10-11-2022, 11:57 AM
Would Library Science courses be considered Arts & Sciences courses or Applied Professional courses?
This question is for a relative who wants the BS in Liberal Arts at Excelsior and is interested in some of these courses through Idaho Independent Study:
LibS 410 Libraries and their Collections: Materials Selection
LibS 413: Computer Applications in Libraries
LibS 414: Reference and Information Services
LibS 418: Classification and Cataloging
LibS 425: School Library Administration, Leadership and Management
LibS 427: Teacher Librarian Practicum
LibS 430: Children's Literature for Teacher Librarians
LibS 431: Adolescent Literature for Teacher Librarians
LibS 433: Information Literacy for the Teacher Librarian
This question is for a relative who wants the BS in Liberal Arts at Excelsior and is interested in some of these courses through Idaho Independent Study:
LibS 410 Libraries and their Collections: Materials Selection
LibS 413: Computer Applications in Libraries
LibS 414: Reference and Information Services
LibS 418: Classification and Cataloging
LibS 425: School Library Administration, Leadership and Management
LibS 427: Teacher Librarian Practicum
LibS 430: Children's Literature for Teacher Librarians
LibS 431: Adolescent Literature for Teacher Librarians
LibS 433: Information Literacy for the Teacher Librarian
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.