09-13-2023, 03:53 PM
The Secretary of Public Education of Mexico(SEP) has renewed the Education Code article 286, enabling life experience degrees made by the SEP itself enabling "the accreditation of knowledge acquired in a self-taught manner or from work experience" "and thus obtain your certificate of study or professional degree".
The procedure is to send your CV to an "accredited institution" and make a portfolio on a 3 month courseand have a CURP (Mexican Photo ID).
I think this opens the door to fraudulent institutions claiming to be acredited to make these degrees.
Relevant Links: https://www.euroinnova.sv/licenciatura-p...ia-laboral
https://ceneval.edu.mx/examenes-acredita...genierias/ (institution claming to be accredited to expend these degrees, seems legit but who knows)
The procedure is to send your CV to an "accredited institution" and make a portfolio on a 3 month courseand have a CURP (Mexican Photo ID).
I think this opens the door to fraudulent institutions claiming to be acredited to make these degrees.
Relevant Links: https://www.euroinnova.sv/licenciatura-p...ia-laboral
https://ceneval.edu.mx/examenes-acredita...genierias/ (institution claming to be accredited to expend these degrees, seems legit but who knows)