06-01-2007, 10:58 PM
Well, admittedly not the most difficult exam that CLEP has to offer, but Iâll take the three hours nonetheless. But its one of those exams that can lull you into a false sense of security if you let it.
I made a 71 with two weeks of study at about 3 hours a day. There were a few days I studied for 6 hours. If you have seen my other post you know that I am a big believer in being over prepared.
I can say with confidence that you should be able to pass this exam with the Instacert flashcards and no other study material, but I must admit I also used the REA Principles of Management book because I wanted a high score.
I can only guess how much higher my score was because of the extra study material, but the practice exams were also very detailed in their explanations and by the time I had memorized 95% of the questions I was very confident going into the exam. I was a little surprised that my score wasnât a little higher, but I may be getting a little cocky as this was my 9th CLEP exam.
So what to expect? If you know anything about the history and basics of management then you will have a head start. Its definitely weighted towards theories so know Maslow, Drucker, Barnard, Weber, McGregor, Fayol, Herzberg and several others.
You will also need to know the definition of specific terms such as planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and directing. Basically just like all the other jargon laden professions. The material seems overwhelming at first because there are over three hundred questions and the REA book contains another two hundred, though many of them are the same questions.
The only caveat I would add is to really know all of the terms because many of the them are very similar and kind of seem to intertwine with one another, i.e., the definition of controlling and planning are very similar and you can easily use one definition for the other, but the exam is very specific as to the correct terms.
I must admit that Iâm not very good at imparting exam information and I hope I havenât discouraged anyone because this is a very basic and straight forward exam. I will not call it easy because you really need to know a lot of different names and the theories they proposed along with their unique terms.
Regards, Jay
American Government 62
U.S. History I 58
U.S. History II 64
Intro Psychology 56
Humanities 51
Info Systms & Com App 60
Intro Sociology 73
Principles of Marketing 69
Principles of Management 71
I made a 71 with two weeks of study at about 3 hours a day. There were a few days I studied for 6 hours. If you have seen my other post you know that I am a big believer in being over prepared.
I can say with confidence that you should be able to pass this exam with the Instacert flashcards and no other study material, but I must admit I also used the REA Principles of Management book because I wanted a high score.
I can only guess how much higher my score was because of the extra study material, but the practice exams were also very detailed in their explanations and by the time I had memorized 95% of the questions I was very confident going into the exam. I was a little surprised that my score wasnât a little higher, but I may be getting a little cocky as this was my 9th CLEP exam.
So what to expect? If you know anything about the history and basics of management then you will have a head start. Its definitely weighted towards theories so know Maslow, Drucker, Barnard, Weber, McGregor, Fayol, Herzberg and several others.
You will also need to know the definition of specific terms such as planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and directing. Basically just like all the other jargon laden professions. The material seems overwhelming at first because there are over three hundred questions and the REA book contains another two hundred, though many of them are the same questions.
The only caveat I would add is to really know all of the terms because many of the them are very similar and kind of seem to intertwine with one another, i.e., the definition of controlling and planning are very similar and you can easily use one definition for the other, but the exam is very specific as to the correct terms.
I must admit that Iâm not very good at imparting exam information and I hope I havenât discouraged anyone because this is a very basic and straight forward exam. I will not call it easy because you really need to know a lot of different names and the theories they proposed along with their unique terms.
Regards, Jay
American Government 62
U.S. History I 58
U.S. History II 64
Intro Psychology 56
Humanities 51
Info Systms & Com App 60
Intro Sociology 73
Principles of Marketing 69
Principles of Management 71