12-01-2015, 04:40 PM
LaterBloomer Wrote:What do you mean by "finish?" Do you mean degree in hand, or have the courses completed?
You can do this.

I called TESC and am a little bummed, though. I was hoping that by some stroke of luck I could go with the 2012 catalog and that's a no go. Also, I was told that I need to pay the $75 application fee again, which I thought I could avoid by registering for a TECEP and being automatically enrolled in the Per-Credit Plan. The advisor knew nothing about this and made it clear that I have to pay the app fee. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but just one more thing to pay for that I could have used towards a test.
Would it be advisable to take the TECEPs based upon the updated catalog (dfrecore's suggestions, thank you!), then pay the $75, wait for enrollment to be processed, then register for the Capstone? Is there a way to possibly do this with financial aid? I'd have to take at least 6 credits in one term for FA eligibility, so that could cover the Capstone and one other class, plus I could use it towards the enrollment fee, right?
Thanks in advance. I seriously appreciate everyone's help here.