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Leveraging an existing BA for another BA?
Hey sorry, it’s been a while but I’m turning my attention back to this.

Reflecting more on my goals and motivations, I am looking to round out and future proof my existing resume which includes a BA. My BA is from a great brick and mortar (UCSB), but my major was Film & Media Studies. I had a nice 10 year career in that field, but that’s over now. I currently work in a non-technical role at a tech company, but not sure if I will stick with it as I get older, and unknown what my true second career will be; public sector, private sector, consulting - who knows how things will shake out over time.

This uncertainty, and the hyper specific liberal arts focus of my existing BA is why I’m interested in either a broadly applicable BA, BAS, BS or Masters. Also open to programs with Grad Certificates to Masters paths. Like any overly specific major, I also feel like an MBA or MPA would limit my options, so unless I have a very low lift and quick path to one of those, I wouldn’t consider them at this time.

The field could be emergency management (I have real world experience and lots of certs), cyber security (some certs), business operations, government administration - I honestly don’t want to limit my potential career path. While I’m undecided but completely confident in myself to make it happen when I identify the path and opportunity, I’m just trying to future proof myself for any degree requirements. That’s why I’m looking for more widely applicable degrees - but with the usual fast + cheap requirements that bring us to this forum to begin with. I want to invest as little as possible into securing the degree by leveraging as much of my existing credit paths as possible, since I’m taking a risk by not having an explicit goal for the degree at this time. 

Your Location: CA, USA
Your Age: 39
What kind of degree do you want?: BA, BAS, BS, or Masters (must be RA)
Current Regional Accredited Credits: At least 116 semester units (175 quarter units) from my completed brick and mortar BA in 2007, but plenty of those had poor grades at the time. Possible a few more credits from transfer work from high school before college.
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: I’ m not totally sure how to map this? See certifications below
Any certifications or military experience?
1. Infrastructure Disaster Management Certificate (TEEX)
2. IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate (Coursera)
3. Google IT Support Professional Certificate (Coursera)
4. National Emergency Management Basic Academy (FEMA)
5. Professional Development Series (FEMA)
6. Level I Professional Continuity Practitioner (PCP) (FEMA)
7. Atlassian Agile Project Management Professional Certificate (LinkedIn Learning)
8. AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals (Microsoft)
9. Google Project Management Professional Certificate (Coursera - in progress)
10. A substantial number of additional FEMA EMI or FEMA approved courses outside of the above Certificate or Certification programs
Budget: $5000/yr
Commitments: 40 hour work week, plus a toddler, and some evening and weekend commitments to volunteer service organizations.
Dedicated time to study: 5 to 10 hours/week
Timeline: None, ideally less than 2 years
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Possible path to $5k/yr through State program related to volunteer service org.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Leveraging an existing BA for another BA? - by ezmac028 - 03-02-2025, 06:30 PM

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