Thanks, dfrecore, and I feel a little bad in saying that I ended up changing my plan to a BA in Social Sciences after having the stark realization that those lovely courses that have a *G probably will need to be retaken, or at least something else put in their place. They are all D grades, which, if I'm understanding this correctly, will not count towards my major.

I think going with Social Sciences works a bit better with what I've taken in the past and de-emphasizes my past crappy grades, if only in my head.
So now my degree plan is as follows and I'm attempting to work out a new course of action:
BA in Social Sciences (2016)
BA General Education (60 SH)
1.. 350101 Expository Writing I..... 3.00 C+ ENC-101 *TE
4.. ENC-102... English Composition II... 3.00 CR ENC-102 *NE
Oral Communication (Not Started)_________________________________________ 3 credits
Quantitative Literacy (Completed)
1.. 640103 Topics Math Lib Arts..... 3.00 C MAT-102 *TE
Information Literacy (Completed)
4.. REL-405... Intro. to World Religions 3.00 CR REL-405 *NE
Civic Learning (Not Started)
Diversity (Not Started)____________________________________________ 3 credits
Ethics (Not Started)_______________________________________________ 3 credits
Civic Engagement (Not Started)______________________________________ 3 credits
Human Cultures (Completed)
2.. SOC123 Intro to Anthropology.... 3.00 D ANT-101 *CC *TE
2.. COM105 Intro to Communication St 3.00 B+ COM-120 *CC *TE
4.. FRE-102... Beginning French II...... 3.00 CR FRE-102 *NE
4.. FRE-101... Beginning French I....... 3.00 CR FRE-101 *NE
Natural World (Completed)
1.. 119150 Bio Soc & Biomed Iss..... 3.00 C BIO-104 *TE
4.. COS-101... Introduction to Computers 3.00 CR COS-101 *NE
GE Electives (Completed)
2.. MUS124 Music History Contemporar 3.00 A MUS-221 *CC *TE
2.. PSY123 Introductory Psychology.. 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
2.. HIS122 History of Western Civ II 3.00 B- HIS-102 *CC *TE
3.. MUS160 Music Theory I........... 3.00 B+ MUS-120 *TE
3.. MUS161 Music Theory II.......... 3.00 B MUS-121 *TE
4.. HIS-113... American History I....... 3.00 CR HIS-113 *NE
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Social Sciences (24) (In Progress)
1.. 709224 Indv Marriage & Family... 3.00 C SOC-210 *TE
2.. SOC231 Indians of the Americas.. 3.00 A ANT-299 *CC *TE
3.. WS150 Racism Sexism in the U S. 3.00 B+ WMS-299 *TE
__SOC-318 World Populations (UExcel taken 2014 yet to be placed)_______________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Social Sciences (6) (Completed)
2.. SOC121 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 C+ SOC-101 *CC *TE
2.. AFS121 Intro to African Amer Stu 3.00 A AAS-199 *CC *TE
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
___ LIB-495_______________________________________________ 1 course needed
Electives (27SH)
2.. MUS123 Music History Traditional 3.00 A MUS-220 *CC *TE
3.. CMHL120 Current Health Issues.... 3.00 A HEA-101 *TE
1.. 400104 Food and Health.......... 3.00 C NUT-102 *TE
5.. COLL100 Foundations of Online Lea 3.00 C- FEL-199 *TE
1.. 050263 American Folklore........ 3.00 D ENG-321 *TE
5.. SOCI315 Food and Culture......... 3.00 D ANT-430 *TE
4.. BIO-208... The Science of Nutrition. 3.00 CR BIO-208 *NE
2.. MUS131 Keyboard Studies I....... 2.00 A MUS-104 *CC *TE
3.. MUS283 Flute Ensemble........... 1.00 A MUS-299 *TE
3.. MUS162 Applied Music Major...... 2.00 A MUS-199 *TE
1.. 512140 Intro Amer Cultures...... 1.50 B HIS-199 *TE
4 ENC-101 English Composition I 3.00 CR ENC-101 *RI*NE
1 700123 Fund Musicianship I 2.00 B MUS-148 *TE
1 701159 Piano Class I 1.00 D MUS-160 *TE
1 700103 Intro Music Theory 3.00 C MUS-120 *RI*TE*DUP
1 640027 Elements of Algebra 0.00 B DMT-004 *RI*TE*DEV
1 701143 Concert Band 1.00 C MUS-110 *TE