02-09-2018, 11:13 AM
I'm sad there's not a CS Honor Society that I know of. Even if there is one, many need a minimum of graded credits, or have some other requirements. The list I looked at has so many Business ones, etc.
The Saylor Software Engineering course looks somewhat easy to me and interesting. Their Networking course looks kind of boring but straightforward. I'll learn some things.
I plan to start Java Programming at a CC in April. For some reason they want you to have taken a C++ class already. It is not a PreReq however, just a suggested course. This is a class for people with some programming experience, I guess, but I don't know if it matters if my experience is C++ or something else. I'd like to go slower and take the 2 easier Java courses, but then it costs more and takes months longer. And that might be a little too slow.
I don't look forward to Saylor's Intro CS II since it's not based around a single textbook. I may take it much later on, hoping I know most of the material by then. But I wonder if it would help me for the Java class. I do already know some of the material. I think I can find some better way to prep for the Java class.
I wonder how much the Intro C++ at SL would help in preparation. Maybe I'll squeeze it in. It's just a time thing. I would definitely do it if I had more time.
The Saylor Software Engineering course looks somewhat easy to me and interesting. Their Networking course looks kind of boring but straightforward. I'll learn some things.
I plan to start Java Programming at a CC in April. For some reason they want you to have taken a C++ class already. It is not a PreReq however, just a suggested course. This is a class for people with some programming experience, I guess, but I don't know if it matters if my experience is C++ or something else. I'd like to go slower and take the 2 easier Java courses, but then it costs more and takes months longer. And that might be a little too slow.
I don't look forward to Saylor's Intro CS II since it's not based around a single textbook. I may take it much later on, hoping I know most of the material by then. But I wonder if it would help me for the Java class. I do already know some of the material. I think I can find some better way to prep for the Java class.
I wonder how much the Intro C++ at SL would help in preparation. Maybe I'll squeeze it in. It's just a time thing. I would definitely do it if I had more time.