05-29-2013, 01:18 PM
Dude Wrote:People who are good at life will either get decent employment or start their own business whether they have a degree or not.
Wikipedia Wrote:The just-world hypothesis (or just-world fallacy) is the cognitive bias that human actions eventually yield morally fair and fitting consequences, so that, ultimately, noble actions are duly rewarded and evil actions are duly punished. In other words, the just-world hypothesis is the tendency to attribute consequences to, or expect consequences as the result of, an unspecified power that restores moral balance; the fallacy is that this implies (often unintentionally) the existence of such a power in terms of some cosmic force of justice, desert, stability, or order in the universe.Just-world hypothesis (Wikipedia)
Dude Wrote:It's a total myth […] that you need a college degree to make it in the world.I think everyone who participates here would agree with this.
Dude Wrote:The Bachelor degrees are pretty much useless with the only exception potentially being engineering degrees. The other degrees just don't teach students enough topics and skills that are relevant in the real world.How do you suggest – in the world we live in now – an interested person should train to become a scientist? A health care provider? A teacher? An accountant?
Dude Wrote:I have hired quite a few people working for the University in the past 10 or so years and I have often hired someone with no formal education if they could demonstrate that they can do the job. In fact, I once fought the HR department over me not wanting to include that at least a High School diploma is necessary for the job. I insisted that High School wasn't necessary, what was necessary was knowing C#, .Net, and JavaScript. There is a skill test during hiring and there's an interview, for both it's totally irrelevant whether someone spend years of their life and thousands of dollars on a degree.Does every other field work this way? How would you feel if the hospital taking care of you or someone you cared about hired their entire staff based on-the-spot skill tests and interviews, with absolutely no reference to degree-level education? I would be surprised if you even, in your hiring decisions, really treat college education, even in fields besides engineering, as worthless or nearly worthless except to break a direct tie.