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My TESU Liberal Arts Capstone Experience
I just wanted to share my recent 2016 experience with the LIB 495 capstone course at TESU just in case others who are about to take it are curious as to what it entails. I know there are other threads about this topic on the forum, but some of the comments were from a couple years ago. I wanted to start a new one that’s fresher for any upcoming capstone takers.

First of all, I know some forum members may disagree, but I personally recommend that you take the Online Option (OL) versus the Guided Study (GS) Option. The main reason is for the benefit of having other graded material to include in your overall grade. The only basic difference between the OL and GS options is that you are not required to post discussion posts on the GS. Although this sounds like an added task that you don’t have to deal with in the GS option, you should note that the discussion posts are worth 23% of your grade (which is a relatively good chunk)… and they’re super easy. It never took me more than 15 minutes to write a post and only took less than 5 minutes to comment on other people’s posts. I always got full credit for them (100%). If you’re not doing so great with the grades of your assignments, you at least can potentially save yourself with the forum posts. Without the posts (GS option), you may get a D in the class when you could’ve gotten a B (OL option).

Secondly, do the ETS test. Some people in my class didn’t do it because it was only worth 2% of your grade. But 2% could still be the difference between a 72% (a C-) and 74% (a C). And you need at LEAST a “C” to pass this course; a “C-“ is not acceptable. Or if you’re worried about your GPA, it could mean the difference between a B+ and an A-. So do not skip on it. Even if you completely bomb the test, you still get full credit for taking it. So you can’t fail on this one. It’s just 45min of your time.

For the paper itself, I’d say the two most difficult modules are Modules 2 and 4.
Module 1 is basically just stating what you’re going to talk about.
Module 2 is all about the background of the topic. You gotta use TONS of references and it can get tiresome. Then you gotta do an Annotated Bibliography. Then you have to get it verified through to prove that you haven’t plagiarized. Not very fun. This was probably the most involved Module. I recommend immediately working on this one right after you’re done with Module 1. And don’t wait to turn this assignment in until the last day because may have technical issues that day. Personally, I recommend getting the syllabus BEFORE you start the class and complete the first assignment before you even begin the class so you can focus the first 3 weeks solely on Module 2.
Module 3 is just stating your methodology. The assignment and book explain it pretty well.
Module 4 is all about presenting the data after researching deeper into your topic. Almost every paragraph should have one or more references. This module involved a lot of research.
Module 5 is restating everything from all the chapters and then stating your opinions.
Module 6 is putting it all together into the format it wants.

As long as you turn your assignments in on time, reference everything according to APA or MLA format, and do your best to at least ATTEMPT to follow the instructions on the assignment’s handout, you should get a decent grade for each module.

I ended up getting a 100% on every chapter assignment and forum post, 96% on the final paper and a 99% in the class overall.

Do not be intimidated by this course. It’s definitely tedious, but it’s not hard. I too feared the 25 page minimum requirement, but I actually ended up writing over 50 pages worth.

If you don’t have any idea of what you should write about, I recommend picking something to do with American History. This way you can always find criteria that you can reference. A couple people in my class had to go back to the drawing board and pick a new topic after they realized that their very narrow original topic did not have a lot of prior research to be reviewed. If you pick something involving American History (like the Civil War or the Electoral College), you will DEFINITELY have enough material to write your paper.

I also recommend working ahead so you can make sure your paper meets all the requirements, is formatted correctly and turned in on time.

I also recommend having someone who is good with APA guidelines and grammar to edit/review your paper. A lot of the grading is based on proper format and grammar so it would be highly beneficial to at least have someone do a quick review of your assignments before you turn them in.

I also recommend finishing the assignment in the first week and then posting your discussion post at the beginning of the second week. It’s easier to post on the forum AFTER you have completed the assignment because the post is basically about what you did for the assignment.

Also, you DO need to the get the Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation book but you do NOT need the Keys for Writers one. Save your $. I never used it and I’ve read everywhere on the forum that no one else used it.

Recap of recommendations:

-Pick the Online Class Option.
-If you have no idea what to write about, pick something having to do with American History (like the Civil War) so that you will have plenty of resources to cite in your paper.
-Get the Writing the Winning Thesis book but don’t get the Keys for Writers.
-Get the syllabus for the course and complete Module 1 before you start the class. This will buy you more time to complete the comprehensive Module 2 tasks.
-Do the ETS test.
-Get someone to review/edit your assignments before you turn them in.
-Turn in assignments early.
-Post to the Discussion Forum AFTER you have completed the assignment.

Good luck!
PM me if you have any questions.
[-] The following 5 users Like kevinmane's post:
  • cwendy111, Life Long Learning, sheptr, silentstorm, studiousimp
My experience mirrors yours, except that my REAL life got in the way, and I had to request an extension. It'll take me another week or two to finish up. Absolutely YES on doing online vs. guided study. I'll have a guaranteed 68%-70% before I even turn in my final paper, which means I could totally bomb it and still pass. As far as the topic goes, identify most of your sources before committing to it. Also, it's easier to cut scope back than add it later. I started with 5 sub questions, and cut it back to three later.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
Thanks for all of this info, it's extremely helpful.

Does the project require a lot of original research, or are you just synthesizing what's already out there? i think there was some question on this earlier.

Also, you suggested picking "American History," does this mean you don't necessarily have to pick a topic related to your area of study?
Northwestern California University School of Law
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Georgia Tech
MS Cybersecurity (Policy), 2021

Thomas Edison State University
BA Computer Science, 2023
BA Psychology, 2016
AS Business Administration, 2023
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Western Governors University
BS IT Security, 2018

Chaffey College
AA Sociology, 2015

Accumulated Credit: Undergrad: 258.50 | Graduate: 32

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jsd Wrote:Thanks for all of this info, it's extremely helpful.

Does the project require a lot of original research, or are you just synthesizing what's already out there? i think there was some question on this earlier.

Also, you suggested picking "American History," does this mean you don't necessarily have to pick a topic related to your area of study?

For your first question, it's a combination of original research and stating what's already out there. For instance, you could pose the question "Should the Electoral College be abolished?" To begin, you would have to state what the Electoral College is all about and reference what is already out there on this topic (this is basically the first two modules). Modules 3-5 are more focused on the original research. You could pose many claims where the Electoral College has failed America and times when it was beneficial. Then you could compare the pros vs cons and state your own opinion in Module 5 on whether you think it should be abolished or not based on what you've researched.

For your second question, for the LIB-495 class, you can pick ANY topic you want. If you were taking a Business Capstone of some kind, I'm sure the topics would be limited to Business. But since Liberal Arts includes Social Science, Humanities, Natural Science, and Math subjects, you could pretty much write about anything. One person in my class wrote about how Artificial Intelligence should be better monitored so we don't eventually get taken over by robots or end up in a "WALL-E" situation. Another person wrote about how healthcare professionals should get more time off so they don't accidentally screw up an operation. Not surprisingly, the student who wrote about Artificial Intelligence works at an IT company and the person who wrote about healthcare professionals is a nurse. So they picked topics that they knew a lot about; I'm sure that helped them keep interested as well as gave them some foreknowledge of where to find content to reference in their paper. I work as an Admin Assistant for a government agency, so it is quite boring. I've always loved history so I just picked a topic within American History and went with it. I'm assuming the same could be done for history enthusiasts or just for people who have no idea what they should write about.

Good luck!
[-] The following 1 user Likes kevinmane's post:
  • studiousimp
kevinmane Wrote:Recap of recommendations:

-Pick the Online Class Option.
-If you have no idea what to write about, pick something having to do with American History (like the Civil War) so that you will have plenty of resources to cite in your paper.
-Get the Writing the Winning Thesis book but don’t get the Keys for Writers.
-Get the syllabus for the course and complete Module 1 before you start the class. This will buy you more time to complete the comprehensive Module 2 tasks.
-Do the ETS test.
-Get someone to review/edit your assignments before you turn them in.
-Turn in assignments early.
-Post to the Discussion Forum AFTER you have completed the assignment.

davewill Wrote:As far as the topic goes, identify most of your sources before committing to it. Also, it's easier to cut scope back than add it later. I started with 5 sub questions, and cut it back to three later.

Really appreciate you both taking the time to share. Those tips are very helpful!

Any suggestions on where to buy an inexpensive copy of the Writing the Winning Thesis book? I see they are running about $30 new on Amazon, which isn't bad for a textbook, but if I can save some money it's always helpful Smile
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
Ebay has many copies for sale. At the moment, second edition goes for under $ 10 including shipping.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
KayV Wrote:Ebay has many copies for sale. At the moment, second edition goes for under $ 10 including shipping.

Is the 2nd edition a good option for the Capstone course? Just checking b/c in the Tech Writing course I took at the CC last semester the prof stated emphatically that some of the APA guidelines have changed recently.
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
The latest APA revision (Sixth) was released in 2009, and the 2nd edition of Writing the Winning Thesis was published in 2005, so if you're not already comfortable with the latest APA style guidelines, might not be your best bet

(That is, assuming this text focuses on APA style, it might not not even be the scope of this book. I haven't taken the class yet, so I don't know)
Northwestern California University School of Law
JD Law, 2027 (in progress, currently 2L)

Georgia Tech
MS Cybersecurity (Policy), 2021

Thomas Edison State University
BA Computer Science, 2023
BA Psychology, 2016
AS Business Administration, 2023
Certificate in Operations Management, 2023
Certificate in Computer Information Systems, 2023

Western Governors University
BS IT Security, 2018

Chaffey College
AA Sociology, 2015

Accumulated Credit: Undergrad: 258.50 | Graduate: 32

View all of my credit on my Omni Transcript!
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jsd Wrote:The latest APA revision (Sixth) was released in 2009, and the 2nd edition of Writing the Winning Thesis was published in 2005, so if you're not already comfortable with the latest APA style guidelines, might not be your best bet

(That is, assuming this text focuses on APA style, it might not not even be the scope of this book. I haven't taken the class yet, so I don't know)

The last time I really took an APA course (besides a brief review by aforementioned prof) was 1993/4, so I think I'll have to do some review Wink
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
The book (Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation) really doesn't discuss APA much other than to tell you to "cite your references appropriately." The book is aimed at people who use all styles (APA, MLA, etc.) so they don't focus much on the particular rules. I have the 3rd edition and still divert to Purdue's OWL website for ALL of my APA instructions.
MBA - WGU - In Progress
BA Social Sciences - TESU - 2016

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