05-25-2008, 10:06 AM
Lindagerr Wrote:Hi All-
I am coming down to the wire. I need Intro to Psyc and Intro to Soc. and I will have my AA. I seem to be doing everything but study this past 2 weeks. I know I have to get these done if I want to Graduate and be able to walk in Oct.
Everytime I sit at the computer I seem to come up with an excuse to do anything except study. I even use this board as an excuse, I have posted more in 2 weeks then the past 2 years.
Is it cold feet? or burn out? Somebody please give me a kick start!!:o
[COLOR="Navy"]I think it is critically important to not lose sight of your goal - an AA degree!
You're almost home, there's no need to sprint, coast home if you need to but get there.
Read and follow my advice "pyramid" below - perhaps one or all of these personal pearls of wisdom will see you through; they did for me.
Good Luck and Stay Focused!!![/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!
Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here ---> http://www.degreeforum.net/general-educa...#post59179
God Bless The USA :patriot:
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!
Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here ---> http://www.degreeforum.net/general-educa...#post59179
God Bless The USA :patriot: