11-06-2013, 04:24 PM
quasarvs Wrote:No. He did not do what he said he was going to.Neither of these links really speak to the claim that Obama is standing in the way of U.S. drilling activity at all. The first link is about the administration supporting offshore drilling by U.S. ally Brazil, not opposing drilling domestically. It attacks Obama for standing in the way of U.S. drilling in a quick aside with no evidence. The second link is about environmental review of proposals from a Canadian company, TransCanada Corp., to build extensions to their pipeline very largely to import Canadian oil into the U.S. The Keystone extensions would also pick up some U.S. oil, but I haven't seen any claim or evidence that any U.S. drilling activity depends on TransCanada's building extensions to Keystone.
President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com
Obama Signals Cracks In The Proposed Keystone Pipeline - Forbes