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Flelm's BSAST and BSBA Degree Plan and Accountability Thread
My current plan is to get a BSAST, and then circle back around for a BSBA in Ops Management, as long as I only need to pay for one residency waiver. I attached my degree plan (two tabs). I will post my initial degree evaluations below separately. I am planning on getting the BSAST by the end of the year at the latest, and then aiming for the BSBA by May.

Does anyone know if Project Management would count as a OPM elective? (It does according to BSBA in Operations Management Degree Program) If not, does anyone know an inexpensive source (can be LL)?

I'm assuming that I can use the Network Technology TECEP as a Technical Studies course. Does anyone know if that's true?

I'm open to options for doing things faster/smarter/cheaper. I am an excellent test-taker, if that sways any advice.

.xlsx   Less than 1 minute ago">Flelm BSAST and BSBA OpMgmt Plan.xlsx (Size: 27.63 KB / Downloads: 2)
My BSAST evaluation.

I am assuming I can move COS-261 from "Other Courses" into the Computer Concepts slots.

S.H.      S.H. Applied   S.H.       Comm Coll     S.H to      Overall  TESU
Required  to Degree Req  Remaining  S.H. Applied  be Planned  GPA Met  GPA
120.00    87.00          33.00      3.00          33.00       YES

Source    Institution                    Source    Institution
1         Stevens Inst of Tech           4         TESU-Advanced Placement Exam
2         Univ of Maryland Univ College  5         New Jersey Inst of Tech
3         Ocean County College           6         TESU-NCCRS

BSAST General Education Distribution (60SH)
   Semester Hours Completed: 36.00
   Complete all 6 subrequirements:
   A: Intellectual Skills (In Progress)
      > Complete 15 semester hours (SH) to include:
      > *Written Communication (ENC-101 and ENC-102 w/grade of C or
      >  better), 6SH
      > *Oral Communication, 3SH
      > *Quantitative Literacy (College Algebra), 3SH
      > *Information Literacy (Technical Writing), 3SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
      ENC-101 (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      ENC-102 (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Oral Communication (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      College Algebra (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) (Completed)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          3.. M163       Pre Calc I............... 3.00    A   MAT-121    *CC *TE
      Technical Writing (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) (Not Started)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          ___ ENG-201___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed

   B: Civic Learning (Not Started)
      > Complete 9 semester hours (SH) to include:
      > *Diversity, 3SH
      > *Ethics, 3SH
      > *Civic Engagement, 3SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
      Diversity (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Ethics (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Civic Engagement (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   C: Human Cultures (Completed)
      > Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Humanities and/or
      > Social Sciences.
         Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          4.. HIS-114... American History II...... 3.00    CR  HIS-114    *NE
          4.. HIS-113... American History I....... 3.00    CR  HIS-113    *NE
          1.. HPL111     Phil I Ethics & Pol Phil. 3.00    A   PHI-101    *TE
          D: Natural World (Completed)
      > Complete 8 semester hours (SH) of General Chemistry with
      > Lab OR General Physics with Lab.
         > General Chemistry or Physics with Lab (DEGREE REQUIREMENT)
         Semester Hours Completed: 8.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          4.. CHE-122... General Chemistry II With 4.00    CR  CHE-122    *NE
          4.. CHE-121... General Chemistry I W/Lab 4.00    CR  CHE-121    *NE

   E: Mathematics (Completed)
      > MATHEMATICS (3)
      > Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Higher Level Mathematics.
         > Higher Level Mathematics (DEGREE REQUIREMENT)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          4.. MAT-231... Calculus I............... 3.00    CR  MAT-231    *NE

   F: GE Electives (In Progress)
      > Complete 16 semester hours (SH) to include:
      > *TES-100 Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies, 1SH
      > *Statistics, 3SH
      > *Computer Concepts, 3SH
      > *Additional General Education Electives, 9SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 13.00
      Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies (NOT REQUIRED)
      Statistics (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) (Completed)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. E243       Probability & Statis for  3.00    A   STA-201    *TE
      Computer Concepts (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
      General Education Electives (Completed)
!! Exception
   Adjusted due to waiver of TES-100;
   10 credits needed here

         Semester Hours Completed: 10.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          5.. PHYS121A   Physics II Lab........... 1.00    B   PHY-129    *TE
          1.. PEP102     Elementary Physics II.... 2.50    C   PHY-182    *TE
          1.. PEP101     Physics I................ 2.50    A   PHY-181    *TE
          1.. PEP201     Physics III for Engineers 2.00    B   PHY-183    *TE
          1.. MA188      Seminar in Math Sciences. 1.00    CR  MAT-199    *TE
          1.. PEP187     Seminar in Physics....... 1.00    CR  PHY-199    *TE
Technical Studies (21SH)
   Semester Hours Completed: 21.00
   GPA Achieved/Needed: 2.500 / 2.000
   Complete 1 of 11 subrequirements:
   F: Engineering Studies (Completed)
      > Take 21 credits in one discipline with a grade of C or
      > better.  A total of 18 Area of Study credits must be from
      > 300/400 level courses (6 of these credits are satisfied
      > with the Technical Core requirement).
         Semester Hours Completed: 21.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. ME225      Dynamics................. 3.00    C+  EGM-212    *TE
          1.. E344       Materials Processing..... 3.00    C   EGM-251    *TE
          1.. E234       Thermodynamics & Energy C 4.00    C   EGM-321    *TE
          1.. E126       Mechanics of Solids...... 4.00    C   EGM-211    *TE
          1.. E232       Eng Design IV............ 2.00    A   EGM-299    *TE
          1.. E122       Engineering Design II.... 2.00    B+  MET-213    *TE

          1.. E231       Engineering Design III... 2.00    B   EGM-299    *TE
          1.. E101       Seminar.................. 1.00    B   EGM-199    *TE

Technical Studies (18SH)
   GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.427 / 2.000
         Semester Hours Completed: 15.00   Required: 18   Remaining: 3
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. E246       Electronics & Instrumenta 3.00    A   CTR-211    *TE
          1.. CS115      Introduction to Computer  3.00    A-  COS-101    *TE
          1.. E245       Circuits and Systems..... 3.00    B+  ELT-301    *TE
          2.. CMSC230    Computer Science II...... 3.00    B   COS-241    *TE
          1.. E120       Engineering Graphics..... 1.00    A   GRA-101    *TE
          1.. E321       Eng Design V............. 2.00    B-  EGM-399    *TE
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Technical Core (6SH upper level)
   Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
   Complete both subrequirements:
   A: Current Trends & Aps (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours in Current Trends & Applications
      > with a grade of C or better.
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          ___ APS-401___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed

   B: Project Management (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours in Project Management with a
      > grade of C or better.
         > MAN-435
          _______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
Electives (15SH)
      > Complete 15 semester hours of  Electives.
         Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. MA227      Multivariate Calc........ 3.00    A   MAT-331    *TE
          1.. MA116      Mathematical Analysis II. 3.00    B+  MAT-232    *TE
          2.. CMSC130    Computer Science I....... 3.00    B   CAP-238    *TE
          2.. CMST303    Advanced Application Soft 3.00    B   CAP-225    *TE
          1.. HHS124     Hist Europ Soc & Cult II. 3.00    B   HIS-221    *TE
   Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
   --- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
   2   CMSC150    Intro Discr Struct        3.00    C   COS-261     *TE
BSBA Eval:

S.H.      S.H. Applied   S.H.       Comm Coll     S.H to      Overall  TESU
Required  to Degree Req  Remaining  S.H. Applied  be Planned  GPA Met  GPA
120.00    61.00          59.00      3.00          59.00       YES

Source    Institution                    Source    Institution
1         Stevens Inst of Tech           4         Univ of Maryland Univ College
2         TESU-NCCRS                     5         TESU-Advanced Placement Exam
3         Ocean County College           6         New Jersey Inst of Tech

BSBA General Education (60 SH)
   Semester Hours Completed: 40.00
   Complete all 6 subrequirements:
   A: Intellectual Skills (In Progress)
      > Complete 15 semester hours (SH) to include:
      > *Written Communication (ENC-101 and ENC-102 w/grade of C or
      >  better), 6SH
      > *Oral Communication, 3SH
      > *Quantitative Literacy (College Algebra OR Quantitative
      >  Business Analysis), 3SH
      > *Information Literacy, 3SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 4.00
      ENC-101 (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      ENC-102 (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Oral Communication (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      College Algebra or Quantitative Business Analysis (Completed)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          3.. M163       Pre Calc I............... 3.00    A   MAT-121    *CC *TE
      Information Literacy (In Progress)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          4.. LIBS150    Info Lit Res Methods..... 1.00    A   LIS-101    *TE
          _____________________________________________________________________ 2 credits

   B: Civic Learning (Not Started)
      > Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Civic and Global Learning
      > coursework to include:
      > *Diversity, 3SH
      > *Ethics, 3SH
      > *Civic Engagement, 3SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
      Diversity (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Ethics (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Civic Engagement (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   C: Human Cultures (Completed)
      > Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Humanities and/or Social
      > Sciences.
         Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          5.. HIS-114... American History II...... 3.00    CR  HIS-114    *NE
          5.. HIS-113... American History I....... 3.00    CR  HIS-113    *NE
          1.. HPL111     Phil I Ethics & Pol Phil. 3.00    A   PHI-101    *TE

   D: Natural World (Completed)
      > Complete 4 semester hours (SH) in the Natural Sciences.
      > Mathematics courses cannot be used to satisfy this
      > requirement.

          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          5.. CHE-122... General Chemistry II With 4.00    CR  CHE-122    *NE

   E: Mathematics (Completed)
      > MATHEMATICS (3)
      > Complete 3 semester hours (SH) of Principles of Statistics.
         > Statistics (DEGREE REQUIREMENT)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. E243       Probability & Statis for  3.00    A   STA-201    *TE

   F: GE Electives (Completed)
      > Complete 1 semester hour(SH) of TES-100 Cornerstone:
      > Lifelong Learning Strategies, and an additional 19 semester
      > hours(SH) in General Education Electives.
      Semester Hours Completed: 20.00
      Group 1 (Not Required)
      Group 2 (Completed)
!! Exception
   Adjusted due to waiver of TES-100;
   20 credits needed here

         Semester Hours Completed: 20.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          5.. CHE-121... General Chemistry I W/Lab 4.00    CR  CHE-121    *NE
          6.. PHYS121A   Physics II Lab........... 1.00    B   PHY-129    *TE
          1.. PEP102     Elementary Physics II.... 2.50    C   PHY-182    *TE
          1.. PEP101     Physics I................ 2.50    A   PHY-181    *TE
          1.. PEP201     Physics III for Engineers 2.00    B   PHY-183    *TE
          1.. MA188      Seminar in Math Sciences. 1.00    CR  MAT-199    *TE
          1.. PEP187     Seminar in Physics....... 1.00    CR  PHY-199    *TE
          5.. MAT-231... Calculus I............... 3.00    CR  MAT-231    *NE
          4.. CMSC230    Computer Science II...... 3.00    B   COS-241    *TE
Core (36SH)
   Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
   Complete all 10 subrequirements:
   A: Fncl/Mngrl Accountng (Not Started)
      > *Introduction to Financial Accounting, 3SH
      > *Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 3SH
      Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
      Group 1 (Not Started)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          ___ ACC-101___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course
          ___ ACC-102___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course

   B: Business Law (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours of Business Law.
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          ___ LAW-201___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed

   C: Computer Concepts (Completed)
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. CS115      Introduction to Computer  3.00    A-  COS-101    *TE

   D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours of Principles of Finance.
          _______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed

   E: Prins of Management (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours of Principles of Management.
          _______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed

   F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours of Introduction to Marketing.
          _______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed

   G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   H: Economics (Not Started)
      > Complete 6 semester hours (SH) in Economics.
      Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
      Macroeconomics (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
      Microeconomics (Not Started)
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   I: Mngrl Communications (Not Started)
      > Complete 3 semester hours in Business/Managerial
      > Communications.
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   J: Strategic Management (Not Started)
          _______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
Operations Mngt (18SH: 12SH must be upper level)
   Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
   GPA Achieved/Needed: none / 2.000
   Complete both subrequirements:
   A: OPM Requirement  (In Progress)
      > Complete 6 semester hours (SH) with a grade of C or better
      > in the following:
      > *Introduction to Operations, 3SH
      > *Total Quality Management OR Quality Assurance, 3SH
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          2.. OPM-301... Operations Management.... 3.00    CR  OPM-301    *NE
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

   B: OPM Electives  (In Progress)
      > Complete 12 semester hours in Operations Management
      > electives with a grade of C or better.
      > At least 6 semester hours within the Electives must be at

      > the 300/400 level.
      Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
      Group 1 (Completed)
         Semester Hours Completed: 7.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          2.. OPM-470... Materials Management Poli 3.00    CR  OPM-470    *NE
          2.. OPM-331... Prod'n Planning & Schedul 2.00    CR  OPM-331    *NE
          2.. OPM-332... ProductionPlanning&CostAn 2.00    CR  OPM-332    *NE
      Group 2 (In Progress)
!! Exception
   Credit overage in Group 1;
   5 credits needed here

          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          2.. OPM-313... Inventory Systems Plannin 2.00    CR  OPM-313    *NE
          _____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Electives (6sh)
      > Complete 6 semester hours (SH) of college level coursework
      > as Electives.
         Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
          Src Course #   Title                     S.H.    Grd TESU #     Notes
          1.. MA227      Multivariate Calc........ 3.00    A   MAT-331    *TE
          1.. E246       Electronics & Instrumenta 3.00    A   CTR-211    *TE
I think the main problem you're going to face here is that all of the Ops Management courses you have already won't be able to be used if you want the BSBA after the BSAST.

I think you might be better off at a different school for that. One like COSC if they will let you transfer in all those courses and use them separately. I know it sounds crazy, but I think giving up 9UL credits in your AOS is not worth it.

You might want to talk to someone at TESU and see if they can do something for you? Not even sure what to tell you at this point.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
I'm not sure why I wouldn't be able to use all those credits? I thought that I just need to get 24 new credits in AoS or Core (Award of Degrees), which they will be in the business core?
Ah, yes, I forgot that you still had all of your core classes to do. Sorry about that. Save 24cr of core to do after you get your BSAST!
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
Absolutely. Any suggestions on specific parts of my plan, especially lower-cost ways to achieve it?
Saylor has Business Statistics which TESU says will transfer as OPM-351, may work as OPM elective.

Open Course Option
TESC AAS CJ, December 2015
Working on TESU BA CJ/PSY March 2018

TECEP: Marriage and Family, Abnormal Psy, Intro to Soc, Psy of Women, Public Relations, Computer Concepts and Applications, Liberal Arts Math
ECE: Cultural Diversity, Juvenile Delinquency, Workplace Communications, Business Information Systems
DSST: Criminal Justice, Principles of Supervision, Substance Abuse
PF: Principles of Loss Prevention, White Collar Crime, Criminal Law
Propero: Victimology, Criminology, Intro to Homeland Security, Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice Ethics
The Institutes: Ethics Course
AP: American History
FHSU: Justice in the Information Age
NOCTI Business Solutions: Protective Services, Security and Protective Services
Schmoop: Drugs in Lit
Since the BSBA is the cheapest possible degree, there are multiple low-cost ways to get the required courses. Between SL, Saylor, ALEKS, TECEP,, Shmoop, etc., you can probably do the 24cr for less than $2400.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
Me Wrote:If I pay a residency waiver and graduate with a BSAST, would I need to pay another residency waiver if I then re-applied to graduate with a BSBA?

TESU Wrote:Currently the residency waiver fee is valid for one year from the date of payment. Theoretically it is possible to only pay it once, provided that all of the requirements have been completed for both degree programs within a year of payment, but please note that if you are awarded the BSAST degree and you continue to pursue the BSBA degree, the BSBA degree will be considered a second degree and will be subject to the second degree policy.

Other information cut out, but they really want me to get a masters rather than 2 Bachelors. I am not doing that. I'm only doing a second bachelors because I basically only have to take 1 additional class through TESU to get it done.

So my goal from the first post is still on track: have BSAST requirements for March graduation, and have the BSBA requirements for the September graduation.

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