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On track to complete business ethics grad course at NCU in 3 weeks!
I started this class on March 12 and have should have it all done this Sunday April 3!

That is 21 days from start to finish for a graduate course. It will certainly take longer for my mentor to actually grade all of my assignments but it is exciting to be done with the work.

Right now I have been graded on 5 assignments and my grade stands at a 96% for the course.

I have been getting up early and staying up a little later than normal to start and finish papers. I also spent most of the last two weekends working on them but I am very happy about the speed I can knock these out.

The course is basically 11 papers, the last one being a 13-15 page paper.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Given your desire for a self-paced grad program, it soulds like this is working out well for you. Good luck with the rest of your studies.
I m edumakated thanx to distunce lerning.

MEd, Texas A&M University, 2018
MBA, University of North Dakota, 2014
MS, University of Illinois Springfield, 2010
BSBA, Thomas Edison State University, 2008
AS / AAS, Tidewater Community College, 2004
Great job!!!
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it
Excellent job!!! What course is next?
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
You rock man :hurray: You're my hero!!! Smile
Wow that's great!! How much of your free time are you dedicating to writing papers? Also, are you working on any assignments during down time at work?

Just wondering if you're doing this full time or part time. It's really amazing!
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
Nice job!!!
Sounds like a lot of writing !!! My UL Ethics class at CSU sounds similiar. 10 2-3 page papers with an 11th that is 8-10 pages APA format.

What school is NCU? What is the overall program? I would like to hear some details, very interested in a self paced masters at some point.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
Way to go Ryoder!
How many more to go?
I spend a bunch of hours each weekend, get up a little early most days and write papers. Some nights I write papers from nine to eleven but it's not too bad. I did wake up at five this morning to get started on paper ten. I spent just over an hour on it. I read the document and created a thesis statement and a couple of opinion only paragraphs.

The average 3-5 page paper takes about five hours for me now. I do two hours of roughing it out then go research and cite, then put it away. I then work another one and come back to the previous one for final editing.

I have two assignments left to complete. The last is thirteen pages with table of contents. This will take the whole weekend minimum to write.

Worst case im done in four weeks.

My next class, i don't know. I could do a bs class on how to succeed and manage time at or i could do strategic knowledge studies for business. This course is a refresher and a litmus test for undergrad business. Im not in the MBA program yet since i have not been conferred a bsba yet so I can pick almost anything. Once i am in the program i must go in order.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science

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