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I have an interview Friday for an unpaid internship with the company I want to work for when my ait is over. I'm a little worried. My instructor can put me in another facility if this doesn't work out, but I really want this one. I work in this building as a nurse and the administrator told me that the last four aits (administrators in training) that completed their hours in this building are now administrators for this company. Wish me luck.
I think that's awesome! Sounds like it will give you a chance to show people you already know that your ready for something more.... That can be a really good thing. Good luck.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
SuzanneD Wrote:I have an interview Friday for an unpaid internship with the company I want to work for when my ait is over. I'm a little worried. My instructor can put me in another facility if this doesn't work out, but I really want this one. I work in this building as a nurse and the administrator told me that the last four aits (administrators in training) that completed their hours in this building are now administrators for this company. Wish me luck.

Do you get college credit for this course?
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1

Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.

Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.

Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.

Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.

Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
Thank you Rebel100 for the encouragement. I appreciate it.
Prloko the internship is 1,000 hours broken into 2 semester classes for 12 credit hours. This and my classroom instruction which was 15 credit hours are continuing education. Although I know from a friend who took this class that it transferred in to complete his degree at UT Arlington. So I am hopeful TESC will do the same. I will let you know when I send in my transcripts from the classroom part how that works out credit wise.
Fingers crossed, and sending you wishes for the best of luck!
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Good luck, what an awesome opportunity for you!
TESU BSBA General Mgmt 6/10/16 Wink
TESU: TECEP Public Relations Thought & Practice - 82
Penn Foster: Financial Mgmt 94, International Business 97, Strategic Mgmt 98, Corporate Finance 99, Consumer Behavior 95, Human Resource Mgmt 99
Saylor: Business Law & Ethics 82, Corporate Communication 76, Principles of Marketing 72
Sophia: Intro to Sociology 90, Conflict Resolution 87, Project Mgmt 88
Straighterline: Principles of Mgmt 94, Organizational Behavior 88, American Government 92
The Institutes: Ethics and the CPU Code of Professional Conduct (free 2 CR)

COSC - Associate of Science Honors General Studies 2014
COSC - Cornerstone - A
Straighterline: Into to Religions A, Business Ethics B, West. Civ. I B, Intro to Env. Science B
CLEP: A&I Literature - 69
SuzanneD Wrote:I have an interview Friday for an unpaid internship with the company I want to work for when my ait is over. I'm a little worried. My instructor can put me in another facility if this doesn't work out, but I really want this one. I work in this building as a nurse and the administrator told me that the last four aits (administrators in training) that completed their hours in this building are now administrators for this company. Wish me luck.

Congratulations Suzanne! That's fantastic! Wishing you lots of luck! Smile
Thanks LateBloomer, AngelaP, and Cookderosa. I am excited and nervous.

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