04-13-2010, 03:14 PM
Well, while not exactly cheap, I can vouch that EC has at least one good CJ professor. :p
THey'll take all the ace approved courses from PF and all that fun stuff and if you're anticipating having to actually take courses, you can save a chunk of cash by getting a POAG (Peace Officers of Georgia) membership which not only cuts the cost per credit hour down to $250, but also cuts about $750 off of the enrollment fee and $300 off of the grad fee. The only downside is having to take 12 credits through them. (Well and like NAP pointed out, you'd lose the 2 english cleps.)
The Info for the CJ program at EC is on page 34 of the Liberal Arts catalog. Unfortunately, you can only apply 2 ECEs to the major, if you were looking at taking any. (You can apply as many as you want to the core stuff, though)
They've got four emphasis of study for the CJ program
CJ majors do have to take the 1 credit Research and Writing course (I've got like 15 of them in the 18 people in my class right now)
I was looking at the Criminal Profiling & IA emphasis... That's a pretty interesting set of classes right there...
THey'll take all the ace approved courses from PF and all that fun stuff and if you're anticipating having to actually take courses, you can save a chunk of cash by getting a POAG (Peace Officers of Georgia) membership which not only cuts the cost per credit hour down to $250, but also cuts about $750 off of the enrollment fee and $300 off of the grad fee. The only downside is having to take 12 credits through them. (Well and like NAP pointed out, you'd lose the 2 english cleps.)
The Info for the CJ program at EC is on page 34 of the Liberal Arts catalog. Unfortunately, you can only apply 2 ECEs to the major, if you were looking at taking any. (You can apply as many as you want to the core stuff, though)
They've got four emphasis of study for the CJ program
- Administraton of Criminal Justice (Hurm - sounds like a path to a boring desk job, but hey..;p)
- Corrections emphasis
- Criminal Profiling and Investigative Analysis Emphasis (Wasn't this what you were interested in doing in the CJ field?)
- Homeland Security emphasis (I think TESC is already flooding the market for this, with the FEMA courses and all that)
CJ majors do have to take the 1 credit Research and Writing course (I've got like 15 of them in the 18 people in my class right now)
I was looking at the Criminal Profiling & IA emphasis... That's a pretty interesting set of classes right there...
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.
Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully