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Penn Foster HELP!
After a ton of research, one thing I know for sure is to check the ACE website to make sure the Penn Foster courses are currently ACE approved. That said...

I am now looking into Penn Foster courses. I am a current student of TESC and need the self-paced class instead of CLEPing out. I am looking for advise/wisdom from you guys on better/easier way to go. What Penn Foster classes can I plug in on the classes I have left? I know CLEP is cheaper, but not if I fail a test and have to retake it. I'm not good at the test taking or remembering what I need for the test. I need the following to finish my BSBA in Management.

COMP 2 - planned on STRLNE
BUS COMM - planned on STRLNE
MICRO - planned on STRLNE
PRE CAL - planned on STRLNE - I've seen that ALEKS Trig has gone here?
STATS - planned on STRLNE
3 CR GEN ED ELECT - planned on STRLNE - Any other class suggestions?

BUS LAW - PFs Business Law 1 - ICS-0042
INTRO MAR - PFs Principles of Marketing - ICS-0070
INTRO MAN - PFs Principles of Management - ICS-0069
BUS IN SOC - PFs International Business- ICS-0219 last posted 2/2012.
BUS POL - PFs Strategic Business Management - ICS-0218 last posted 2/2012. I'm not finding it. Suggestions?
3 CR GEN MAN SPECIALIZATION - (Food and Beverage Management- Hmm-151)PFs Beverage Operations - ICS-0005
HUM RES MAN - PFs Human Resource Management - ICS-0063

I can use financial aide for Penn Foster, correct?

TIA for all information!


[SIZE=1][SIZE=5][SIZE=1]General Education (60sh)

Semester Hours Completed: 54.00
A: English Comp (Pending)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ENG0101 Freshman Comp I.......... 3.00 C ENC-101 *TE
1.. ENC-102 English Composition II... (3.00) --- ENC-102 STRLNE TO TAKE

B: Mgrl/Bus Communs (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COM-300 Intro. to Business Commu. (3.00) --- COM-300 STRLNE TO TAKE

C: Humanities Electives (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. COMM130 Intro to Photography..... 3.00 A PHO-101 *CC *TE
2.. ART0120 Beginning Ceramics....... 3.00 A ART-150 *TE
3.. ART104 Intro to 3D Design....... 3.00 B ART-337 *CC *TE

D: Macro/Microeconomics (Pending)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECO-111 Macroeconomics........... 3.00 P ECO-111 STRLNE COMPLETED
1.. ECO-112 Microeconomics........... 3.00 --- ECO-112 STRLNE TO TAKE

E: Social Sciences (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. PSYC101 General Psychology....... 3.00 B PSY-101 *CC *TE
2.. SOC0110 Intro to Sociology....... 3.00 D SOC-101 *TE

F: Precalculus (Pending)

G: Statistics (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. STA-201 Principles of Statistics. (3.00) --- STA-201 STRLNE TO TAKE

H: Natural Sci/Math (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENS-314... Global Environmental Ch 6 B+

I: General Educ Elects (Completed) Exception - Over 3 sh Nat Sci/Math - Take 18 sh
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00 Required: 18 Remaining: 3
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ART0101 Basic Design............. 3.00 B ART-136 *TE
2.. TH0110 Theatre Apprec........... 3.00 B THA-101 *TE
3.. ART102 Art History Apprec....... 3.00 C ART-100 *CC *TE
2.. ENG0150 Intro to Literature...... 3.00 C LIT-101 *TE
2.. PSC0120 Govt Us State Locl....... 3.00 D POS-211 *TE
2.. ENS314 Global Environmental Exchange . . . . . . . . 3 credits
2.. ___________________________________________________________ STRLNE TO TAKE

Core (27sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ACC-101 Prin. of Financial Accoun (3.00) --- ACC-101 STRLNE COMPLETED
1.. ACC-102 Prin. of Managerial Accou (3.00) --- ACC-102 STRLNE COMPLETED

B: Business Law (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. LAW-201 Business Law............. (3.00) --- LAW-201 CLEP

C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MM0237 Managerial Data Pro...... 3.00 A CIS-101 *TE

D: Princ of Finance (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. FIN-301 Principles of Finance.... (3.00) D FIN-301 *TE

E: Prins of Management (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MAN-301 Principles of Management. (3.00) --- MAN-301 CLEP

F: Intro to Marketing (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MAR-301 Introduction to Marketing (3.00) --- MAR-301 CLEP

G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BUS-311 Business in Society...... (3.00) --- BUS-311 *PL *TE

H: Business Policy (Pending)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BUS-421 Business Policy.......... (3.00) --- BUS-421 ?TECEP?


General Management Specialization (18sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
A: GMS Required Areas (Pending)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECO-332 Money and Banking........ (3.00) --- ECO-332 *PL DSST
1.. MAN-230... Intro. to Entrepreneurshi 3.00 A MAN-230 *TE
1.. MAR-306... Creating/Implement Elec E 3.00 B+ MAR-306 *TE

B: GMS Elective Area (Pending)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. LDR-305... Foundations of Leadership (3.00) B+ LDR-305 *TE
1.. MAN-432... Small Business Management (3.00) B+ MAN-432 *TE
1.. MAN-331 Human Resource Management (3.00) --- MAN-331 *TE

Business Electives (9sh) (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. OA113 Desktop Publishing....... 3.00 A CAP-311 *CC *TE
2.. COMP0105 Intro Micro Use.......... 3.00 A CAP-101 *TE
2.. ENT0202 Bus Opportunities........ 1.00 A BUS-299 *TE
2.. ENT0201 Business Plan............ 1.00 A BUS-299 *TE
2.. ENT0203 Legal Aspects............ 1.00 B LAW-299 *TE


Free Electives (6sh) (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CADD0115 Intro Cad................ 3.00 B GRA-251 *TE
2.. CADD0110 Intro Drafting........... 3.00 B GRA-101 *TE
Thank you ALL for all the WONDERFUL information! Working SMARTER, NOT harder.

[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]banghead 57 Traditional B&M credits transferred to TESC :willynilly:
21 credits at TESC as of 8/1/12

Microeconomics (P), Accounting 1 (P), Accounting 2 (P)

SmileUp Next
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]CLEP Principles of Management
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]SL Macroeconomics
SL Precalculus
SL Statistics
SL Business Communications
SL English Comp 2
CLEP Introduction to Marketing
DSST Business in Society
DSST Money & Banking
CLEP Business Law
cakesincups Wrote:I can use financial aide for Penn Foster, correct?

Not quite. Military benefits, yes. FAFSA - no, as far as I know. Here's a bit from Penn Foster FAQ

Can I Receive Financial Aid From Penn Foster College?

Penn Foster College offers a variety of methods for students to save on tuition. Military tuition reimbursement and veteran education benefits help military personnel pay for classes at the distance learning school. Students can also make monthly payments using credit cards and debit cards.

There were also scholarships from "Project Working Mom," if a person qualified. (Working dads accepted.) Penn Foster took part in this. Don't know if it's still active. Site is Project Working Mom

Hope this helps.

The Gen Ed electives section is anything that fits in the Gen Ed categories - Humanities, Social Science, History, Natural Science, and Math. I would be surprised if accounting is allowed there, but TESC and EC categorize some courses differently. SL should have many options if you want to use them.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam*
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
Thank you for your input.

Anyone else have any ideas??
Thank you ALL for all the WONDERFUL information! Working SMARTER, NOT harder.

[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]banghead 57 Traditional B&M credits transferred to TESC :willynilly:
21 credits at TESC as of 8/1/12

Microeconomics (P), Accounting 1 (P), Accounting 2 (P)

SmileUp Next
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]CLEP Principles of Management
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]SL Macroeconomics
SL Precalculus
SL Statistics
SL Business Communications
SL English Comp 2
CLEP Introduction to Marketing
DSST Business in Society
DSST Money & Banking
CLEP Business Law
You can take either Precalculus or Trigonometry with ALEKS to fulfill the precalculus requirement at TESC. You can also use ALEKS for statistics and could use another class like College Algebra or Intermediate Algebra to fulfill your General Education Electives. However, you have ENS314 in General Education as 3 credits and I start this class on Monday and it is 6 credits, so you may have your General Education Electives taken care of already if that was just a typo.
BA in Natural Sciences/Mathematics, 2013 - TESC - Arnold Fletcher Award
AAS in Applied Computer Studies, 2013 - TESC
116 B&M Credits
32 FEMA Credits
9 ALEKS Credits - Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Trigonometry
9 Straighterline Credits - Business Communication, Microeconomics, English Composition II
6 TESC Credits - Global Environmental Change
3 DSST Credits - Environment and Humanity
My personal experience with Penn Foster is terrible. I would never use them. Spending any kind of financial aide with Penn Foster is a huge mistake.

Why do you need self-paced classes instead of CLEP's or DSST's?

Principles of Marketing, Principles of Management, Business Law and Principles of Human Resources Management are very easy CLEP's/DSST's. They are much cheaper and faster then PF classes. I would really look to CLEP's and DSST exams first. You can study at your own pace.

Other than that Straighterline and Aleks both rock!!
Others might have had a bad experience. I had a positive experience with Penn Foster. They do have flaws but come on they are for-profit and DETC accredited! Lol. I do agree that Penn Foster needs to upgrade it a notch but TESC has accepted all my courses from Penn Foster College. I did my A.A in CJ with Penn Foster and all credits transferred to my BA in Social Sciences at TESC. Somewhere around 60+ credits. Of course I love Straighterline as well I completed nearly 50+ credit with them too. ALEKS! I can't forget about that too.

I kind of like Penn Fosters course delivery much better. You can pretty much knock down a Penn Foster course quicker than a Straighterline course. Coming from me too, I knocked out Straighterline courses in a day or two. But at the end of the day others are right, CLEP and DSST's are a better and a way faster option as you can probably knock down as many tests a day if you know your stuff. But I am a horrible test taker so I went the ACE credit route (Penn Foster, SL, ALEKS etc) which wasn't bad at all :]

Certification (ACA) University of Central Florida
B.A. (Social Sciences) Thomas Edison State University
Yes, ENS314. It's under Nat Sci/Math as 6cr (only need 3) and listed again under Gen Ed for the extra 3 credits. Thank you though. I liked the class, it's a good choice.
Thank you ALL for all the WONDERFUL information! Working SMARTER, NOT harder.

[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]banghead 57 Traditional B&M credits transferred to TESC :willynilly:
21 credits at TESC as of 8/1/12

Microeconomics (P), Accounting 1 (P), Accounting 2 (P)

SmileUp Next
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]CLEP Principles of Management
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]SL Macroeconomics
SL Precalculus
SL Statistics
SL Business Communications
SL English Comp 2
CLEP Introduction to Marketing
DSST Business in Society
DSST Money & Banking
CLEP Business Law
Ace_King...I'm not 'old', but have a lot going on, much more than I would like, and I just feel like I can't retain the info long enough to take the CLEP. I took Prin of Man, I studied a couple of weeks and I made a 37. I used the InstantCert, but didn't take to it like I thought I would. Maybe just nervous with it being my first CLEP and first time with InstantCert. I will think about trying it again. I thought instead of failing it at $100 and have to wait 6 months to take it again or go ahead and pay to take the class at TESC or PF, I would just go the route of PF. I would rather read and test, then not have to worry so much about retaining that information for the next test.

I do love Straighterline! I've completed Acct 1, Acct 2, and Macro and am gearing up to finish up what I can with them.

Thank you guys for the help. I am open to any other comments or suggestions.
I finally found the info on PF and FAFSA at Penn Foster.

Does Penn Foster accept FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?
created by Erin Connors on Jul 21, 2012 11:40 AM, last modified by Erin Connors on Jul 25, 2012 7:42 AM
Version 7

Penn Foster does not accept FAFSA for any Degree, Diploma, or Certificate program.

Title IV schools offer Federal Financial Aid, including FAFSA, but must be either "Full-Time" or "Half-Time" status according to the government requirements. Penn Foster offers its programs with a self-paced and independent study strategy. This allows students a greater flexibility with their studies. However, since we are not considered "Full-Time" or "Half-time", we do not qualify as a Title IV school and do not offer, nor accept, FAFSA government funding.

The alternative is that your tuition is much lower, payment plans are available, you walk away with NO student debt, and students get the option to work at their own pace. This is very beneficial to single moms, full-time workers, and for students who prefer to study independently without the rigors of a traditional college schedule.

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