12-27-2010, 04:11 PM
What does the sentence "Must include at least two subject areas" mean?
Listed under each subject at this link is where is says that. I had not really paid attention until now.
I have taken English Lit. and Analyzing and Interpreting English Lit. Cleps...which I had thought could both fall under humanities...giving me the 12 credits I need. Is that not going to work?
Listed under each subject at this link is where is says that. I had not really paid attention until now.
I have taken English Lit. and Analyzing and Interpreting English Lit. Cleps...which I had thought could both fall under humanities...giving me the 12 credits I need. Is that not going to work?

<>< Beth Ann
Analyzing and Interpreting English Lit.
English Lit.
US History 1
Up Next: :leaving:
Either Biology or Humanities
BA in English
Thomas Edison State College

Analyzing and Interpreting English Lit.
English Lit.
US History 1
Up Next: :leaving:
Either Biology or Humanities
BA in English
Thomas Edison State College