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Finish in 4 months at TESC? Is this even possible? Help, please!
LaterBloomer Wrote:What do you mean by "finish?" Do you mean degree in hand, or have the courses completed?

You can do this.

Thanks. Smile I want to be finished with coursework by March, not have the degree in hand. I know that will take a few more months to work out, and that's fine. I just want to be done after 21 years of trying (and failing).

I called TESC and am a little bummed, though. I was hoping that by some stroke of luck I could go with the 2012 catalog and that's a no go. Also, I was told that I need to pay the $75 application fee again, which I thought I could avoid by registering for a TECEP and being automatically enrolled in the Per-Credit Plan. The advisor knew nothing about this and made it clear that I have to pay the app fee. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but just one more thing to pay for that I could have used towards a test.

Would it be advisable to take the TECEPs based upon the updated catalog (dfrecore's suggestions, thank you!), then pay the $75, wait for enrollment to be processed, then register for the Capstone? Is there a way to possibly do this with financial aid? I'd have to take at least 6 credits in one term for FA eligibility, so that could cover the Capstone and one other class, plus I could use it towards the enrollment fee, right?

Thanks in advance. I seriously appreciate everyone's help here.
Stupid question -- is there a place where I find test and/or class equivalencies for the Gen Ed requirements? I will need to match up something for Oral Communication, Information Literacy, Diversity, Ethics and Civic Engagement.
Sounds like you are on the 2016 catalog instead of the 2015? Here are the General Ed requirements for both catalogs (you can just search TESC for it): General Education Courses

If you are on the 2015 catalog, you don't have to do Oral Communication, Information Literacy, or Civic Engagement. Your Intro to African American Studies will get you your Diversity requirement, and Intro to Soc will fulfill your second diversity/ethics requirement.

If you're on the 2016 catalog, then you'll need Principles of Public Speaking DSST or TorCollegeCredits (Oral Comm), Analysis & Interpretation of Lit CLEP (Info Lit), American Govt CLEP or SL (Civic Engagement), and obviously an Ethics course TECEP, SL, DSST (anything with Ethics in the title will count). You could use your World Religions for Info Lit, but you won't want to because you want it in your Area of Study UL. Then you would have to find a different UL course to use there, which is harder than finding a LL course to use in Info Lit.

Check your catalog first! With a start date of May 2015, you should be in the 2015 catalog (I think??). Your eval should have it on there.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
If your status is non-matriculated then you might be considered inactive. If you are inactive then you have to reapply and pay the application fee. You might be under the new catalog, 2016.
There are a couple of options. One is the enrolled options tuition plan where you pay an enrollment fee and then pay for the capstone. If you use financial aid you would need to complete 6 credits in one semester at Tesc. This is more expensive but is quicker. The other option is pay per credit using TECEP exams, which requires that 24 credits be taken at Tesc. Typically this is done with 7 TECEP exams and one capstone. This option is cheaper but can take longer. It depends on what requirements you have left and if they can be completed with TECEP exams. Otherwise you can take random but easy TECEP exams.
TESC AAS CJ, December 2015
Working on TESU BA CJ/PSY March 2018

TECEP: Marriage and Family, Abnormal Psy, Intro to Soc, Psy of Women, Public Relations, Computer Concepts and Applications, Liberal Arts Math
ECE: Cultural Diversity, Juvenile Delinquency, Workplace Communications, Business Information Systems
DSST: Criminal Justice, Principles of Supervision, Substance Abuse
PF: Principles of Loss Prevention, White Collar Crime, Criminal Law
Propero: Victimology, Criminology, Intro to Homeland Security, Juvenile Justice, Criminal Justice Ethics
The Institutes: Ethics Course
AP: American History
FHSU: Justice in the Information Age
NOCTI Business Solutions: Protective Services, Security and Protective Services
Schmoop: Drugs in Lit
A small update:

I submitted a new application and it looks like they are working on placing my old credits into the 2016 plan. Two transcripts that I sent last year after my enrollment lapsed are still not accounted for and I was told they are still working on it and I need to wait the full 20-25 days. So it now looks like this (snipped a lot of non-essential info out):

BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 48.00
Complete all 5 subrequirements:
A: Intellectual Skills (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
3.. 350101 Expository Writing I..... 3.00 C+ ENC-101 *TE
2.. ENC-102... English Composition II... 3.00 CR ENC-102 *NE
Oral Communication (Not Started)__________________________________________ 3 credits
Quantitative Literacy (Completed)
3.. 640103 Topics Math Lib Arts..... 3.00 C MAT-102 *TE
Information Literacy (Not Started)___________________________________________ 3 credits

B: Civic Learning (Not Started)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) to include:
> *Diversity, 3SH
> *Ethics, 3SH
> *Civic Engagement, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
Diversity (Not Started) ___________________________________________________ 3 credits
Ethics (Not Started)______________________________________________________ 3 credits
Civic Engagement (Not Started)_____________________________________________ 3 credits

C: Human Cultures (Completed)
4.. SOC123 Intro to Anthropology.... 3.00 D ANT-101 *CC *TE
4.. SOC121 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 C+ SOC-101 *CC *TE
4.. COM105 Intro to Communication St 3.00 B+ COM-120 *CC *TE
2.. FRE-102... Beginning French II...... 3.00 CR FRE-102 *NE

D: Natural World (Completed)
3.. 119150 Bio Soc & Biomed Iss..... 3.00 C BIO-104 *TE
2.. COS-101... Introduction to Computers 3.00 CR COS-101 *NE

E: GE Electives (Completed)
2.. FRE-101... Beginning French I....... 3.00 CR FRE-101 *NE
4.. AFS121 Intro to African Amer Stu 3.00 A AAS-199 *CC *TE
4.. MUS124 Music History Contemporar 3.00 A MUS-221 *CC *TE
4.. PSY123 Introductory Psychology.. 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
4.. HIS122 History of Western Civ II 3.00 B- HIS-102 *CC *TE
5.. MUS160 Music Theory I........... 3.00 B+ MUS-120 *TE
5.. MUS161 Music Theory II.......... 3.00 B MUS-121 *TE

BA Liberal Studies (30 SH: 15SH at upper level)
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Upper Level (15 SH) (In Progress)
1.. SOCI315 Food and Culture......... <3.00> D ANT-430 *G *GPA *TE
2.. REL-405... Intro. to World Religions 3.00 CR REL-405 *NE
3.. 050263 American Folklore........ <3.00> D ENG-321 *G *GPA *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits

B: Liberal Stud (15 SH) (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
1.. SOCI315 Food and Culture......... <3.00> D ANT-430 *G *GPA *TE
3.. 050263 American Folklore........ <3.00> D ENG-321 *G *GPA *TE
3.. 709224 Indv Marriage & Family... 3.00 C SOC-210 *TE
4.. SOC231 Indians of the Americas.. 3.00 A ANT-299 *CC *TE
4.. MUS123 Music History Traditional 3.00 A MUS-220 *CC *TE
5.. WS150 Racism Sexism in the U S. 3.00 B+ WMS-299 *TE
2.. BIO-208... The Science of Nutrition. 3.00 CR BIO-208 *NE

Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
___ LIB-495__________________________________________________ 1 course needed
Electives (27SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 27.50
5.. CMHL120 Current Health Issues.... 3.00 A HEA-101 *TE
3.. 400104 Food and Health.......... 3.00 C NUT-102 *TE
1.. COLL100 Foundations of Online Lea 3.00 C- FEL-199 *TE
3.. 050263 American Folklore........ 3.00 D ENG-321 *TE
1.. SOCI315 Food and Culture......... 3.00 D ANT-430 *TE
2.. HIS-113... American History I....... 3.00 CR HIS-113 *NE
4.. MUS131 Keyboard Studies I....... 2.00 A MUS-104 *CC *TE
5.. MUS283 Flute Ensemble........... 1.00 A MUS-299 *TE
5.. MUS162 Applied Music Major...... 2.00 A MUS-199 *TE
3.. 512140 Intro Amer Cultures...... 1.50 B HIS-199 *TE
3.. 700123 Fund Musicianship I...... 2.00 B MUS-148 *TE
3.. 701143 Concert Band............. 1.00 C MUS-110 *TE
2 ENC-101 English Composition I 3.00 CR ENC-101 *RI*NE
3 701159 Piano Class I 1.00 D MUS-160 *TE
3 700103 Intro Music Theory 3.00 C MUS-120 *RI*TE*DUP
3 640027 Elements of Algebra 0.00 B DMT-004 *RI*TE*DEV
Didn't want to make the previous post super long...

I'm going to request that my previous credit for Intro to Communications be placed into the Oral Communications. I'd like to take the Intro to Critical Reasoning TECEP to satisfy that part of the Human Cultures requirement instead. Does that seem doable?

Even though money is tight, I'm going to aim for the Per-Credit plan, as it saves lots of money in the long run. I wish more UL TECEPs were available, though, as the ones they have look to be out of my knowledge zone (and thus will be difficult).

Thanks in advance for any insight. You all are such a wealth of knowledge.
Unfortunately, Intro to Comm will not count in the Oral Comm section. They are very specific about what they want there. Only Public Speaking/Speech counts there. There is a DSST that you can take that will work.

You need to ask them to move Intro to Sociology up to the Diversity requirement.

Then, you only need 2 additional UL Liberal Arts courses. Managerial Communications and Marketing Communications both count as Humanities courses, so those would work (double-check obviously). There will be some overlap there which is good for studying.

The Music History II TECEP is a good one for you, Environmental Ethics (you need an Ethics course anyway), and World History, The Science of Nutrition, and Computer Concepts & Applications, since you've already taken those.

With your capstone, that's all of your 24 residency credits out of the way.

Then you just need Public Speaking DSST, Analyzing & Interpreting Lit CLEP, American Govt CLEP.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
Thanks, dfrecore, and I feel a little bad in saying that I ended up changing my plan to a BA in Social Sciences after having the stark realization that those lovely courses that have a *G probably will need to be retaken, or at least something else put in their place. They are all D grades, which, if I'm understanding this correctly, will not count towards my major. Sad I think going with Social Sciences works a bit better with what I've taken in the past and de-emphasizes my past crappy grades, if only in my head. Wink

So now my degree plan is as follows and I'm attempting to work out a new course of action:

BA in Social Sciences (2016)
BA General Education (60 SH)
1.. 350101 Expository Writing I..... 3.00 C+ ENC-101 *TE
4.. ENC-102... English Composition II... 3.00 CR ENC-102 *NE
Oral Communication (Not Started)_________________________________________ 3 credits
Quantitative Literacy (Completed)
1.. 640103 Topics Math Lib Arts..... 3.00 C MAT-102 *TE
Information Literacy (Completed)
4.. REL-405... Intro. to World Religions 3.00 CR REL-405 *NE
Civic Learning (Not Started)
Diversity (Not Started)____________________________________________ 3 credits
Ethics (Not Started)_______________________________________________ 3 credits
Civic Engagement (Not Started)______________________________________ 3 credits
Human Cultures (Completed)
2.. SOC123 Intro to Anthropology.... 3.00 D ANT-101 *CC *TE
2.. COM105 Intro to Communication St 3.00 B+ COM-120 *CC *TE
4.. FRE-102... Beginning French II...... 3.00 CR FRE-102 *NE
4.. FRE-101... Beginning French I....... 3.00 CR FRE-101 *NE

Natural World (Completed)
1.. 119150 Bio Soc & Biomed Iss..... 3.00 C BIO-104 *TE
4.. COS-101... Introduction to Computers 3.00 CR COS-101 *NE

GE Electives (Completed)
2.. MUS124 Music History Contemporar 3.00 A MUS-221 *CC *TE
2.. PSY123 Introductory Psychology.. 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
2.. HIS122 History of Western Civ II 3.00 B- HIS-102 *CC *TE
3.. MUS160 Music Theory I........... 3.00 B+ MUS-120 *TE
3.. MUS161 Music Theory II.......... 3.00 B MUS-121 *TE
4.. HIS-113... American History I....... 3.00 CR HIS-113 *NE
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Social Sciences (24) (In Progress)
1.. 709224 Indv Marriage & Family... 3.00 C SOC-210 *TE
2.. SOC231 Indians of the Americas.. 3.00 A ANT-299 *CC *TE
3.. WS150 Racism Sexism in the U S. 3.00 B+ WMS-299 *TE
__SOC-318 World Populations (UExcel taken 2014 yet to be placed)_______________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Social Sciences (6) (Completed)
2.. SOC121 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 C+ SOC-101 *CC *TE
2.. AFS121 Intro to African Amer Stu 3.00 A AAS-199 *CC *TE
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
___ LIB-495_______________________________________________ 1 course needed
Electives (27SH)
2.. MUS123 Music History Traditional 3.00 A MUS-220 *CC *TE
3.. CMHL120 Current Health Issues.... 3.00 A HEA-101 *TE
1.. 400104 Food and Health.......... 3.00 C NUT-102 *TE
5.. COLL100 Foundations of Online Lea 3.00 C- FEL-199 *TE
1.. 050263 American Folklore........ 3.00 D ENG-321 *TE
5.. SOCI315 Food and Culture......... 3.00 D ANT-430 *TE
4.. BIO-208... The Science of Nutrition. 3.00 CR BIO-208 *NE
2.. MUS131 Keyboard Studies I....... 2.00 A MUS-104 *CC *TE
3.. MUS283 Flute Ensemble........... 1.00 A MUS-299 *TE
3.. MUS162 Applied Music Major...... 2.00 A MUS-199 *TE
1.. 512140 Intro Amer Cultures...... 1.50 B HIS-199 *TE
4 ENC-101 English Composition I 3.00 CR ENC-101 *RI*NE
1 700123 Fund Musicianship I 2.00 B MUS-148 *TE
1 701159 Piano Class I 1.00 D MUS-160 *TE
1 700103 Intro Music Theory 3.00 C MUS-120 *RI*TE*DUP
1 640027 Elements of Algebra 0.00 B DMT-004 *RI*TE*DEV
1 701143 Concert Band 1.00 C MUS-110 *TE
I'm on the pay-per credit plan, so hopefully I can add something useful to this discussion. You do have to still pay the $75 and be accepted, plus take a TECEP, to be on the pay per credit plan. You don't have to do anything else though. I wondered about this at one point, so I called, but was told after you apply and take a TECEP they automatically put you into PPC enrollment. My status is listed as "enrolled" in the online student services section.

As for finishing in 4 months, I think it totally possible except for maybe the capstone because you have to take that as an actual class. I've taken 3 TECEPS so far, including 2 upper level. If you aren't working it would be really good to study for a week straight. Otherwise I would allow for 2 weeks of studying per exam. During the first week make notes from all of the chapter summaries in the recommended textbooks. During week two keep reviewing your notes and use the complementary quizzes online (example) that go with your textbook. Sometimes the quizzes for the current book aren't available and you have to go one book back online. An example of this is the Advertising exam book is the 9th edition, but the quizzes are only available for the 8th edition. I go over these exams until I am scoring 90-100% on each of them. Also try using exams/flashcards from from other places online such as InstantCert, StudyBlue, and other online quizzes and flash cards. Some people like to take a 1 day break from studying before they take their exams. Personally I like to do the exams while I'm on a roll with things already. You could totally knock out those credits with TECEP exams though within 4 months for pretty cheap. On the PPC plan you need 24 residency credits, so the 3cr capstone plus 7 TECEPS.
MBA, Walden University (In progress - 60% done)
2016 TESU, BA-LIBST, Emphases in Multimedia Comm./Human & Social Services
TESU TECEPS: Abnormal Psych PSY-350, Psych of Women PSY-270, Sales Mgmnt MAR-322, Advertising MAR-323, Marketing COM-210; Capstone w/ Ciacco
Other Sources: CLEP, Art Portfolio, 3 Comm. Colleges, 2 Art Colleges,  FEMA, AICPCU Ethics
Actually, switching to SocSci from Liberal Arts makes it MORE difficult to complete, and doesn't change how your D graded courses are applied - in both instances they go to Free Electives. Also, your previous courses look more like Humanities courses rather than SocSci. Music, English, Communications - are all Humanities.

It also takes the 2 TECEP's out as well (they are both COMM). They won't count toward your Area of Study if you switch to SocSci. And there are no UL SocSci TECEP's you can take except Abnormal Psych, which you've already taken.

So, besides looking at what you have taken, you also have to look at what you need to take, and those UL SocSci courses are going to get more difficult to find. You're pretty much left with the UL Psych courses from UExcel. That's fine if you want to take those, but it just means that you will have additional TECEP's to take instead (you need 7).

I think you need to put them both in a spreadsheet, and then figure out where you are going to get the courses you need to fulfill each area. And fit in the 7 TECEP's you need.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA

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