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Help with Non-Western Lit requirement at TESC!
I am in desperate need of some help. I need ONE class for the English major at TESC and it’s the dreaded Non-Western Lit requirement. I need to take a class in Russian, Middle Eastern, Asian, or African Lit- according to TESC, Mythology, etc. does not apply. They (of course) have a class called African Encounters for $495 + books. I have looked at LSU, BYU, etc. and the only thing I can find that maybe might fit would be World Lit at Adams State, but when I checked the Syllabus it’s Latin and Greek writers (most likely TESC will say no). Did anyone else use another class to get around this?

The issue I’m having is I need everything done by 7/1 to finish up, so traditional structured classes have already started and Summer sessions would run after 7/1. Anyone know of an IS format that has a class like that?

I'm done!
B.A. English, TESC, completed December 2008

Tests passed: A/I Lit-73, Mgmt-71, Amer Lit-73, Tech Writing-64, Criminal Justice-56, Here's to Your Health-65, Law Enforcement-60
I found this with a Google search. It's University of Oklahoma, Masterpieces of Russian Literature, independent study. "Enroll any time of the year. Advance at your own pace. Take exams when you feel ready." I don't really know anything about it, but from a quick glance at the web page it looks promising. $115 per credit hour, so this three-hour course should be $345. I don't know if there are any additional fees or anything about enrollment criteria.

Good luck!

After looking a little more, I can't seem to find that course on the actual OU site, so the page I linked you to may be out-of-date. From what I did find at the OU site, the tuition is now $125 per credit, and the other fees are pretty steep, making the total around $600, if the course is still offered.

That's what I noticed Sad Thanks though!
I'm done!
B.A. English, TESC, completed December 2008

Tests passed: A/I Lit-73, Mgmt-71, Amer Lit-73, Tech Writing-64, Criminal Justice-56, Here's to Your Health-65, Law Enforcement-60
cinderly Wrote:Hey, Patsgirl1! You're making terrific progress toward your degree - awesome!

I don't have the same degree requirements you do, so this is not advice from direct experience. Here's what I've been able to find. (Most courses from the DANTES Course Search Thingy.) Will any of these work?

University of Missouri ENG 2400 - Introduction to Anglophone Africana Literature (3 CR, $805.90, Independent Study)
UNC RUSS 270 - Russian Literature of the 19th Century (3 CR, $798, Online - summer term ends 7/24)
Athabasca ENG 433 - Post-colonial Literatures (6 CR, $1313, Individualized Study OR Challenge for Credit)
Athabasca ENG 491 - Directed Studies in Literature (3 CR, $884, Directed Research)

Thanks Cindy! We are a little strapped for cash (we have a baby coming late July-ish) so I'm really trying to stay $500 and under for the class, and even $500 is making me cringe. I've put it off because of the cost and now I'm at the point where I HAVE to just take something.
I'll have to search the Dantes catalog- I totally forgot about that link!
I'm done!
B.A. English, TESC, completed December 2008

Tests passed: A/I Lit-73, Mgmt-71, Amer Lit-73, Tech Writing-64, Criminal Justice-56, Here's to Your Health-65, Law Enforcement-60
I found a couple..this one looks the best:

That is the actual listing in the course thing, the course is African Lit they have others but it appears to be the only one open., the school is at,Parkland College looks like a community college in IL,tution is 122 a credit for out of state..the course says it is open BUT started 1/28 so you better hurry..

This is one at NCState..dont know the cost but apt to be more expensive..Registration & Records - Schedule of Courses

I didnt have time to check them all but googling online or distance with non-western lit will bring lots up. Also as I looked I found many of these classes listed under Foreign Language so you may want to check there, many times listed as Foreign Literature in English Translation. You might even check local schools (if you have them) under this kinda heading.

Last but not least Adams has a class

which is ethnic and minority lit you may want to check as that may qualify as diverse enough from your other Lit.


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