scorched Wrote:Yep, they collected mine in 1996.
Get this.. All you military people know forms are filled out using what? BLACK INK PEN.
Guess what they made us use? Pencil!
Hows that for conspiracy?
And defscarlett.. you can't actually believe that's the only reason they take a sample, right?
I hope not. It was clear where this was going from the beginning. And I'm sure even the repository is only a small piece of what they do with our DNA.
As its name suggests, the DNA Repository was initially conceived solely to identify the remains of service members. However, a small entry in the huge 2003 National Defense Authorization Act, âsigned by President Bush on December 2, 2002, overrides Pentagon policy that the DNA samples be used almost solely to identity troops killed in combat,â and allows access to the Repository for law enforcement purposes. The provision reads:
§ 1565a. DNA samples maintained for identification of human remains: use for law enforcement purposes
(a) Compliance with a court order.
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), if a valid order of a Federal court (or military judge) so requires, an element of the Department of Defense that maintains a repository of DNA samples for the purpose of identification of human remains shall make available, for the purpose specified in subsection (b), such DNA samples on such terms and conditions as such court (or military judge) directs.
(2) A DNA sample with respect to an individual shall be provided under paragraph
(1) in a manner that does not compromise the ability of the Department of Defense to maintain a sample with respect to that individual for the purpose of identification of human remains.
(b) Covered purpose. The purpose referred to in subsection (a) is the purpose of an investigation or prosecution of a felony, or any sexual offense, for which no other source of DNA information is reasonably available.
© Definition. In this section, the term âDNA sampleâ has the meaning given such term in section 1565© of this title.