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Josh Duggar
I'm not sure either, I just think it was mishandled. I'm not saying molestation=murder, it was more the "but he's a kid". However, it was more than just inappropriate, it was illegal.
TESU BSBA General Mgmt 6/10/16 Wink
TESU: TECEP Public Relations Thought & Practice - 82
Penn Foster: Financial Mgmt 94, International Business 97, Strategic Mgmt 98, Corporate Finance 99, Consumer Behavior 95, Human Resource Mgmt 99
Saylor: Business Law & Ethics 82, Corporate Communication 76, Principles of Marketing 72
Sophia: Intro to Sociology 90, Conflict Resolution 87, Project Mgmt 88
Straighterline: Principles of Mgmt 94, Organizational Behavior 88, American Government 92
The Institutes: Ethics and the CPU Code of Professional Conduct (free 2 CR)

COSC - Associate of Science Honors General Studies 2014
COSC - Cornerstone - A
Straighterline: Into to Religions A, Business Ethics B, West. Civ. I B, Intro to Env. Science B
CLEP: A&I Literature - 69
rebel100 Wrote:No argument here...I don't disagree. Maybe I don't share the outrage because I just see so much wrong everywhere. The "authorities" were involved in Trayvon, Ferguson, and Baltimore but the outcome was anything but assured.

It's a horrific situation.

I'll add that the wife marrying the pervert...and with her parents blessing is a huge issue. I don't understand this at all. Of course Charles Manson has admirers, people are crazy.

When my girls were growing up we decided as parents not to let them go to sleepovers. When I worked for the police dept. I just saw to much. You can't trust anyone. We even had a detective in the youth crimes section that later served time for stealing his sons underage girlfriend and having relations with her...guy was a cop! We have also shied away from organized religion to a great degree. Perpetrators know where to hunt for victims, churches are fantastic hunting grounds. As I recall john Wayne Gacey moonlighted as a clown to lure children. I guess this knowledge is my default...I don't trust others to manage for me.

You make a great point though, unbiased oversight is perhaps the one thing missing. If I wished to defend the elder Dugger I would point out that he went to the elders of his church and the lawman...but I really don't desire to defend any of it. I'm just conflicted about the appropriateness of the response.

I used to come home from 24 hour shifts on the ambulance and my youngest and I would lay on the couch while this show played in the episode made me really think this kid was creepy. he was getting married and said something to the effect of "every wife wants her husband to sing to them on their wedding day" just struck me odd as hell. And the way he said it...creepy kid for sure.

An incest joke he made on the show has now gone viral.

It just seems like Jim Bob used his political connections to help his son avoid prosecution until the statute of limitations ran out. Interestingly, Jim Bob said that incest should be punishable by death.
Jim Bob Duggar Advocated for Death Penalty for Rapists, Incest in 2002 - Us Weekly
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
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Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
Beacon Wrote:Obviously what he did was wrong, but the point is that God has forgiven Josh. God is the one who sets the standards of right and wrong in the first place, and He's the One with the authority to decide who is forgiven and who isn't. What right do any of us puny humans have to continue condemning someone God has forgiven? Who do we think we are? As Francis Chan says, when we disagree, we shouldn't assume it's His reasoning that needs correction. God has forgiven Josh and he has repented and asked forgiveness from the people he sinned against, and they have all moved on. It's none of our business now. Yes, sin has consequences, and all involved will likely be affected for the rest of their lives, but why do we need to remind them of that? They're already aware enough. We don't need to continue embarrassing Josh and his family in front of the whole world.

Wanting to ensure little girls' safety is not saying that God's reasoning is wrong....
Goal: BA in American Studies - COSC (103/120)
In Progress: -
Completed - Straighterline: US History 2
CLEP - American Literature

Associate of Arts - COSC (August 31st, 2014)
Classes used to complete it:
Liberty University Classes: English 101, English 102, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Introduction to Probability & Statistics
Advanced Placement: Art History
Straighterline Classes: Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Biology (w/ Lab), Personal Finance, Business Ethics, Introduction to Religion, American Government, Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Nutrition, Introduction to Communications, U.S. History 1
CLEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
COSC: Cornerstone
Josh sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services after their investigation.

Quote:The results of the investigation into the Duggars and Josh’s trial are sealed. But a source familiar with the Duggar investigation told In Touch it was likely that Josh “appealed the DHS decision or finding from their investigation.” The source notes that DHS had the authority to apply “restrictions or stipulations about him being at home with the victims.

“Josh would be considered an in-home offender, giving DHS the authority to do an investigation. As part of your appeal rights you can request a DHS hearing to challenge what they found and their ruling.”

The Duggars are refusing to comment on the intervention by either department and Josh’s trial against DHS. They also are refusing to say if their family was monitored by a state agency after the 2007 actions and forced to undergo counseling by a licensed mental health professional.
Duggar Molestation Case
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
Beacon Wrote:True, and I agree that people who do these things and don't repent should be dealt with, but Josh Duggar has obviously been transformed by Christ. He's not the same person he was when he hurt those girls.

Even assuming that is true (and you don't really know his heart better than I do), have the Duggars repented of seeking media exposure AFTER they dealt with this with Joshua, knowing there was a risk of this coming to light and hurting both him and the victims. When you see that first line up of kids introducing themselves on the first special, the abuse had already occurred and the parents knew it.

The show started right around the time of the CPS investigation. They went into this knowing there was a risk of this coming to light. Were they greedy for fame and money, or just stupid?

Any parent in their right mind would not expose their children to the media knowing this kind of stuff was in the background and is at risk of being exposed by the media. Especially to portray themselves as the paradigm of purity and virtue. To me, that is a bigger problem than a 14-year-old messing with little girls. That type of lapse suggests that there is more covered up than we know.

If you say JimBob and Michelle have repented of that, I want a link indicating that, because I haven't seen it.

As for OP's original question, there hasn't been much done with the Duggars' endorsement on CP. The Duggar-related pages still have pictures from five years ago or so. If CP wanted to drop it, I don't think it'd take much. It's not like the Duggars are really promoting CP and CLEP / DSST exams on 19 KAC anyway. The one kid that has gone to college goes to one that doesn't accept CLEP.
sanantone Wrote:Josh sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services after their investigation.

Duggar Molestation Case

So what exactly does that mean? If the DHS didn't apply restrictions to him being at home (which I assume is the case cuz he's been at home...?) does that mean they felt he was no longer a risk or something?
Goal: BA in American Studies - COSC (103/120)
In Progress: -
Completed - Straighterline: US History 2
CLEP - American Literature

Associate of Arts - COSC (August 31st, 2014)
Classes used to complete it:
Liberty University Classes: English 101, English 102, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Introduction to Probability & Statistics
Advanced Placement: Art History
Straighterline Classes: Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Biology (w/ Lab), Personal Finance, Business Ethics, Introduction to Religion, American Government, Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Nutrition, Introduction to Communications, U.S. History 1
CLEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
COSC: Cornerstone
Devanna Wrote:So what exactly does that mean? If the DHS didn't apply restrictions to him being at home (which I assume is the case cuz he's been at home...?) does that mean they felt he was no longer a risk or something?
I suspect this was simply the Duggars (Josh) stating that there was no conclusive evidence, no formal charges, or that he was simply underage at the time of the events. Therefore they wanted the record expunged/sealed. The higher the profile of the defendant the more likely you are to see legal wrangling over the records. I don't know for sure, but most likely this is just Arkansas specific process to secure the official record. Doesn't mean he did it or didn't do it, just means he was embarrassed by the record. The finding/sealing of the record was likely a forgone conclusion considering his age at the time of the events (even with an admission of guilt). Doesn't necessarily indicate a disposition of risk.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

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Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
Beacon Wrote:Obviously what he did was wrong, but the point is that God has forgiven Josh. God is the one who sets the standards of right and wrong in the first place, and He's the One with the authority to decide who is forgiven and who isn't. What right do any of us puny humans have to continue condemning someone God has forgiven? Who do we think we are? As Francis Chan says, when we disagree, we shouldn't assume it's His reasoning that needs correction. God has forgiven Josh and he has repented and asked forgiveness from the people he sinned against, and they have all moved on. It's none of our business now. Yes, sin has consequences, and all involved will likely be affected for the rest of their lives, but why do we need to remind them of that? They're already aware enough. We don't need to continue embarrassing Josh and his family in front of the whole world.

Jesus and God in the Christian Bible instruct their believers to submit to earthly authorities on many occasions. Citizenship of this country requires that you follow the laws of this country. Citizenship is optional. If someone does not care for the laws of this country then they are free to go elsewhere and renounce their citizenship, or they are allowed to protest, but they still have to suffer the consequences of their lawlessness during the protest. WE are not the ones embarrassing the family; it's the family that is embarrassing themselves. Period. They have elected to be in the public eye. No one forced them into that position.

Forgiveness is not a one and done deal. It is possible to sin again after receiving forgiveness. Josh displayed the attributes of a predator by molesting five different girls over an extended period of time. That's why EVERYONE needs to be reminded of the situation constantly. It is not to embarrass anyone, it is so that innocents are protected. It's a morality tale that wolves do indeed dress in sheep's clothing, and that evil can lurk in your own home and family. They should be using this as a teaching experience to help others, but they have elected to hide until it was not possible for him to be prosecuted anymore. Shame on them.

Newlane University- BA In Liberal Arts

Southeast Tourism Society - TMP (02/2020)
Pierpont Community and Technical College - AAS BOG, AOE: English (12/2018)
FEMA - PDS Certificate (04/30/2014)
GED (11/16/2004)
This situation doesn't surprise me. As someone who works in the mental health field, and see cases such as this all the time, I can honestly tell you things like this happen all the time. Molestation cases that involve children who are molested by other family members rarely get reported to authorities, and most of the time this occurs with older siblings or family members. Individuals are more likely to report such if it occurs by an individual outside of their micro-family, and too be honest the court system would be infested with juveniles if these cases were normally reported.

Does anybody know how old Josh was when these incidents occurred?
Grad cert., Applied Behavior Analysis, Ball State University
M.S., in Applied Psychology, Lynn Univeristy
B.S., in Psychology, Excelsior College
A.A., Florida State College at Jacksonville
I originally heard 12 to 14 when the events took place.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA

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