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Hi, new member here!
I found this community through a search engine and I'm so glad I did. I just want to say hi to everyone and tell you about myself. I'm 27 on my 3, so I'm a nontraditional student (college freshmen) at Cuyahoga Community College. I've taken 2 CLEPs so far, Sociology and Psychology and passed both easily using the REA study guides. This summer I'll be taking several more (I hope to take biology, humanities, macro & micro economics, marketing, intro to managment, business law and analyzing and interpreting literature (ambitious, I know! Smile )) while taking a math class at school as well. Click my bio for a little more about me. Smile
I have 18 traditional credits and 51 exam credits. I've passed Introductory Sociology 76, Introductory Psychology 68, A&I Literature 66, Principles of Marketing 76, Introductory Business Law 71, Social Sciences & History 67, DSST Drug & Alcohol Abuse 450, Biology 69, Principles of Management 70, Natural Sciences 64, Intro to Business DSST 70, Principles of Macroeconomics 67, Principles of Microeconomics 58.
Welcome to instacert! Smile Its a really helpful site Wink
Welcome and happy almost-birthday, Ronny!

You'll find lots of useful information at IC. As for your planned exams, I think I'd approach them in this order (from "easiest" to "hardest"/needs most prep time):

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
Intro to Marketing
Intro to Management
Business Law

(Keep in mind that I've only taken one of your proposed exams, so please take this advice with a large pinch of salt.)

Also, if you haven't already, check out the Specific Exam Feedback section for more information on each of the above exams. (It's not for questions but still a great resource.) Best of luck to you as you pursue your degree. You can do it!
BS Literature in English cum laude, Excelsior College
currently pursuing K-8 MAT, University of Alaska Southeast (42/51).

IC works! Credits by exam to date: 63

CLEP: A&I Lit (72), Am Gov (69), Biology (58), Intro to Ed Psych (73), Intro Psych (77), Intro Soc (72), US History I (69)
DSST: Astronomy (65), Civil War (63), Intro Computing (463), Environment & Humanity (70), Foundations of Ed (68), USSR (54)
GRE: Literature in English (60th percentile / 18 cr)

On Deck: classroom research & instructional design
Welcome Ronny!

Cinderly's list looks good to me with one possible exception - you might want to look at taking Macro before Micro. Based on all the feedback and comments I received when I asked that very question, 90% recommended Macro before Micro which is what I did. I've take 4 from your list so far and have used IC and REA for all of them (plenty of IC'ers use only IC - I just like to have the context upfront that REA can give you) Check out the Specific Exam forum for details of IC'ers experience - there is a lot of great guidance in those threads that will save you time and money.

Good luck!
CLEPS/DANTES ATTEMPTED/PASSED Big Grin -21 Classes credited:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]- Human/Cultural Geography (SOC300) 69/Nov 08

[/SIZE]- Intro to Business Law (LEG100) 73/Nov 08
- Astronomy (HUM300) 68/Nov 08
- Human Resource Management (BUS310) 73/Jul 08
- Money and Banking (ECO320) 64/Jun 08
- Principles of Finance (FIN100) 67/May 08
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO100) 75/Apr 08
- Principles of Marketing 74/Apr 08
- Introduction to World Religions (HUM400) 78/Apr 08
- Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 69/Mar 08 (6 credits)
- Introductory Psychology 74/Feb 08
- Introductory Sociology 73/Jan 08
- Principles of Mgmt 75/Dec 05
- English Comp (cold) 59/Sep 05 (6 credits)
- Information Systems & Computer Apps 72/Sep 05
- College French Language 75/Jun 05 (12 credits)

+Traditional Credits Earned 2005-2008: 17 classes - last 3 traditional classes completed Oct/08
ALL DONE NOV 08. Degree received: BS in Business Administration, minor in Management, SCL. Saved $$$$$ and Time - Thanks to InstantCert.[/SIZE]

I have taken everything on your list except Humanities, and think Cinderly's suggestion looks good. However, none of these test have very much overlap except Micro/Macro so any order you feel like would work. Good Luck!!
[SIZE="2"]BSBA Marketing Thomas Edison State College-63/120[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]College Math-66, College Algebra-64, Analyzing & Interpreting Literature-67, U.S. History I-66, U.S. History II-61, Information Systems & Computer Applications-59, Biology-61, DSST Introduction to Business-61, Introductory Sociology-65, Introductory Psychology-52, Principles of Microeconomics-54, Principles of Macroeconomics-47, Principles of Marketing-68, Financial Accounting-47, Introductory Business Law-62, Principles of Management-70, DSST Principles of Supervision-64, DSST Organizational Behavior-68, English Literature-61[/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"]Smile Hi everyone,

I heard about this community before and had been encouraged to join. I'm glad I did. I like it already... I am working on my BBA concentration in acquisition. I want to finish this degree ain't no time. The big question HOW? I have about 7classes left after this summer. I am glad Strayer University, considered a lot of my classes as transfered credit from George Washington University.

Changing career is hard. I feel like I start over. I enjoy what Iam doing now contracting and medical field is not for me. So far I am reviewing for ENG 115, HUM 400 & FINANCE... I really need to get this out of the way so I can concentrate on the major courses. I am determine and hope for the best. So far, I read some feedbacks and it sounds yummy... inspiring. I am moving along...

See you around,
Thanks everyone for the warm greetings, I'm so glad I found this community! Smile

Cinderly, thanks for ranking them from easiest to hardest for me. It's good to know how much prep time to devote to each one.

I think both Humanities and Biology will be rough for me. Literature and Art are my worst subjects, my backround in nill. In Highschool Biology I passed, but barely. I'm constantly amazed at people taking such hard exams and passing them with a few days prep time. I guess I shouldn't be, as I passed both sociology and psychology with 1 day prep each, Smile. Given my weak background I think I should take at least a week of study for both the 6 credit Biology and Humanities exams. I'm also worried about the economics CLEPs, I've already got the Micro and Macro REA guides as well as the Barrons Economics review which is 500 pages of small print and graphs. I want to approach the economics CLEPs together because the material isn't separated by micro and macro in the Barrons review, I'll take about a week to read the Barrons guide and then the micro and macro REA guides and practice tests and take them both on the same day. As far as the other CLEPs go, I think the REA guides will be sufficient as their reviews on indicate.

Any suggestions to make things easier than I plan or do I have the right idea?
I have 18 traditional credits and 51 exam credits. I've passed Introductory Sociology 76, Introductory Psychology 68, A&I Literature 66, Principles of Marketing 76, Introductory Business Law 71, Social Sciences & History 67, DSST Drug & Alcohol Abuse 450, Biology 69, Principles of Management 70, Natural Sciences 64, Intro to Business DSST 70, Principles of Macroeconomics 67, Principles of Microeconomics 58.
Hi Flo, Welcome! Smile
I have 18 traditional credits and 51 exam credits. I've passed Introductory Sociology 76, Introductory Psychology 68, A&I Literature 66, Principles of Marketing 76, Introductory Business Law 71, Social Sciences & History 67, DSST Drug & Alcohol Abuse 450, Biology 69, Principles of Management 70, Natural Sciences 64, Intro to Business DSST 70, Principles of Macroeconomics 67, Principles of Microeconomics 58.
Just an update.

I've taken Inwe's advise and not taken anything in order and have been doing great. So far I've passed A&I Literature 66, Marketing 76, and I just got home from the Business Law with a 71!!!

Thursday I've scheduled a DANTES test to try those out too, the Substance abuse test, it'll be paper based. I've also scheduled Management for this coming Wednesday, I'll take it easy next week and just do one easy exam. I kind of think I wasn't ambitious enough when I decided what exams to take this summer. I want to add a couple easy general exams like social sciences and natural sciences and some DANTES exams to my exam list. Even if I just do one each week instead of hurting myself doing 2, it's a very achievable plan in my opinion. Thank you all so much for all the advice I've read here, so far it has been spot on perfect!
I have 18 traditional credits and 51 exam credits. I've passed Introductory Sociology 76, Introductory Psychology 68, A&I Literature 66, Principles of Marketing 76, Introductory Business Law 71, Social Sciences & History 67, DSST Drug & Alcohol Abuse 450, Biology 69, Principles of Management 70, Natural Sciences 64, Intro to Business DSST 70, Principles of Macroeconomics 67, Principles of Microeconomics 58.
Welcome to the board!
[SIZE="5"]Mike King
CLEP Tests (30 Credits)
--> Info Systems and Computer App (73)
--> College Level German Lanugage (69)
--> Introductory Psychology (71)
--> Educational Psychology (66)
--> Introductory Sociology (65)
--> Biology (61)

DSST Tests (15 Credits)
--> Here's to your Health (58)
--> Drug & Alcohol Abuse (58)
--> Management Information Systems (68)
--> Civil War & Reconstruction (A)
--> Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (A)

ECE Tests (12 Credits)
--> World Population (A)
--> Abnormal Psychology ©
--> Reseearch Methods in Psychology (A)
--> Social Psychology (B)

OTHER (50 Credits)
--> FEMA, 19 Credits
--> Microsot Certification, 2 Credits
--> CCAF, EC, LCC, PCC, 29 Credits

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