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Help - CS/Math Double Major for Grad School
Hello everyone, I have recently heard about this community, and have fallen in love with it. It is awesome for there to be a community with so many people helping each other to maximize education in the cheapest and fastest way possible. If possible, I would like to ask you guys for some help in regards to my specific situation.

My background:

I am a 20 year old spanish citizen, currently enrolled in an economics degree due to finish next year (around july of 2025). Even though it is from a decent university, it lacks a bit of depth in math. I do not really know how to convert my average to gpa, but it is around 17/20.

My goal:

I want to get into a quantitative finance master's degree, as soon as I finish my bachelor's, ideally from a top university in the US, in order to get into computational finance jobs. However, after looking into them, I found that they require courses in calculus, linear algebra, statistics (with calculus), analysis and some programming, which I do not have. I tried to do them in my current university, but unfortunately, it does not offer them. I also tried to do it in other universities, but because of prerequisites, I will not be able to finish all these courses in time.

My question:

- Is there any way I can do these courses online? I have heard about sophia or to complete some of these courses, but I am scared that they will not be recognized for the master's (I asked some of my preferred universities, but none of them was very clear about it), so I want to do them through Regionally Accredited universities, ideally from europe (as they are usually cheaper)

- From what I have seen, these are not that different from what I would need to get a bachelor in math from an university like TESU or SNHU, which would greatly benefit my application, however I can't spend more than $15k. What do you guys think would be the best university for my specific situation? I am willing to do general credit through sophia, as I don´t think it would affect my grad school application (please tell me if I'm wrong).

- Is my goal of finishing this in a year attainable?

I thank everyone for the help and I am sorry if I'm missing anything, I'm still a bit overwhelmed with everything.

Messages In This Thread
Help - Math Degree for Grad School - by Frederico.Sandoval - 03-31-2024, 12:58 PM

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