There are many different paths to credit but below are a few ideas to start with. Others on the board may refer you to another source too as there are many other methods for specific courses through Straighterline, other ACE credit sources, and transfer credits.
11823 Math 100 (Beginning Algebra)
If this is college-level then it would be compared to an Algebra exam or you can take CLEP College Mathematics. Normally the phrasing of Beginning Algebra is for developmental-level courses but most schools would place developmental courses as something below 100 on a scale such as yours or below 1000 on a four digit scale. Whether or not it is college-level, you can check out for several courses worth credit at TESC (Beginning Algebra from them is not worth credit but the others are). If you are strong on math the quickest and cheapest route is ALEKS which offers you credit after passing an assessment at 70% or higher. Also pay attention to the requirements for your chosen degree as some require things like Precalc, Stats, or something else. Links here:
College Algebra | CLEP
College Mathematics | CLEP
HE Math/Statistics - Course Offerings
14828 English 106 (College English II)
You can take the College Composition CLEP exam and get credit for English Comp I & II. You can also take the Comp II (ENC-102) TECEP exam for credit. Information here:
College Composition | CLEP and here:
15344 Bus 221 (Principles of Marketing)
The Principles of Marketing CLEP would be the match for this one. Information here:
Principles of Marketing | CLEP
15427 Bus 120 (Intro to Business Organization)
The Intro to Business DSST exam is a match here. Study guide here:
cameronbroadhurst Wrote:I am looking to withdraw out of the community college I am currently at, and finish my degree completely through tests. Once I have completed all necessary tests, I will then transfer my credits to Thomas Edison State College and get my degree through them. Currently I am trying to find the best plan. I have looked at both of these sites: Bricabrac's BSBA in General Management - Degree Forum Wiki and Sanantone's BSBA General Management - Degree Forum Wiki // Are these good plans to go by? Anyone have any other suggestions?
Also, listed below are the courses I had planned to take next semester at school. What tests would be equivalent to these courses
11823 Math 100 (Beginning Algebra)
14828 English 106 (College English II)
15344 Bus 221 (Principles of Marketing)
15427 Bus 120 (Intro to Business Organization)
Much thanks for some help.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.