(10-28-2017, 08:21 PM)DavidHume Wrote: Have you taken the TOEFL? TESU and Excelsior would require certain scores for undergrad. I'm not sure about Charter Oak as I only saw their score requirements for graduate admissions.
I didn't have take the TOEFL yet ,but thanks
(10-28-2017, 10:42 PM)dfrecore Wrote: I don't think (but I could be wrong) that Charter Oak or Excelsior have a degree in Math or Physics. TESU does have a degree in Math, but not in Physics.
So, you could get a degree in Math, with much of the degree able to be tested out of, but you will have to take a few courses online for approx $1000 each, because they don't have test-out options for those courses (maybe 7 math courses).
Okay , thank you , especially for the prices .
(10-28-2017, 11:12 PM)sanantone Wrote: Charter Oak offers concentrations in mathematics and physics, but they don't come close to offering all the required courses. You can earn a good number of credits through the Subject GRE Tests.
Thank you very much .