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Most efficient Associate degree I can get?
What are the quickest and cheapest Associate degrees you can get from the Big 3? Please include total amount and how many credits you can test out of if you can, thank you.
West Virginia Northern Community College
Board of Governors AAS
Area of Concentration in Business

1. COM 1: SL/ CLEP English Composition I 3
2. COM 2: SL/ CLEP English Composition II 3
3. SCI: Saylor Intro to Biology or SL Nutrition 3
4. MATH: Shmoop Algebra I and II (or ALEKS College Algebra) 3
5. SOC 1: Shmoop US History I 3
6: SOC 2: Shmoop US History II 3
7. COMP: TEEX Cybersecurity 6
8: ELEC 1: Shmoop Modern European History 3
9. ELEC 2: Shmoop (or ALEKS) Precalculus 3
10. ELEC 3: Saylor BUS 101 Intro to Business 3
11. ELEC 4: Saylor BUS 103 Intro to Financial Accounting 3
12. ELEC 5: Saylor BUS 203 Principles of Marketing 3
13. ELEC 6: Saylor BUS 205 Business Law and Ethics 3
14. ELEC 7: Saylor BUS 208 Corporate Communication 3
15. ELEC 8: Shmoop Finite Math 3
16. ELEC 9: Shmoop Lit or Math (or ALEKS Business Statistics) 3
17. ELEC 10: Shmoop Lit or Math 3
18. ELEC 11: Shmoop Lit or Math 3
19. ELEC 12: Shmoop Lit or Math 3

If you decide not to take the CLEP College Composition, you could just take SL English Composition I and use the Saylor Corporate Communication in place of English Comp II. Replace those 3 hours with another Saylor or Shmoop course.

Also, they are very flexible about what they will accept as long as it comes from an ACE transcript, so you could replace a course you don’t want to take with another one very easily. Just make sure you have the first 21 credits above completed.

You would need to apply for a waiver for the residency credits, but WVNCC seems very amenable to approving those waivers.

Shmoop is ~$90/ month for as many credits as you can take (no proctoring fees). Saylor is $25 per class for proctoring the final exam through ProctorU. You could replace those Saylor business courses with more from Shmoop, but then you wouldn’t have a concentration in business; rather you would just have an AAS in General Studies.

Programs of Study > Board of Governors A.A.S. Degree Completion Program | WVNCC | West Virginia Northern Community College

Earn College Credit | Saylor Academy

College Credit

Online College Courses For Credits Towards Your Degree | StraighterLine
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Charter Oak State College
AS in General Studies
Straighterline Courses

1. SL English Composition - ENG 101 3
2. SL English Composition II - ENG 102 3
3. SL Speech Communication - COM 101 3 (or apply for a waiver and add 3 FEMA)
4. (COSC Cornerstone) 3
5. SL Business Ethics and Individual Values - PHL 485 3
6. SL/ Shmoop A Biography of America: 1877- 1990's - HIS 102 (US History I) 3
7. SL Western Civilization I - HIS 121 3 or Shmoop Modern European History 3
8. Shmoop Shakespeare’s Plays/ Bible as Literature etc. (pick one) 3
9. SL Introduction to Sociology - SOC 101 3
10. ALEKS or SL College Algebra 3 or Shmoop Finite Math 3
11. SL Chemistry with Lab - CHE 101/L or Biology I with Lab - BIO 110/L 4
12. Non-lab Science: SL Introduction to Nutrition - BIO 105 3

That fulfills the general education requirements with 37 hours.
13. FEMA 23
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Oops, double post appears below for Excelsior.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
For the person who loves Shmoop classes, here’s an associate degree from Excelsior using as many of their courses as possible.

Also, Excelsior lists areas of focus on associate liberal arts transcripts for 15 hours in a content area, and will list more than one if applicable. This plan includes an area of focus in English.

Straighterline: Excelsior College & StraighterLine - Degree Savings Partnership | StraighterLine
Excelsior: Excelsior College | StraighterLine
Coopersmith: English and Literature
Shmoop: College Credit
POAG for partner pricing (be sure to mention it when you enroll, $25/ year):

Excelsior Associate of Science (or Arts) in Liberal Arts
Area of Focus in English

1. WER 1: SL English Composition I 3
2. WER 2/ ASE 1: SL English Composition II 3
3. HUM 1: SL Business Ethics 3
4. HUM 2: SH Western Literature 3*
5. SOC 1: SH Modern European History 3
6. SOC 2: SH American History I 3
7. MATH: SH Finite Math 3
8. SCI: SL Intro to Environmental Science (or Nutrition) or Saylor Biology 3
9. ASE 2: SH American History II 3
10. CAP: Excelsior Capstone 3
11. INF: Coopersmith ENG-103 Information Literacy 2
12. SH Algebra I and II 3
13. SH Precalculus 3
14. SH British Literature 3*
15. SH Modernist Literature 3*
16. SH American Literature 3*
17. SH Literature in the Media 3*
18. SH Intro to Poetry 3*
19. SH Shakespeare’s Plays 3*
20. SH Bible as Literature 3*
21. SH Women’s Literature 3*
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
TESU Associate in Arts (General Studies)
No Capstone for this degree

1. CLEP College Composition/ SL English Composition - ENG 101 3
2. CLEP College Composition/ SL English Composition II - ENG 102 3
3. SL Speech Communication - COM 101 3
4. ALEKS Intermediate Algebra/ ALEKS/ SL College Algebra 3/ Shmoop Finite Math 3
5. SL Intro to World Religions 3 (or CLEP Analyzing Lit 6)
6. SL Intro to Sociology 3
7. The Institutes’ Insurance Ethics 2
8. SL American Government or Saylor Intro to Comparative Politics 3
9. Shmoop Modern European History 3
10. Shmoop American History I 3
11. Shmoop American History II 3
12. Shmoop Literature course 3
13. TEEX Cybersecurity for the Business Professional CIS-344 2
14. Saylor Intro to Biology or SL Nutrition 3
15. 20 hours of Shmoop Literature or Math Courses
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
West Virginia Northern Community College is by far the cheapest of the above degrees because you don't have to take a Capstone and their other fees are very low. It also lists an area of concentration on the transcript, which is very useful. Search the forum for more information about WVNCC.

Among the other three, TESU does not require a Capstone for this particular degree, but their fees are high for just an associate degree.

Charter Oak requires a Capstone, but that is somewhat mitigated by the use of free FEMA courses.

Excelsior also requires a Capstone and Information Literacy, so 4 hours. Joining POAG reduces the fees. Excelsior will list an area of focus on the transcript as well.

That's all I've got. Good luck, OP.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Wait, one more thing- you are far more likely to get the waiver from WVNCC if you have already earned all the credits you need. So complete all the credits, then apply.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
KayV Wrote:Wait, one more thing- you are far more likely to get the waiver from WVNCC if you have already earned all the credits you need. So complete all the credits, then apply.

Any ideas on costs, I didn't see much on other threads or their site. May be an interesting idea for these Shmoop and credits I have been working on Smile
Not sure, I think it was just for the graduation fee?
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits

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