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How would you list this BA on a resume? UL suggestions
Finally had my transcripts reviewed by TESU. Like KayV mentioned, the quickest course for me is to get a BA in Liberal Studies. (Thank you KayV for your help! Smile

Here's how TESU has applied my 83 credit transfer to a BA in Liberal Studies. Need advice in the UL requirement area especially. Thank you for your help.

English Comp Completed
ENG 121: Eng Comp - 3 credits
ENG 122: Eng Comp II - 3 credits

Oral Comm Completed
SPE 115: Speech Comm - 3 credits

Quantitative Literacy completed
MAT 102: General Math for College Students - 3 credits

***Need Info Literacy***
Need to take CLEP Analyzing Lit - now only worth 3 credits according to the adviser I spoke with this AM. Several of you suggested only studying the free materials online and forgoing the manual purchase. Do you agree? Tips? What/where are the best free sources to study for this exam?

Diversity Completed
SOC 101: Sociology - 3 credits

Ethics Completed
The Institutes - 2 credit

****Need Civic Engagement****
I was planning on CLEPing American History for this one too. Again, free resources you'd recommend or should I purchase the specific course manual?

Human Cultures Completed
FVT 150: Development of Film Expression - 3 credits
PSY 101: Gen Psychology - 3 credits
PSY 102: Gen Psychology II - 3 credits
HUM 122: Survey of Humanities II - 3 credits

Natural World Completed
AST 102: Astronomy
AST 103: Lab - 4 credits

***Need TES 100***

General Electives Complete
HUM 123: Survey of Humanities III - 3 credits
ART 111: Art History - 3 credits
THE 111: Acting I - 3 credits
XD1301: Fund of Design - 2 credits
XD1310: Fund of Drawing - 2 credits
SPE 125: Interpersonal Comm - 3 credits
CIS 117: Web Page Essentials - 4 credits

***Need UL 15 credits Liberal Studies***
Need advice please. Does anyone know where/what I could study in this UL bracket and what major I could pull from this area to list on my resume? The adviser told me I need all 300/400 courses in this required bracket. These courses were suggested, but Management Info Systems sounds painful an uninteresting. Does anyone know of any UL online credit to focus more on psychology or communications, as I'm more interested in those areas? If I focused on PSY & SOC courses could I list on my resume I have a BA in Social Sciences? I'm not sure how this degree would be listed. Any advice is welcomed.

DSST Organizational Behavior (TESU PSY-361 - 3UL credits)
DSST Substance Abuse (TESU SOS-303 - 3UL credits)
DSST Management Information Systems (TESU CIS-301 - 3UL credits)
TECEP Abnormal Psychology (TESU PSY-350 - 3UL credits)

Liberal Studies Complete
FVT 160: Video Equipment & Tech - 3 credits
FVT 254: Digital Editing - 3 credits
GAT 106: Adobe Illustrator - 3 credits
MAT 135: Intro to Statistics - 3 credits
GEO 105: World Regional Geography - 3 credits

***Need Liberal Arts Capstone*** Can I test out of this?

Electives ***Need 10 credits***
GAT 120: Adobe Photoshop - 3 credits
CIS 136: Power Point - 4 credits
CIS 125: MS Word - 4 credits
MM1360: Inside Multimedia - 2 credits
XD3303: Fund of Business - 2 credits
XD2302: Computer Paint - 2 credits
***Currently working on Cyber Security 101, 201, 301 for 6 credits in this field. The adviser I spoke with today was not helpful and didn't know anything about these courses. What other easy electives would you recommend for to complete 4 credits for this requirement?

Thank you again for your help! I really appreciate it!
Universal Life Church- PhD Philosophy in Religion (This was a funny vanity degree)
WGU- MS Management and Leadership- 2021
TESU- BALS concentration Social Science & ASNSM Computer Science- 2021
Red Rocks CC- Associates of General Studies
U of California- Project Management - 2021
Texas A&M Extension Engineering Service- Death Investigation, Information Risk Management, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Incident Analysis & Response, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Ethics, Cyber Law &White Collar Crime, Information Security for Everyone- 2016
State of Nevada- TAM & Alcohol Awareness Certification- 2015 
Allegra Learning LLC- Food, Nutrition, and Health- 2015
Dept of Homeland Security- Continuity of Operation, Protecting Your Home or Small Business from Disaster, Decision Making & Problem Solving, Effective Communication, Leadership & Influence- 2008
FAA- certified Flight attendant
Well, your major is Liberal Studies. There are concentrations available. I recently completed the BALS and when asked about my major, I say liberal studies... Mention my community college, and explain the emphasis of social sciences and humanities in my course work.

You could look over the concentrations if you want.. however, correct me if I am wrong, but I think I remember you mentioning being burnt out on the process a bit. Some good advice was given on here recently, the best degree is the one you finish. Might just want the flexibility of just the normal BALS to make it easier. You could look into business ethics and microbiology as options for your upper level course work from straighterline. Also intro to religion would be an option.

Back onto the major thing, what do you want from this degree? What is your goal with it... then work backwards from there. For me, I just needed a bachelor degree. Do you require something more specific for your field?
BA in Liberal Studies TESU December 2016

Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts
Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, NJ
Expected graduation: 02/02/2017

(use the real date you expect to graduate)
longtermstudent Wrote:I think I remember you mentioning being burnt out on the process a bit. Some good advice was given on here recently, the best degree is the one you finish. Might just want the flexibility of just the normal BALS to make it easier. You could look into business ethics and microbiology as options for your upper level course work from straighterline. Also intro to religion would be an option.

Back onto the major thing, what do you want from this degree? What is your goal with it... then work backwards from there. For me, I just needed a bachelor degree. Do you require something more specific for your field?

Thanks for your response. Yes, I am burnt out on it and hate the process, but I am so close that I am determined to finish. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I want any degree to check the box saying I have my BA. I wanted a degree in Communications, but even a concentration in Comm will set me back in terms of completion and what I can test out of.

I want a degree that's not super specific, but will fit/transfer into any business and prevent my resume from being discarded when they see I only have an Associates. The past five years I've been an executive assistant, but have worn many hats under that role - project management, marketing, SEO, event planning, developing website content, ect. Employers ask when I'm going to "finish" my degree. So anything goes. I'm thinking wrap up any quick BA and then focusing on specific technical skills at community college.
Universal Life Church- PhD Philosophy in Religion (This was a funny vanity degree)
WGU- MS Management and Leadership- 2021
TESU- BALS concentration Social Science & ASNSM Computer Science- 2021
Red Rocks CC- Associates of General Studies
U of California- Project Management - 2021
Texas A&M Extension Engineering Service- Death Investigation, Information Risk Management, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Incident Analysis & Response, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Ethics, Cyber Law &White Collar Crime, Information Security for Everyone- 2016
State of Nevada- TAM & Alcohol Awareness Certification- 2015 
Allegra Learning LLC- Food, Nutrition, and Health- 2015
Dept of Homeland Security- Continuity of Operation, Protecting Your Home or Small Business from Disaster, Decision Making & Problem Solving, Effective Communication, Leadership & Influence- 2008
FAA- certified Flight attendant
cookderosa Wrote:RESUME:

Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts
Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, NJ
Expected graduation: 02/02/2017

(use the real date you expect to graduate)

Thanks for the tip.
Universal Life Church- PhD Philosophy in Religion (This was a funny vanity degree)
WGU- MS Management and Leadership- 2021
TESU- BALS concentration Social Science & ASNSM Computer Science- 2021
Red Rocks CC- Associates of General Studies
U of California- Project Management - 2021
Texas A&M Extension Engineering Service- Death Investigation, Information Risk Management, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Incident Analysis & Response, Disaster Recovery for Information Systems, Cyber Ethics, Cyber Law &White Collar Crime, Information Security for Everyone- 2016
State of Nevada- TAM & Alcohol Awareness Certification- 2015 
Allegra Learning LLC- Food, Nutrition, and Health- 2015
Dept of Homeland Security- Continuity of Operation, Protecting Your Home or Small Business from Disaster, Decision Making & Problem Solving, Effective Communication, Leadership & Influence- 2008
FAA- certified Flight attendant
You can just list it as the way Jennifer has it or shorten it to Bachelor of Arts. If you have a concentration you can do
BALS, Cocentration.

My my professor in my linguistics course just lists her credentials as BA and MA from University of Illinois. She doesn't say what it is in.

Another friend end who's an Architect has hers listed as:

Master of Arts - University of Alberta
Bachelor of Arts - University of Calgary

I got obsessively hung up on this board with the debate about concentration vs major, accreditation, and many other things. In many cases the members of this board know more about this than most HR people. I've spoken to lots of HR people since joining and what it really boils down to showcasing you are bright which your degree will and success in real life ie experience.
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University
There are lots of 4 course certificates you can complete at a later date to bolster your cv.
MA in progress
Certificate in the Study of Capitalism - University of Arkansas
BS, Business  Administration - Ashworth College
Certificates in Accounting & Finance 
BA, Regents Bachelor of Arts - West Virginia University
collegechick Wrote:***Need Info Literacy***
Need to take CLEP Analyzing Lit - now only worth 3 credits according to the adviser I spoke with this AM. Several of you suggested only studying the free materials online and forgoing the manual purchase. Do you agree? Tips? What/where are the best free sources to study for this exam?

Quizlet: Studying CLEP: Analyzing and Interpreting Literature on Quizlet:

Free practice:
Free Practice Clep Tests! -
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training
Well, it seems the BALS would be right up your alley then. It's about just picking stuff and knocking it out at this point. I would suggest figuring out your graduation date goal and making sure you have your capstone scheduled for a point where it ends in time for graduation. Also, you mentioned American history for the civic engagement, it's actually American government you need to take. I used free clep preps practice test and instant cert. Good luck!
BA in Liberal Studies TESU December 2016
videogamesrock Wrote:You can just list it as the way Jennifer has it or shorten it to Bachelor of Arts. If you have a concentration you can do
BALS, Cocentration.

My my professor in my linguistics course just lists her credentials as BA and MA from University of Illinois. She doesn't say what it is in.

Another friend end who's an Architect has hers listed as:

Master of Arts - University of Alberta
Bachelor of Arts - University of Calgary

I got obsessively hung up on this board with the debate about concentration vs major, accreditation, and many other things. In many cases the members of this board know more about this than most HR people. I've spoken to lots of HR people since joining and what it really boils down to showcasing you are bright which your degree will and success in real life ie experience.

Showcase yourself in the best light. Wink
I'm old, so I don't list dates anymore <cough>

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