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Bsba-cis @ tesu
Hey guys,

I'm taking some course at SL and looking to take a few at Penn Foster, I am tying to get a BSBA-CIS from TESU.

I need the following class from Penn Foster and have a few questions, I never took any course from PF yet so I'm not sure.

Course I'll be taking:
Introduction to Marketing
Principles of Finance
Strategic Management

From what I found I can only take these at PF for TESU at a fast pace, I know there are online quiz and a proctor final for those classes. My questions are:
Are the quizzes proctor? and are they multiple choice?
My local library will be my proctor, so I have that cover, but will the final be multiple choice?

The reason I'm asking, is I've seen some post that the final is really write intensive, and I'm not sure about the quiz either. I'll like to know if anyone recently take any of these courses and can give some details of what to expect.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Please ignore the details below, it's not updated yet.

Completed Jan 2018
Mike, do you really need to go through Penn Foster? There are other options, see below for details/recommendations.
You can take the Intro to Marketing at Saylor for $25, Principles of Finance at Davar for $70+15 proctor or both at
Strategic Management has to be taken at TESU Online, you can take the Davar and courses for review, but it'll be a waste Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
You may want to also inform us what courses you have completed and we can create a plan for you.
Please see my signature, it's already got a link of the best courses for all the ones you require and more.
This spreadsheet was created by dfrecore but I've updated with my own choices and recommendations. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
There is no real reason to take any of these courses at PF.

A lot of people took Strategic Management there before TESU disallowed transferring in of the capstone; since they no longer allow that, there's no reason to take it at PF; you would have to repeat it at TESU.

Intro to Marketing and Prin of Finance can be taken many different ways, and for much cheaper than PF ($329 each). I took the Prin of Marketing CLEP exam, it was fairly easy. It's also available through Saylor ($25), CLEP ($85), TECEP ($117), Davar ($95) or (~$100) Prin of Finance is available through DSST ($85), (~$100) or Davar ($95).
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
I didn't realize there were that many options, let me out all the course together that I've already took and if you guys can help me out, that would be great.

Completed Jan 2018
Here are my completed courses already, I had my transcript eval with with TESU, transcript is from previous college and some SL course.

Course | Source | Credit

IntellecSkills 15 SH, I need one more class to complete this
1) ENC-101 English Composition I / Previous College / 3
2) ENC-102 English Composition II / SL / 3
3) Oral Communication 3 SH / SL / in progress at SL / 3 (when completed)
4) REL-277 Intro to World Religions / SL / 3
5) MAT-129 Precalculus / Previous College / 3

[COLOR="#00FF00"]Civic Learning 9 SH : Completed[/COLOR]
6) SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology / SL / 3
7) PHI-384 Ethics & Business Professional / SL / 3
8) POS-211 State & Local Government / Previous College / 3

Human Cultures 9 SH: Completed
9) ANT-150 Cultural Anthropology I / SL / 3
10) PHI-120 Introduction to Logic / Previous college / 3
11) LIT-299 Special Topics in Literature / Previous college / 3

Natural World 4 SH: Completed
12) CAP-273 UNIX / LINUX / Previous college / 4

Mathematics 3 SH: Incomplete
STA-201 Principles of Statistics
What are my choices here?

TES-100 1 SH: Incomplete
I guess this has to be taken at TESU

Additional General Education Electives 19 SH: I need 4 more credit here
13) MAT-121 College Algebra / Previous College / 3
14) HUM-199 Special Topics in Humanities / Previous College / 1
15) HE-212 AC Circuits / Previous College / 3
16) ENG-201 Technical Writing / Previous college / 3
17) HE-211 DC Circuits / Previous college / 3
What other course i can use to fill this

Core (36SH) (In progress)

Accounting 6 SH: Completed
18) Financial Accounting / SL / 3
19) Managerial Accounting / SL / 3

Business Law 3 SH: Completed
20) Business Law / SL / 3

Computers 3 SH: Completed
21) CIS-107 Computer Concepts and Appl / Previous College / 3

Finance 3 SH: Incomplete
FIN-301 Prin ciples of Finance
What are my choices?

Management 3 SH: Incomplete
MAN-301 Prin ciples of Management
What are my choices?

Marketing 3 SH: Incomplete
MAR-301 Intr oduction to Marketing
What are my choices here

Business/Society 3SH: Incomplete
MAN-372 International Manage ment or BUS-311 Business in Society
Where can I take one of these?

Economics 6 SH: Completed
22) Macroeconomics / SL / 3
23) Microeconomics / SL / 3

Communications 3 SH: Incomplete:
23) MAN-373 Manageri al Communications
What are my choices?

Capstone 3 SH: Incomplete
I guess this will have to be at TESU

Computer Inf Sys (18SH: 12SH must be upper level) (In progress)

Programming 3 SH: Completed
24) CAP-191 Visual BASIC / Previous College / 3

Systs Analy/Dsgn 3SH: Incomplete
CIS-320 Systems Analysis and Design
What are my choices here?

CIS Electives 12 SH: Incomplete
25) CAP-299 Special Topics in Computer App / Previous College / 4
Note* I need 8 more credit to complete this, what can I use to fill this

Electives (6sh): Completed
26) CMP-122 Support Micro Server Op Sys / Previous College / 3
27) ELD-299 Special Topics Digital Electrn / Previous college 3

Those are applied to BSBA-CIS

These are the other course credit I got but did not apply to this degree, I'm not sure if this can apply to any of my needed course.

1. HE-299 Special Topics in Electricity 08/01/00 C 2.00 2.00 *TO
2. ELD-201 Intro to Digital Electronics 08/01/00 B 4.00 4.00 *TO
3. HE-299 Special Topics in Electricity 12/01/00 B+ 1.00 1.00 *TO
4. CAP-299 Special Topics in Computer App 05/01/01 A 2.00 2.00 *TO
5. CAP-216 Intro to Computer Network Syst 05/01/01 C+ 2.00 2.00 *TO
6. CAP-104 Hardware and Software 05/01/01 A 4.00 4.00 *TO
7. ELD-299 Special Topics Digital Electrn 05/01/01 B 1.00 1.00 *TO
8. ELT-201 Intro to Solid State Devices 05/01/01 C 4.00 4.00 *TO
9. CMP-130 Supprt Micro Network Infras 05/01/01 A 4.00 4.00 *TO
10. CAP-182 Intro to Internet Programming 12/01/01 A 2.00 2.00 *TO
11. CAP-295 Intro to Security Basics 12/01/01 B+ 3.00 3.00 *TO
12. CAP-288 Switches and Routers 12/01/01 C- 3.00 3.00 *TO
13. ELT-299 Special Topics Electroncs Tech 12/01/01 B+ 1.00 1.00 *TO
14. ELT-202 Intro to Electronic Circuits I 12/01/01 C+ 3.00 3.00 *TO
15. MAN-299 Special Topics in Management 12/01/01 C+ 3.00 3.00 *TO

I'll appreciate any and all help I can get to find a good source that I can finish this anywhere rather than TESU, I know there are some I have to take there and that's fine. I'll perfer SL for as many courses I can take, just because I prefer that style and it works great for me.

Please provide all other sources I can take the courses I need and I'll look into them and see what might work best for me.

Please feel free to ask any questions, if needed I can save my transcript as a PDF and upload it if needed.

Completed Jan 2018
I already listed all of the ways to get Marketing & Finance. Here is my spreadsheet showing the multiple ways you can get a lot of these. Davar isn't on the list I don't think, but you can check it to see if you'd rather go that route for anything that they have.

If you're not using, you at least need to use it for 2 courses; then contact TESU and ask that they give you the affiliate membership - it gives you a waiver for the Cornerstone ($300 savings), a discount on the residency waiver ($1800 instead of $2500, a $700 savings) and a discount on the Capstone that you have to take at TESU ($1098 instead of $1497, a $400 savings). So paying $199 for a month of (and getting 2 courses completed) will save you $1400. Not a bad deal!

Attached Files
.xlsx   Less than 1 minute ago">TESU BSBA CIS.xlsx (Size: 52.5 KB / Downloads: 36)
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
Thank you all of the info guys, I am making some really good progress on this and will update my sig with all the info soon. I do have a few more questions, dfrecore you could be able to answer this for me.

I was looking at this comparison on TESU site:

"Principles of Management ACPE-0124 Straighterline MAN-301"
Does this mean it counts as an UL course at TESU, they do accept it according to their site (Link above"

"COS-213 REQUIRED - Programming with C++ 3 SL"
On your excel sheet it says I can take this at SL, I don't see it as a TESU equivalent, I guess I take it and send it to ACE first then TESU?

Completed Jan 2018
RRMIKE Wrote:Thank you all of the info guys, I am making some really good progress on this and will update my sig with all the info soon. I do have a few more questions, dfrecore you could be able to answer this for me.

I was looking at this comparison on TESU site:

"Principles of Management ACPE-0124 Straighterline MAN-301"
Does this mean it counts as an UL course at TESU, they do accept it according to their site (Link above"

"COS-213 REQUIRED - Programming with C++ 3 SL"
On your excel sheet it says I can take this at SL, I don't see it as a TESU equivalent, I guess I take it and send it to ACE first then TESU?

That isn't the only place that lists equivalent courses. My spreadsheet is correct, you can take it at SL, Saylor, etc.

Also, regarding whether or not it's UL at TESU, it doesn't matter - they only care if courses come into the AOS as UL, so you could take the core at a CC, and they would still work just fine.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
RRMIKE Wrote:I've seen some post that the final is really write intensive

Yes it is. I completed the entire BSBA CIS sequence including the capstone in 2013 before switching to CS. The class that I was in had somewhat different rules from previous classes. It still required APA formatting but it was single-spaced not double-spaced like normal APA papers. You have to write papers every week or two. If I recall correctly it was the normal 3-5 page paper just like virtually every other class. The final paper was 10 pages minimum. That isn't much but remember it is single-spaced so it is the equivalent of 20 pages in normal APA.

By comparison the Liberal Arts capstone is minimum 25 pages of normal APA = 12.5 pages single-spaced, though several students reported here they wrote 40+ page papers. (in the Liberal Arts capstone -- the BSBA capstone mentor would probably not like that at all)

When I took the capstone the guidance was to imagine you are writing reports and giving advice to the CEO of a company -- get to the point, don't write War and Peace and don't try to be a poet. You will do a lot of accounting and financial analysis, economic analysis, marketing analysis, legal, etc. The final project will require you to bring all of that to bear in a single scenario. In my case it was answering a question like "Should Google pull back from China?" You have to analyze the whole thing and do all the research on your own. You are still expected to write academically but it is "business-academic" writing

It's really not that bad as long as you have some experience writing papers. If you don't then I would imagine it would be painful since there are a lot of strict requirements for APA and academic wrting in general.

To be completely honest though, in my experience in the business classes a significant number of students were BS-ing their way through class by simply rephrasing a few sentences from the text in discussion, and some had trouble with basic follow-up questions from the mentor. And they had trouble expressing themselves in some cases, yet they had made it to the final senior course. Shouldn't be surprising though -- in another online school I'm currently attending I found several students blatantly plagiarizing answers from the internet, including one who when caught "fixed" it by pasting in another solution from a website that coincidentally exactly matched another student's answer! So there are clearly a lot of people skating by, and not just at TESU.

I may have my old capstone paper somewhere if that would be of interest to someone.

Hope that helps!
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.

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