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TECEP Liberal Arts Math or Aleks Int. Alegbra
JohnnyHeck Wrote:Surprising as it may seem LA Math is actually an excellent course for anyone who will not need to use Algebra and higher levels of math for future math and science courses. LA Math teaches you the practical skills of many different aspects of math that you actually can use in the course of your daily life. However, for the math phobic, I would most highly recommend the ALEKS Math Essentials with Quick Tables as your refresher course. It will quickly build your speed at math calculations and jargon. It will give you a great chance to overcome your math fears so that you really can take advantage of your LA Math course. Good luck.

I took the DL course LA Math from TESC. It's pretty simple- but a lot of busy work. No idea how the exam option would be which is why I didn't offer comment on that- but the class was okay if you don't mind the price.
I would always suggest ALEKS for your math! Even if you don't move all the way through it, it's still a good deal at $20. I started with a low-level math class to brush up, then moved on to Pre-Algebra, Beginning Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra. I did all of them to the full 100% just because I wanted to make sure I knew the material well. I spent $20 and got 3 units, but feel confident in my math skills to be able to take anything at College Algebra level or lower. I just don't need those units or I would take them. I need to take the College Algebra and Statistics TECEP's (per-credit option, these are 2 of my 8 exams), and will be signing up for ALEKS again to study for those exams.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
When you take your TCEPS will you please report your ALEKS % and then your TCEP % so we can get some correlation data?
I probably won't be much help, since I'll do ALEKS the full 100% in both courses before I take the TECEP's. I also have the AP Statistics Flashcards which I will go through before I take the text. I'm much more confident in Algebra, since I did so much already on ALEKS, and I'm homeschooling my son and he's in Algebra right now.

But, I will be happy to tell you what I think of the exams once I take them!
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
I checked and "Math 115: Applied Liberal Arts Math" at TESC is called "Math 12: Intermediate Math For Non-Stem Majors" at our local college. It's math for "non-stem majors." I'll post the two below.

MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics:
This course offers a broad-based overview of mathematics intended for nonmath majors. The course emphasizes problem solving modeled on real-life applications and satisfies competency requirements for graduation and transfer. Topics include number systems, solution of basic algebraic problems, interpretation of statistical data and calculations involving geometric objects.

Our Local College:
Prerequisite: MATH 01 or MATH 01E or MATH 11B;
Hours: 3 lecture weekly

This course is designed for students who will not be pursuing a major in
science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. It is designed to meet AA/
AS competency in mathematics, and to satisfy the prerequisite for transfer level
courses in non-STEM fields. The course will cover solving equations and
inequalities, exponents and radicals, functions and graphs, and quadratic,
logarithmic, and exponential functions.

I'm taking Intermediate Math in the summer as an eight week daily night class (regular not the non-stem one.) But, I'm taking it my at the local community college. That is also an option for you, and then transfer the credits/class in. Most community colleges are no more than $50.00 a credit/unit. I had some suggest to me on here Aleks or TCEP/CLEF but I'm not that great at math either. I'm not horribly bad at it, but I've always been Algebra 1 and that's about it since I never liked math a whole lot as I'm a reading/writing/arts person, and it's been a long time for me too. Plus, I can’t do it over a computer; I need a live instructor in case I need help, instruction, etc. Flashcards wont work for me. I was able to find a class designed for adults, and returning students, and moves at a more slower pace formatted to learn math instead of "do the work listed on the weekly syllabus, take the test, and hope you pass." Plus, CC's have tutoring centers like ours and some instructors offer tons of extra credit work or test remakes. The class I’m taking is also like that as its designed to ease you into college algebra. Maybe look around and see if that option will also work for you. Another good thing about taking an actual course at a local regionally accredited junior/community college is you will almost never have trouble transfering it in or it being questioned as authentic. Our Universities here like UCLA do not accept TCEP/Aleks/etc. Pretty much only CLEP. You can also look at the instructors teaching math at your local CC and see how they reviewed.

The key is finding a good professor. Some professors work for some students, and some professors work for other students. Every professor is differnet. I'm an English writing/lit buff. I took the regular English 1: College Composition course at our CC, and the professor right off the bat on the first day said that he's so strict that even if a comma is out of place he'll mark you down no matter what even if it’s accidental. Three marks and you fail the paper, three failed papers and you fail the class, no re-writes allows because he wants 100 percent perfect college papers because college students should be at the level now of writing perfect English papers. Of course he then went on to lecture about how he wrote three self-published books, about his past degrees, his travels, his fan club, and gloat about himself for the rest of the class as if he was some Greek God. Reality is sometimes errors will happen, and at times where a comma might work for some it might not work for others, and it might not be always necessary. Especially when writing a caesura in poetry. I dropped the class the first fifteen minutes after the first lecture, and took another instructor the next semester. She was a high school and college English teacher. She was more concerned about the concepts, body, and topics of the composition papers then marking down a computer error typo. She would mark down obvious mistakes, but forgetting to place a period at the end of the sentence simply because you forgot to place a period at the end of the sentence that she wouldn't mark down. If a comma was debatable, she would put a little "?" and most likely ignore it. She would allow all papers to be re-written with the corrections. She never talked about herself, and wanted students to enjoy English and the writing and to learn from the class instead of seeing the class as some dragon that had to be killed off. Math is the same way. Some teachers will mark you wrong on the problem unless it's 100 percent correct and written out. Some instructors will only mark you half wrong, and some will tell you what you did wrong yet give you credit for the problem if it was minor enough to show you understood the concept behind the math and could otherwise do the problem outside the little mistake.

If you take any courses at your local CC or University you can check their rating and/or student reviews at: Rate My Professors - Review Teachers and Professors, School Reviews, College Campus Ratings
bricabrac Wrote:The Liberal Arts Math (MAT105) TECEP/Course is HS Math. You could actually take the TECEP after the Aleks course. I took the Liberal Arts Math online course for an easy A but I also enjoy math. Aleks is more than enough to prepare you for both the TECEP and the General Mathematics (MAT102/103) CLEP for an added 9 credits. If you take them concurrently there is a ton of overlap.

When I was looking over the material covered in the MAT105 TECEP course and the MAT102/103 CLEP test they seemed almost identical. Naturally I just assumed TESC would only offer credit for one or the other. Bricabrac (or anyone else) do you know for a fact if TESC counts both classes as separate credits? If so, that would be an amazingly easy way to get 9 credits, and also great news for my degree plan!

Thanks! Smile
GradSchool1234 Wrote:When I was looking over the material covered in the MAT105 TECEP course and the MAT102/103 CLEP test they seemed almost identical. Naturally I just assumed TESC would only offer credit for one or the other. Bricabrac (or anyone else) do you know for a fact if TESC counts both classes as separate credits? If so, that would be an amazingly easy way to get 9 credits, and also great news for my degree plan!

Thanks! Smile

No, currently they are not duplicates which was the point of my post. I can't speak to what will happen later.

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!

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