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Has Anyone Tried Modern States?
I recently got an email from that said if you complete any of the free Modern States courses, they will pay for your CLEP exam and testing fee! I don't know how long that will last but if you take every single exam that's potentially I think 81 free credits. Obviously, not all of them would fit into a degree plan!
The courses are composed of video lectures from professors, free online textbooks, and practice problems.
Also, CLEP recommends them under their Study Resources section.
I've been enjoying them and definitely recommend you check them out!

Has anyone else been using them?

My journey to a bachelor's degree by 18 (with my flashcards, exam tips, and notes)--->

Super quick bio: Homeschooled teen who loves music, writing, hanging out with friends, and doing stuff outside - unless it's 80+ Wink

42/120 Credits
CLEP: Principles of Marketing 75, Principles of Management 66, A&I Literature 59, Intro Psychology 64, US History 1 68, US History 2 69, Sociology 61, Western Civ 1, Western Civ 2 55, Biology 51, Microecon 67, Macroecon 68, Educational Psychology 74, College Algebra (in progress), College Composition (in progress)
AP: Statistics, Spanish (both in progress)
[-] The following 1 user Likes zapproximator's post:
  • slmartin
I'm definitely pursuing this. I was going to wait to verify that I get a waiver before sharing but yeah, seems like a rad deal!
Has anyone actually got their AP/CLEP exams paid by them? Too bad none of those are UL (Upper Level)
I couldn't find it on their webpage, but do they also handle DSST? I doubt it , just asking... I won't signup!
Most if not all of the credits they have duplicate what I already have taken; it'll be great for those starting. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Nice find!!!!!!!!!!!!
Community College: College Success Skills | Gen. Psychology | Span 1 | Eng. 101 | Accounting 1 | Accounting 2 | Comp Skills Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance

The Institutes: Ethics

Sophia: Proj. Management

Straighterline:​ Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc

ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats

TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301

NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study

Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]
I would love to do some free CLEPs! I just wish I had a closer testing center. Because of the location of the center, I am better off paying $25/exam for Saylors in many cases, but I really need CLEP A&I Lit and could probably do a few others depending on the test center time/date flexibility Smile

I'm glad this helps! Smile It is pretty awesome. No, they don't have DSST right now

My journey to a bachelor's degree by 18 (with my flashcards, exam tips, and notes)--->

Super quick bio: Homeschooled teen who loves music, writing, hanging out with friends, and doing stuff outside - unless it's 80+ Wink

42/120 Credits
CLEP: Principles of Marketing 75, Principles of Management 66, A&I Literature 59, Intro Psychology 64, US History 1 68, US History 2 69, Sociology 61, Western Civ 1, Western Civ 2 55, Biology 51, Microecon 67, Macroecon 68, Educational Psychology 74, College Algebra (in progress), College Composition (in progress)
AP: Statistics, Spanish (both in progress)
How do I get the deal? Were you sent a different link? Should I register soon and wait for an email?

I emailed them and they said once I told them I completed the course they would waive it.
You do need to create an account but that's free too!

My journey to a bachelor's degree by 18 (with my flashcards, exam tips, and notes)--->

Super quick bio: Homeschooled teen who loves music, writing, hanging out with friends, and doing stuff outside - unless it's 80+ Wink

42/120 Credits
CLEP: Principles of Marketing 75, Principles of Management 66, A&I Literature 59, Intro Psychology 64, US History 1 68, US History 2 69, Sociology 61, Western Civ 1, Western Civ 2 55, Biology 51, Microecon 67, Macroecon 68, Educational Psychology 74, College Algebra (in progress), College Composition (in progress)
AP: Statistics, Spanish (both in progress)
Below is the full text of the email that I received dated 4/13/17. ~Jenny

[INDENT]Dear Learner,

Did you ever wish you had a math teacher who could simplify complex problems and make them interesting? Meet Professor James Murphy of Johns Hopkins, who teaches two courses: College Mathematics and the newest Freshman Year for Free class — Precalculus.

Both courses are available now as part of Modern States “Freshman Year for Free” program. You will find the Math courses and others on, giving you a way to prepare for exams leading to college credit.

For a limited time, Modern States will also cover the $80 cost of the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exam fee. When you complete a course, simply email to request a payment voucher for the CLEP exam.

After you pass an exam, thousands of traditional colleges will give you course credit, enabling you to graduate sooner and at a lower cost.

Work hard, good luck, and remember, we are rooting for you!

David Vise
Executive Director[/INDENT]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Murdockb's post:
  • slmartin
Nice! I got that same email too

My journey to a bachelor's degree by 18 (with my flashcards, exam tips, and notes)--->

Super quick bio: Homeschooled teen who loves music, writing, hanging out with friends, and doing stuff outside - unless it's 80+ Wink

42/120 Credits
CLEP: Principles of Marketing 75, Principles of Management 66, A&I Literature 59, Intro Psychology 64, US History 1 68, US History 2 69, Sociology 61, Western Civ 1, Western Civ 2 55, Biology 51, Microecon 67, Macroecon 68, Educational Psychology 74, College Algebra (in progress), College Composition (in progress)
AP: Statistics, Spanish (both in progress)

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