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If your proctor can't log you in to DSST...

Just a little rant. :mad:

I went to my local university to take DSST Drug and Alcohol Abuse and it never happened. I was nervous, but I felt I knew the IC very well and was ready to take it. Unfortunately, they had a new proctor that couldn't figure out how to log me in. My first clue was the cheat sheet she was using. Then she didn't ask me which college to send the score to (she gave me a blank look when I asked to send it to Excelsior, code 9370). She sent me into the computer lab twice, but the screens were set up for completely different tests, not even close to DSST. I even tried logging into them, thinking it was a new system, and of course they didn't have any of my information. She insisted that I must have forgotten my ID and password and gets another girl to help her, but neither can figure out the problem. They tried to create a new user name for me and that failed. This goes on for 45 minutes and then she finally tells me there is nothing she can do for me. She again insisted that I forgot my ID and password, so I left. I was already tired from working all day and was only getting more tense from the situation anyway. I wondered if maybe I really had forgotten my password and ID in my cramming haste.

I got home and went to the DSST site to figure out what went wrong. It turns out that of my info was correct! I logged right in, no problems. The proctor had no clue what she was doing.

So! If anyone else gets a clueless proctor that tries to log you into the wrong site, give them this address:

Prometric Online Testing

Maybe I wasn't meant to take the test today for some reason. It's probably a good thing, since she didn't get a chance to screw up sending my score as well! At any rate, the other proctor should be back Monday, so Monday it will be. Rolleyes
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
Katterina Wrote:Maybe I wasn't meant to take the test today for some reason. At any rate, the other proctor should be back Monday, so Monday it will be. Rolleyes
Hi Katterina, I was scheduled to take Business Law last Tuesday and I got bumped because a company was taking every spot and time slot. I also was not happy because I had scheduled my slot just like everyone else and I had scheduled myself to 'peak' on Tuesday to take my test. My testing center has been the best and very accommodating to me and the proctor is very calming and cheerful, even giving me the same station each time I come in. I let it go also. I believed like you did that I must not have been meant to take it Tuesday. As it worked out I got the dreaded (because of the price) Information Literacy out of the way. Another credit down for me and one more closer to my goal. I go with 'sometimes things happen for a reason'. Good luck on your test.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
Sorry to hear you weren't able to take your test, but...I think this will help you be that much more prepared for when you do. Smile
Big Grin Matymus Primehilarious
Waterloo, NY
Excelsior College
B.S. General Business, Class of 2008

Fall 2011 - currently pursuing Pre-Pharmacy
Sorry you couldnt take your test. You would have thought the main proctor would have show the sub how to do things. Well anyways good luck with your test on monday.
Happy ending! I passed Drug and Alcohol today with a 59! Smile

They had problems logging me in again (normal proctor wasn't there again) but I made another new ID and it worked. At least they got me to the right website this time around.Rolleyes
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
Good job! Sad story--great ending!
Southron Boy

CLEP: English Comp w/ essay, English Comp w/o essay, American Gov't, U.S. History I, A & I Lit, Humanities, Intro Sociology, Intro to Psyc, Human Growth & Development, Intro to Ed Psyc, Prin of Management, Prin of Marketing, Business Law

DSST: Technical Writing
Katterina Wrote:Happy ending! I passed Drug and Alcohol today with a 59! Smile

They had problems logging me in again (normal proctor wasn't there again) but I made another new ID and it worked. At least they got me to the right website this time around.Rolleyes

[SIZE="6"]Great job, you're getting close! Lee[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
Katterina Wrote:Happy ending! I passed Drug and Alcohol today with a 59! Smile

They had problems logging me in again (normal proctor wasn't there again) but I made another new ID and it worked. At least they got me to the right website this time around.Rolleyes

Congrats on passing!!! Just in case people forget the website, it's . I would recommend you commit it to memory. You never know when that issue may arise again...then you'll at least be ready for it, ya' know? I hate to see that sort of stupid problem arise when the colleges should have knowledgeable people on-hand at all times. Oy vey. Cool

Congrats again!! Big Grin
Big Grin Matymus Primehilarious
Waterloo, NY
Excelsior College
B.S. General Business, Class of 2008

Fall 2011 - currently pursuing Pre-Pharmacy

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