been trying to find some websites that give accurate depiction of jobs within my state, so thank you.

Regarding the Pierpont BOG, I do understand the advantages of taking that route rather than a more traditional associate degree. However, I do not have the financial ability to afford the upfront cost, even if it is cheaper in the long run. Right now, I am pursuing an associate’s purely for the financial opportunity that it will give me - leftover FAFSA (roughly 5k-5.5k per year not counting possible fees) to put towards bachelor’s + eligibility for a PTK scholarship ($2,500/$625 a term) at WGU.

1. You need an exact count of your credits.
2. The Google IT Cert counts as credits (either 12 or 15 depending on when you received it) for the Pierpont AAS BOG.
3. So you have 42-49 existing credits to transfer and just need an additional 11-16 credits or 4-6 more 3 credit courses (These will likely need to be ones for the BOG Gen. Ed. requirements you are missing).
4. All of your remaining courses can be done for at Sophia for $99 a month ($79 with a discount code in these forums). You should be able to complete 6 courses in 1-3 months.
5. The Pierpont AAS BOG Degree is free except for the $130 graduation fee.
6. That is an estimated cost of $209-$427 for completing the Pierpont AAS Degree.
Hello SJC alumni and fellow Texan!

TAMUC has some online CBE Bachelor's degrees that are affordable for Texas residents, they do not have it in cybersecurity though.

If you need to obtain a Bachelor's in a short amount of time for a low cost, this could be a good choice, but unfortunately they do not have the major you are interested in.
A few of us are taking the Organizational Leadership program, and my wife is working on the General Studies
Both of these are $750 for a 7 week session and if you took dual credit classes in high school, this would be a program that you can complete without any issues.

Here is some more info on the Org program showing classes you can take at Sophia.

TAMUC BAAS Org Leadership
SJC AAS Automotive Technology
I was unable to edit my original post, so this is updated.

Location: Texas, USA
Age: 20 (21 by the end of the year)
Degree I am Seeking: Unsure - Originally, I wanted Cybersecurity then questioned web design/development. Now, I am debating on Computer Science
Current Credits: 39

San Jacinto Total Credits: 39
EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework - A
BCIS 1305 - Business Computer Apps - A
HUMA 1301 - Intro to the Humanities I - A
PSYC 2301 - General Psychology - A
MUSI 1306 - Music Appreciation - A
ENGL 1301 - Composition I - A
ENGL 1302 - Composition II - A
ENGL 2322 - British Literature I - A
ENGL 2328 - American Literature II - A
HIST 1301 - United States History I - A
HIST 1302 - United States History II - A
GOVT 2305 - Federal Government - A
ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics - A

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:

Google IT Fundamentals Professional Certificate

Budget: I have very little money to work with. I am a single mother. Right now, I am working with a FAFSA and possible PTK scholarship/scholarships
Commitments: I have my daughter, pets, family, and I also help with my sister's college work.
Dedicated time to study: I can study as much as possible early in the mornings and later in the evenings.
Timeline: I am trying to complete my degree as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Tuition Assistance/Reimbursement: I do not have any reimbursement opportunities, but I will be receiving assistance with the FAFSA Pell Grant.


Hi, I posted about a week ago with some incomplete information. Now, I have gathered all information and I am a bit more prepared. However, I have come back with some new questions.

I'm a single mother, so my only school options are 100% online. Originally, I planned to attend TSTC and enroll in the AAS Cybersecurity online degree. However, through some recent town project, I found that I enjoy creating things like informational and creative flyers/posters. Despite how uncorrelated it may seem, this made me consider a web design/development degree. I looked into that degree route, and I found that there aren't many back-up options with that degree. For instance, completing that degree will really only help you with a career in that field. Right now, I the course that I'm taking on freecodecamp has introduced me to HTML and CSS, which don't seem complicated at all. It honestly just seems like a lot to remember, but it eventually becomes almost like muscle memory. That being said, I know that cybersecurity is similar in that it's more of a specialized degree path. I considered this route because there is much less math involved, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the code of Computer Science. Just yesterday, I had to retake my math TSI (old scores expired) and I barely passed it. Even so, I'm considering computer science more and more because it will offer the greatest general education and then I can hone in on what my skills/interests are in the field.

My original study route was to attend TSTC and get an AAS in Cybersecurity. I've looked into their Computer Science AAS, but there only seem to be 4 COSC courses while the rest are math and electives/basic that I have already completed. Being that my bachelor's route is WGU, I compared the course curriculum and I feel like the AAS from TSTC isn't going to transfer many additional credits. There was an individual on my original post that recommended the Pierpont BOG associate's degree, as that is really the only bang-for-your-buck route. My only issue is that I can't really afford up-front costs of these quicker routes. However, I have a plan to propose - and I'd love some opinions and advice.

Given that I don't have the financial means to complete courses through, etc. would it be a good idea to complete an AAS at TSTC and use that leftover grant money towards completing courses through the and such to finish a bachelor's degree more efficiently? If I go that route, I see that has self-explanatory lesson equivalence, but I may need some guidance. However, it leaves the question of what degree route to go. If I were able to pass through the college math for the Computer Science route, I think that would be the best way for me to go. I just fear that I'll fail the classes.

As of now, TSTC's CS AAS includes:
COSC 1336 - Programming Fundamentals I
ENGL 1301 - Composition I (already completed)
MATH 2312 - Pre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version)
MATH 1316 - Plane Trigonometry
ACGM 3CAR - Creative Arts Elective

COSC 1337 - Programming Fundamentals II
ENGL 1302 - Composition II (already completed)
GOVT 2305 - Federal Government (Federal constitution & topics)
MATH 2413 - Calculus I (4 SCH version)

COSC 2325 - Computer Organization
GOVT 2306 - Texas Government (Texas constitution & topics)
ACGM 3CAOB - Component Area Option
ACGM 3LPC - Language, Philosophy and Culture Elective

COSC - 2336 - Programming Fundamentals III
HIST 1301 - United States History I (already completed)
PHYS 1301 - College Physics I (lecture)
PHYS 1101 - College Physics Laboratory I

HIST 1302 - United States History II (already completed)
PHYS 1302 - College Physics II (lecture)
PHYS 1102 - College Physics Lab II
SPCH X3XX - Gen Ed Speech Elective
ACGM 3SBS - Gen Ed Social/Behavioral Science (think I completed)

The WGU Computer Science BS curriculum (pages 6-7) can be found here.
The person in this thread has a similar situation, so it may be helpful as you think about options:
Completed: HAU MBA | BA Economics (US) | Finland Open Studies @ XAMK/Metropolia/Helsinki/Laurea
Certs Completed: Scrum CSPO/CSM | Google PM/Data Analytics/Marketing
(02-22-2024, 10:06 AM)yak_jac Wrote: I was unable to edit my original post, so this is updated.

Location: Texas, USA
Age: 20 (21 by the end of the year)
Degree I am Seeking: Unsure - Originally, I wanted Cybersecurity then questioned web design/development. Now, I am debating on Computer Science
Current Credits: 39

San Jacinto Total Credits: 39
EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework - A
BCIS 1305 - Business Computer Apps - A
HUMA 1301 - Intro to the Humanities I - A
PSYC 2301 - General Psychology - A
MUSI 1306 - Music Appreciation - A
ENGL 1301 - Composition I - A
ENGL 1302 - Composition II - A
ENGL 2322 - British Literature I - A
ENGL 2328 - American Literature II - A
HIST 1301 - United States History I - A
HIST 1302 - United States History II - A
GOVT 2305 - Federal Government - A
ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics - A

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:

Google IT Fundamentals Professional Certificate

Budget: I have very little money to work with. I am a single mother. Right now, I am working with a FAFSA and possible PTK scholarship/scholarships
Commitments: I have my daughter, pets, family, and I also help with my sister's college work.
Dedicated time to study: I can study as much as possible early in the mornings and later in the evenings.
Timeline: I am trying to complete my degree as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Tuition Assistance/Reimbursement: I do not have any reimbursement opportunities, but I will be receiving assistance with the FAFSA Pell Grant.


Hi, I posted about a week ago with some incomplete information. Now, I have gathered all information and I am a bit more prepared. However, I have come back with some new questions.

I'm a single mother, so my only school options are 100% online. Originally, I planned to attend TSTC and enroll in the AAS Cybersecurity online degree. However, through some recent town project, I found that I enjoy creating things like informational and creative flyers/posters. Despite how uncorrelated it may seem, this made me consider a web design/development degree. I looked into that degree route, and I found that there aren't many back-up options with that degree. For instance, completing that degree will really only help you with a career in that field. Right now, I the course that I'm taking on freecodecamp has introduced me to HTML and CSS, which don't seem complicated at all. It honestly just seems like a lot to remember, but it eventually becomes almost like muscle memory. That being said, I know that cybersecurity is similar in that it's more of a specialized degree path. I considered this route because there is much less math involved, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the code of Computer Science. Just yesterday, I had to retake my math TSI (old scores expired) and I barely passed it. Even so, I'm considering computer science more and more because it will offer the greatest general education and then I can hone in on what my skills/interests are in the field.

My original study route was to attend TSTC and get an AAS in Cybersecurity. I've looked into their Computer Science AAS, but there only seem to be 4 COSC courses while the rest are math and electives/basic that I have already completed. Being that my bachelor's route is WGU, I compared the course curriculum and I feel like the AAS from TSTC isn't going to transfer many additional credits. There was an individual on my original post that recommended the Pierpont BOG associate's degree, as that is really the only bang-for-your-buck route. My only issue is that I can't really afford up-front costs of these quicker routes. However, I have a plan to propose - and I'd love some opinions and advice.

Given that I don't have the financial means to complete courses through, etc. would it be a good idea to complete an AAS at TSTC and use that leftover grant money towards completing courses through the and such to finish a bachelor's degree more efficiently? If I go that route, I see that has self-explanatory lesson equivalence, but I may need some guidance. However, it leaves the question of what degree route to go. If I were able to pass through the college math for the Computer Science route, I think that would be the best way for me to go. I just fear that I'll fail the classes.

As of now, TSTC's CS AAS includes:
COSC 1336 - Programming Fundamentals I
ENGL 1301 - Composition I (already completed)
MATH 2312 - Pre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version)
MATH 1316 - Plane Trigonometry
ACGM 3CAR - Creative Arts Elective

COSC 1337 - Programming Fundamentals II
ENGL 1302 - Composition II (already completed)
GOVT 2305 - Federal Government (Federal constitution & topics)
MATH 2413 - Calculus I (4 SCH version)

COSC 2325 - Computer Organization
GOVT 2306 - Texas Government (Texas constitution & topics)
ACGM 3CAOB - Component Area Option
ACGM 3LPC - Language, Philosophy and Culture Elective

COSC - 2336 - Programming Fundamentals III
HIST 1301 - United States History I (already completed)
PHYS 1301 - College Physics I (lecture)
PHYS 1101 - College Physics Laboratory I

HIST 1302 - United States History II (already completed)
PHYS 1302 - College Physics II (lecture)
PHYS 1102 - College Physics Lab II
SPCH X3XX - Gen Ed Speech Elective
ACGM 3SBS - Gen Ed Social/Behavioral Science (think I completed)

The WGU Computer Science BS curriculum (pages 6-7) can be found here.

Have you looked into UMPI?? They have Bachelor of Applied Science program. For me, what sealed the deal with UMPI was the fact that they have an active subscription to Handshake, a platform for new grads and employers. I've been getting more than 20 messages a week lately.... you might, or might now get that with another school. Also, Maine is a uniform school system, and generally is considered reputable. Your degree will not say online or imply that your school is primarily online, (which doesn't matter in the end of the day, but it is still a factor for some.)

Earlier in the thread, an individual recommended the Pierpont BOG associate route and UMPI was mentioned. Right now, part of the reason I am trying to get an associate's is so I can qualify for the PTK scholarship at WGU. However, I am noticing the advantage of taking individual courses outside of college via study, Sophia, ACE, etc. At UMPI, would a BAS or CS degree be best? I may be overlooking some information for either one, but I didn't quite understand the BAS alone. Do you choose your courses that best fit the type of BAS you want to acquire?

Thank you in advance!

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