11-02-2010, 02:43 PM
Mommydegree- If you haven't already done so... I would highly recommend that you become a member of IC. With membership you have access to the Flashcards for the tests and also 'Specific Exam Feedback' . This is a section of the forum where members post what they experienced on each test, what to study, how difficult it was etc. This part of the forum is without a doubt what helps most people on here!!! Before I took many of my tests I would read and re-read the Feedback Section so I could gauge whether I wanted to take that test or if another one sounded better for me , if I was ready to take it, how to study for it etc. It is VERY helpful information to plan your roadmap. There are free parts of the forum where you can find some info about the tests but the 'Feedback' is part of the subscription and has ALL the INFO of the tests in one place-- and has the most COMPLETE, thorough, feedback anywhere on the internet that I have found. Give it a try-- I think they have a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.
IC Flashcards + IC Feedback Section = Golden
IC Flashcards + IC Feedback Section = Golden