Wow here it is finally the opportunity to say I'm done with my degree. Liberal Arts is done. Now all I have to decide is if I will take another CLEP to change my major to history. Of course I will try if I didnt I wouldnt have learned anything here.
I will make Septemeber Graduation and with US History 2 on Tuesday of Next Week I will finish a Social Sciences or History degree pass or fail I'm Done.
But Thank all of you the Dukes, knights, the squires, the moderators and the newbies. I have learned from you, from these cards and as of tuesday will have answered over 2500 questions in pursuit of my degree since december. I know it pails in comparison to Joel's 5000 questions but what a positive influence that I could do this that 10 tests in 4 days thread is legendary.
Also just like all of you I am just getting started partly motivated by my mom who is 12 credit hours through with her Masters and working hard. I will try to start mine too. Educational Leadership? Human Resources Management? GRE or GMAT test PHD Candidate. Not even I know yet. Recommendations Welcome. May is the date of my last course grade and September 2009 WOW is my graduation.
All the Best to you and remember all effects you guys are causing out there and make them positive. Will See you around!
I will make Septemeber Graduation and with US History 2 on Tuesday of Next Week I will finish a Social Sciences or History degree pass or fail I'm Done.

Also just like all of you I am just getting started partly motivated by my mom who is 12 credit hours through with her Masters and working hard. I will try to start mine too. Educational Leadership? Human Resources Management? GRE or GMAT test PHD Candidate. Not even I know yet. Recommendations Welcome. May is the date of my last course grade and September 2009 WOW is my graduation.
All the Best to you and remember all effects you guys are causing out there and make them positive. Will See you around!

[SIZE="2"]TESC-AS: Electronic Systems
TESC-BA: History
Phoenix College-MBA: Masters of Business Administration
Keller Graduate School-MISM: Masters of Information Systems Management
"There's always something waiting at the end of the road. If you're not willing to see what it is; you probably shouldn't be out there in the first place."
[SIZE="1"]Cleps/DSST Failed:
Intro to Psychology 45/46, Chemistry 47/50
Cleps/DSST Passed:
Analyzing/Interp Lit 48/47, Intro to Computing 64/47
Business Law 53/50, English Comp w Essay 54/50
College Mathematics 54/50, MIS 445/400
Biology 56/50, Technical Writing 59/46
Sociology 67/50, World Religions 445/400
Intro Middle East 51/47 Environment/Humanity 51/46
Human/GrowDevelop 65/50 Educational Psych 55/50
Ethics 460/400 Vietnam War 64/44
Civil War/Recon 56/47 Western Europe 59/45
US History 1 59/50 US History 2 61/50
Western Civ 2 56/50
Intro to Stats
Intermediate Algebra
College Algebra w Trig